"Brando's a classic". This is all the King of Pop says about it. Well we knew that. Look at Street Car Named Desire. Nobody can play a villian like Brando. Brando's inspired many performers Madonna included. "I think that it's exciting and marks my developement for the project Hottest. So this is the tight lipped project. "We were swamped with submissions from people and we printed all of it out of desperation" I think I'd like to watch some of his video's maybe the God Father." So is there anything else that you'd like to do? Lot's. My relationship with SONY is probably making my family wonder if they should get into the electronic business." I'm really excited about the way things are going In My Mind. Everybody and their cousin headed down to Sony when Dangerous first started and I could'nt even get a seat it was really just that crazy. I knew it would be. I remember holding off on the complete thought. Thank goodness for shaving commercials. I think that the word genius is something that is overused and I'd like to buy into it however I know that if I were truly a genius I'd be able to figure everything out for myself. For Instance? Well take RedBall What? That's a thought that I'm really pleased with and it's turning into a wildtracking event with alot of local television stations and radio. Why don't you want to name the channels? Well, alright. WBLS, KPOI, K100,Channel 13,BOB&TOM,KTLZ to name a few. What about local casting companies? Well you do know alot about me. We are Bills World hear us roar! Well Cennex Casting. What's this new title that your living with these days? "Oh, you mean Director. I'm really up on the fact that I can call my own shots and pick my own themes. It feels alot easier to breath. Compositions have to breath." I see. Why don't you elaborate and give us some idea about some of the others that may be behind this project or idea of yours. "Well I think that I got this way reading old clippings about myself. I got to the end of one article that was ghost written and I thought I'd better get motivated. I'm a born again couch person. I love to kick back. Although I am working on a health and fitness book." I think we got off the track here. RedBall What? Is what exactly. Oh yes I'm very centered on that project. There is a theme in it that you can only go as far as your inner self allows you to. We all have a guiding angel looking over our shoulders making sure that we do the right thing. The Master Computer is REDBALL WHAT? I see. Even the Master Angel has to refer to the computer because it has been programed with the equation that will..... Yes? Well it's under development for Playstation 2 so I don't want to ruin it for you. Well, why did you choose Videography magazine. Oh, we've been together for a while,Videography was with me in school I use them quite a bit and keep in touch with them for Video literacy. We cut some tracks at Guitar Center for Redball What? and then we spread out and did things and tracks at SAM ASH and Valdez. You mean MJJ Productions? Quite. So your a Movie Director now. I think that I'm growing again. It feels good to express myself with different mediums. I'm a firm believer in starting at the bottom and working your way up. Everyone must come up, however, nothing stays down forever. Words to live by I guess, is it true that you studied in the background or is that another hype story that is circulated by nitwits. No it's true for a pov you have to have a background in order to see the forefront. I realize more about stage. You seem to be wearing alot of hats these days. I'm working on a book IMICHAEL that also should reveal alot about how I really feel and it ought to free me more as a performer." Your handling alot of performers these days. "Yes, I'm quite pleased. Alot of acts got duplicated and there was no real representation for them. 100 Years of Peace Sympossuim has been formed as a result of the recent addition of talent." Not to mention MTV. Yes, thats true. | 