Listen, I Morris Day Producer, Do you have any idea what a producer is? Morris waited a short period of time and then continued. "All day, all day long people come from far and near to learn the business. They want to know how to move and how to groove. They want to get on the dance floor baby. Choo- Choo, I can see it now. A line dance. Hey, cowgirls can jam but I'm talkin about the groovalistic sounds of.. Excuse me a moment won't you.
Morris made an exit and headed down the long hallway, talking over his shoulder he continued. Listen, I'd like to stay and chat however I can't keep my mind of my situation."
Morris entered the office marked D.L.S.T and looked at the calendar. Is this correct, why is this calendar not marked with the appropiate company logo's.
"Mr Day you've seen one calendar you've seen them all what's the difference?"
The difference is this is DLST I want everybody to know what time it is.
Yes Mr Day I'll get right on it.
When after your coffee break. Let me ask you something if I might. Why are you here?
Morris smiled the smile of smiles and continued. A good place to start looking for work is with one of those tapp dancing bands, you know sweaters gee hair cuts top 40.
You might be working for some other band.
Oh no Mr Day.
Call me Morris Day.
Morris Day I wouldn't dream of hurting your...
Listen, I tell all customers and I only use this font here in (pick a city). Never happens back at the Ranch.
However, I don't want hard feelings you understand. I want you to purchase music and groove to what you want to. We here at DLST are dedicated and our company objectives are clearly stated by myself.
There are only a few spots left on the charts that I can identify with. Now I'm not saying that I have a complex about the charts, but have you seen the lines down town lately?
Unemployment lines. They are growing and your late.
Morris pushed the buttons on his coat together as they had come undone slightly.
The next sound you hear will be that of a free spirit. Go in peace young lady and groove to the music that suits you the best.
Morris I like your music I really do I need the job and I'll make it up to you anyway I can, can I go back to work please?
It's a real devtee having you around the office if your slow to pick up on the groovalistic vibrations of DLST.
The calender Morris I think it's important now. Even though there are thousands of calenders in the world....
Did you see my appointment for the Barber Shop in Chicago.
Why would you want to go way out there when you can just stay local and.....
Morris picked up microphone and walked over to the window.
Adjusting the treble and the bass he walked over and did a mic check.
Attention. Attention. This is DLST. I Morris Day Producer.
You feel this? Producer. Not co-producer. not assistant AD
If your the producer..
Well what I mean is as a Producer as you say...
As I say? If you hurry you can still get a space on the unemployment line.
Morris why would a Producer take a bus?
To get to the other side.
I feel that you've expressed a deep desire to work for a New, or an In or any of these other color bands that are trying so hard to add texture to the airwaves.Maybe even a peroxide treatment female lead type thing. Hey get your groove on girl. And don't add anything to the punch card that isn't already on it.
After you.
Morris galantly held the door open for the secretary.
"one thing I'd like to know is how did you get in here in the first place. I opened this office myself and I'm the President I don't have a secretary. This business is full of sharks full of them. What you've got to do with sharks is break thier teeth against the rocks of your series of hits baby to let them know which way this much trip comes.
Cause this is the crazy place. This one. This place.
Morris held out his hand palmer side up.
This place. Crazy.
After the woman left the office, Morris held down the button long enough to speak into it.
S-e-c-u-r-i-t-y. Don't let anything happen to that little lady I want her to feel comfortable on her way out the building. I can't have her feeling obligated to groove to my sound the way her head is. So nothing from nothing.
I don't want get bogged down in trying to woo her away from her fast food lifestyle. I think she'd be better suited...
Morris who? The security voice answered back. Oh I see her.
Morris Day. DSLT Producer. See that she makes it to an alternate bus route I don't want her to sweat on the way out.
I see.
Since you can't seem to remember my name its Morris Day.
DSLT here on the recently pronounced Purple Mountains editorial staff office.
I think it's time that we HUT.
Excuse me?
HUT.HUT. Don't your people ever provide Pizza.
Well this is Morris Day and it's time to grind, to pone to throw down. CHoo- Choo.
Hey that's great Mr Day.
No worries.
Morris hang up the phone and looked at the walls.
"This is DSLT"; a series of hits, 45 pychedelic ducks, 98 purple pigeons flying against the newly appointed Purple Mountains.
"It's groovalistic!"

"One thing that you've got to do is find your mark, you know find a crowd,- like that one." Morris looked at a large circle of people crowded around BIMBO the lecturing telemarketing ex pavement princess now reformed GOD is king subscriber.
Do you have to talk so loud? Morris tried to remain composed. "There is no way that everybody here does not realize that your talking about..
Radio, Morris.
'That's Mr Day, if your going on a public speaking tour.'
Morris grinned slightly as Trin, idad continued to speak.
How come your not doing the RADIO PROGRAM right now there's a bonifide crowd look at them.
Morris continued to walk only now he took his eyes off of his shoes and looked in the opposite direction of Trin.
Listen, Trinidad.
Trin- i- dad.
Things don't happen when you speak it's because the world is not on your voice command.
I can think of alot of examples but none more dramatic than this one.
I don't do the radio show with you and I don't do the radio show at your voice command.
I thought that you loved entertaining my friend. I thought that you were going to do alot of things here in the name of entertainment. I thought that you were going to.......
Trin, the fact that you thought gives me the distinct impression that it is a process that is in the past tense. So-o-o-0-o if I could italicise here without leaving the family font of my train of thought, you Trid are no longer thinking.
What I'd like you to do is not get so bogged down, I mean stupid is not a nice word, I just hate to see get stuck Tran,....
You and I working radio would be a disaster. You give me headache and your timing is always at the wrong time.
Sometimes it's nice when you don't think about things so long Trid. I know you mean well, it's just that you should'nt get involved with things.
I'm going to prove it to you I'm calling the station, hello he's here yes your star but I'm afraid he's a little under the weather. I mean to say, there's a beautiful crowd here tonight and the stars are twinkling and your man here is not. I mean he's not on the AIR! I can't figure the problem leave it me TRIN- I- DAD I can savor the flavor if he's not in his format for some reason...
Morris stopped and listened for awhile.
"Hey Rin Tin!"
" I Morris Day could care less, your not talking to the station are you?
Morris reached into his pocket, Needles and Pins he said aloud, TEN SECOUND DELAY- I knew you couldn't handle going straight to air!