Accidents do happen. Honey have you seen my razor? Glenda walked swiftly past the unpacked suitcase and ran her hands through all of the dresser draws until she came upon an envelope. She fingered it and closed her eye's. Honey. I hate it when you ignore me! Jeff hated to admit it. He had been with Glenda for a long time and only recently found out that she was in fact a biological woman. Glenda's long term of service in the military had turned her into a super butch kind of a person. The only way that she could express herself was as a gay male. She had learned all there was to imitating a man. Glenda's problems steemed from her long term drug addictions and her extreme bouts of jealousy. There were days when the thought of somebody eles happiness would make her want to kill. Insurance seemed the easy way out to Glenda. After years of split personality bouts from one side of the gender dressing closet to the other Glenda had developed a monster of a bad temper. Her drinking became something that made her feel powerful. She was only happy when she was dressed as a man and dominating people. She could never be trusted in a business deal. Since coming out and facing her sexual identity Glenda was even more confused than most people. She viewed her self still as a gay male even though she was a woman that dressed like a man. Her boot cut hair style and severely male clothing as well as alot of her phalic orientated firepower made her feel powerful. Her judgement however was always off. What made things worse is that even her children thought that she was a man. Glenda completely submergered her identity in public and their were references even in the Local city hall denotion her as Glen without the da on the ending. Her crack and herion addictions got worse and worse forcing her to hide behind security guard uniforms and wear police type uniforms in plays and theaters. Her closet was full of play costumes that looked justlike police uniforms. Then Glenda found out that you could insure people for money. Thats the day that her troubles began. When accidental death was no accident. When suicide was a homocide. Drugs have to be paid for thought Glen, then its off to another Gay rally dressed as a man.