These day's even musicans are updating, educating and upgrading their skills.In a fast moving Industry, technology and communication merge to provide a future of highspeed;Tripple E,connections. Enter Morris Day the subject of copying and incorrect press by notable host's including heavies like Ophra.
Morris Day | 

INROCKWETRUST: What kind of changes do you predict now that you are with SONYMUSIC & 99PURPLE PIGEONS?
Morris Day: Very happy.
INROCKWETRUST:You were in Purple Rain and then you did AL B SURE how was that to film?
Morris Day:Purple Rain was a great experience as far as look feel and groovability. Like most projects that take off it was really unexpected.
The problems that occured with doubles and imatation was unexpected. As Morris I alway's maintained a profile although I was still part of a larger group of really pro
musicans I think my illiteracy hurt my chances of understanding what I was doing even though I experienced sucess in the conventional sense of the word.
INROCKWETRUST: Are you still with Jimmi-JAM and Terry?
Morris Day: This decision was the hardest because we grooved together so well. It was an easy thing and the records got cut with no real problems. illiteracy is a huge barrier and in the business they often take you on even if you can't read everything around you.
Illiteracy is just like having a disability. You'll never realize when the day of co dependency is over. Sure things will go great for a few years, however, your limited only when you want to take your part of the work and do something creative. That's when you realize that even though you did alot of things your still depending on the people around you to remain honest.
INROCKWETRUST: R U endorsing education?
Day: Most.An education free's you from the constrictions and limitations that a more knowledgeable person can impose on you.Inspiration is also a factor and then you have to consider that the environment is different in every state.
If you travel alot your basic needs start to become a real factor. The road is great but you've got to set up and settle all over again sometimes it takes years to feel comfortable enough to do anything. I always worked a full time job while I was making the music so I never developed the desire to deal with the aspects of the business that my lack of education were hindering. The real test for me was to stop working and just live off of the music, that's when I began to realize if it was feasable to work anylonger with certain people in spite of the great work relationship. When you work two jobs its impossiable to get concerned about anything you always have something going and you don't try, you just let things slide.
There's also the element of fatigue, some states the environment and the pace is faster or harder it takes alot out of your concentration at the end of the day.
INROCKWETRUST:This decision that you made to speak out, was it part of your decision to leave Jimmi & Terry or what-ever their names are?
Day: Yes
INROCK: Is it that difficult to do or is there some formula for some people?
DAY: I think it depends on your personal goals and what is going on in your creative mind at the time. The thing to remember is that it is a medium, communication.
INROCKWETRUST: The decision to Direct was it partially inspired by other people or did this also.
Day: I think that in reality that decision was in whole inspired by my own desire to create without any hassels and fuss.Working with other musicians is alway's a great experience if the groove is there and the personalities are compatable, however it's important to establish a firm realization of your goals and what it is to you as an art form. I had alot of encouragement from Pizza Hut DGA GUITAR CENTER,SONY and it was not just at the corporate level. The employees were always considerate and understanding of my personal limiations in spite of my sucesses. I think that is it in a way. You have to realize your limitations. When you don't realize them your unable to establish a battleplan and it's almost impossiable to set short or long term goals which is important in a business like this. I would venture to say that long term goals are the hardest to set because short term goals fall into basic need cateogories to quickly.The ability to see ahead and predict when a person or a group is no longer going to be feasiable to your personal life and personal plans is the hardest thing to do. You can't assess or examine the feasiability of a relationship until something happens.
I was very lucky in a way, my early work was really done quite the way I directed it. I was just working at a fast pace and really not concerning myself with some of the details. New York had so much around that it was easy to get into this or that.Everybody wanted to do something.
After a few years on the road I wound up in Indy and the magic was still there, however, by that time I was on the radio and still really had'nt ever cashed my first paycheck.
I feel alot better with SONYMUSIC & MTV,looking-back on it there really does not seem to be anyway I could have slowed down long enough to do anything about it. Most of the stuff I created in 1 take from start to finish. When the whole thing is moving through your mind that fast, it's hard to stop and look around to see who's doing the recording
Now I move a lot slower and let things go to be checked and rechecked while I think of groovalistic tracks and hot mixes!I wanted to grow and SAM ASH was also patient about the comminication lines that had to be established to SONY via BLUEEGYPT.
INROCKWETRUST;We wish you good luck and continued sucess in everything that you do!