In a tempermental Industry like the film Capital of the world which is where incidently?- you have a make it or break it situation in the mix all of the time. Few artist's can make the transition from actor to musician without a tour of drug abuse or mental problems related to the so called pressures of the business. Join us as we interview one of the most sucessful Producer's in the film world:
Bill's World: Sigourney, what was it like to be involved with the Alien projects.
Sigourney: I wrote and produced part of the movie as well as my spoken parts. I found the experience an intense gradient. I was really happy about the fact that most parts of the movie scared me a little even before we got released.
Bills World; How did it all begin.
Sigourney: Interesting I was in Oklahoma living on a Ranch for the summer, I couldn't believe the intense beauty of the area, it was just what I needed after a hectic round in New York. I survived New York by playing it safe and only visiting the city from Westchester, New Rochelle, a sleepy little town where nothing major ever happens. I decided that I'd been lucky enough never to have been mugged or tripped when some band members and I were practicing Chinese in Central Park with the usual walk to strawberry feild. Suddenly there was a lot of breaking glass all around and we stopped our chinese while a gang of overcoated bandits with sawed off shot guns ran wild through the park. There was nothing I could do but act as if I was blind while my other bandmate escorted me out of the park, I could see the shot gun underneath the gang members coat as he held a butane lighter in front of my face to make sure I was telling the truth.
It was that I think that made Oklahoma seem like a natural choice. I was so relaxed that I got involved with Sweet Dreams are made of these through Michael Jackson. Before long it was on MTV. As I was leaving Oklahoma I decided to talk to a freind of mine Uncle Barr. H. as I called him. I said" Uncle Barr you'd make a great actor and that cigar you smoke has got so much character would you mind if I directed you in a film? Well, the rest is history and you can see he's a great actor he played his character just perfectly and it made a great contrast to my character.
I wanted the character to be strong but yet to depect what it's like to be in the military. Military life can be so lonely sometimes the only thing that you can really relate to is your pet. I chose a cat to soften the character and provide a distinct contrast to the military side of life.
I'm a big fan of N.A.S.A I have to check with SAG now that I'm on a new label.
Bill's World: Label? That sort of implies that your going to be involved with music or what?
Weaver: Well anything is possiable although nothing will be ruled out. The main reason is a paper work Dev-T. I have worked in this business in the most hap hazard way you can imagine. I had no formal acting experience and basically relied upon my natural instincts to get my theatrical message across. I was looking over my career and I realized that nobody knew who I was except for Uncle Barr. So when I got to Hollywood I kinda avoided the whole scene because I didn't know who to contact or what to say.
B/W: What is the name of your new label?
Weaver: World President Tour. They have exclusive rights to image photo's bio everything even my finances which were in Dev- T land believe me the to condense everything will be a joy, I've got so many other things to do on my list.
B/W: Have you ever gotten any Golden Globe Awards or gotten a formal education?
Weaver: If it's an advocacy your looking for it would have to be Education. I'm really an outspoken person on the subject of illiteracy which I suffered from for many years.
Illiteracy can take many forms and it's just now that I'm establishing my credentials. I could have used a camera ready double like a needed another income tax review from the IRS. I don't think that imatation is a very sincere form of flatery. It reeks of stealing at times and borders on grand theft the rest of the time. It's a numbers game you have to be very well educated to make it in the film world after a while. Although making a film is not a problem there are so many hidden buttons that get pushed after the product is sold. There is no way to predict a hit for instance. Alot of time when the theme is working the paper work is secoundary maybe even non existant. Once the film is working your so tired that it's not funny. The finished piece takes on a life of it's own, after your image is played and replayed over and over again the character stands or falls against the arch. You sometimes feel like the background actor to your on stage lead role, well at least that's how I feel after a finished production is playing. I look at it and I know that's me up there, I 'll watch it over and over again and pay to see it. I sometimes wonder if it's not the closet thing you can get to having a split personality. I think that's why I pay to see myself. I get a charge out of knowing that the character is gone, it's a movie now and it damn well better entertain me. With Alien it happened. Every time I payed to see it I loved it. The secound one scared me so bad that I was very happy but my diabetes prevents me from getting to worked up I had to leave during my most dramatic scene.
I think the texture and color I created for the character worked. I used alot of Asian techniques and continued to shade the variations with plenty of contrast, ying and yang, hard against soft. It worked for me I hope you continue to enjoy it now that the rights are with World President Tour and FULL POP.
Bills's World: Anything else?
Weaver: Education is one of the most important things that a person can do. Once the gradients have been realized you can fly soar your feet and your imagination can literally leave the ground. It's important to have a firm grip on reality and that is simply accomplished by staying away from drugs. Hypnotic's and Horse, Weed, Acid only take you away from the spiritual part of life. Your true salvation comes when you are clear. Once you have achieved clarity life takes on a whole new meaning. You can direct yourself towards your stages of development and concern yourself with generation earlier rather than waiting until your in your senior years beyound 65. I'm going to be working on a book called Old Pencils and then I'm going to work on the repackaging of the Alien movies. Now that we have so much technology I don't know which way to go with it. SONY PICTURES is my first choice.

Bills World: Through an exclusive we give you the strokes and serifs of Sigourney Weaver. To date Sigourney has not accepted any awards, although through bio fabrication Sigourney could have easily walked away with several fabricated Awards NATO,IFP GOTHAM AWARD ect. Sigourney also declined to state whether there would be another film.
Like most of the artist on W.P.T they all had some kind of extra sensory perception experience with the paperwork side of the business. Literacy has been Advocated so it does seem as though a solid education is what you need after you attain the kind of sucess that these artist's did. It's a good sign of the times if you ask us. As alway's Bills
World provides you with the stories minus the NATTER!
NO NONSENSE! NO MONKEY BUSINESS actually we are pretty well in shock we have attained journalistic recognition with some of the biggest names in the business. TYPO's withstanding we are shaken but not stirred.
Pier Pressure, When the story breaks the rock stars will fall, and down will come Marlon Jermaine Jackie and good time Janet from down the hall.
Nothing could be more competitive than the movie and record industry. This summer The Punster's continue to create, while the MTV moonwalker does footage for the Last Supper Tour, DSLT heats up and Family releases FONT, F by Sheila- E,Purple Mountains.pub goes out to the public.
Santa Monica seems to be the back drop for the latest MTV rehearsals and unplugged DJVJ including spots for K Erth and Channel 13, Channel 2 as well.
It also provided a recent arena for a no holds barr none verbal festival between members of the Jacksons as they continued to break up in public recently.
The legendary troupe continued to flip each other off with stolen make overs creating an ongoing FBI file on certain members.
This arguments seemed to center around Janet and Marlon with no good news for Jermaine either. Jackie was eventually drawn into the verbal match and a seperate deposition was created for his involvement in the controversy as well.
Things continued until Marlon was able to distract things resulting the distruction of some art work associated with Michaels newest cartoon series Loyality, the art work was being oogled by Marlon and Janet only to result in a competition from the pair that eventually started distroying originals.
This draws the ugly head of a tabloid monster from the depth of the dark side of accusations of misconduct and so forth. It also brought to light the stealing and lying and personal injury lawsuits that have been filed against Janet of Good Times fame. She and her sister Marlon have ganstered the charts with illegal look alike make overs, macking viewers attention and creating all kinds of tabloid sexual misconduct accusations. Things finally flared when the duo emmerged supposedly to wish sibling Michael good tidings on his finalization and business ajournment with the family.
This also inniated another part of the deposition with the headline complaint including health endangerment with certain family members transporting animals and large rodents around encouraging disease factors under the guise of the formated Zoo pop iconism of the late 70 early 80's.
Vince Neil recently joined the list of people that can no longer hold their words in public.
Janet and Jermaine recently attacked the Rock and Roller of Motely Crue fame for his housing car and his "look"
as they did their stroll around the famed singer and later frisked him for a rather impromtu joke clothed as police officer;s.
The incident prompted un candid remarks about Jermaine and Janet as well as insightful reminders about Marlons non royalty situation. This prompted another volley for serve and Depp was dregged up only to recieve the same lack luster response from Neil. "So what",referring to the cry baby star as either a former homo or a flag waving perv.
This set off a rather chilling and tearful remark from both Marlon and Jermaine as their involvement with alternative situations is now under investigation.
Michael Eisner was called to the carpet in the deposition for his reference to himself as just Michael during the controversy which included clandestine meetings underlined at the front desk for children to meet with him in his hotel room. Annete Funichelli also was mentioned in the deposition the former mousketeer had been living in housing with a scheme that involved Jermaine.
Joe Jackson reportedly is in the background keeping up with the action as his legendary family splits and falls apart in a sudden confesion of drug abuse impersonation and misconduct and wrongdoing implications created by Marlon and Jermaine and Janet Good Times. Pictures are under review at Epic and Sony for the lost wages and photo opportunity owed to lead singer CEO Michael Jackson.
Freinds, relatives and former band mates lend me your bank accounts.....