"Mommy? What's everything that made you what you are today?"The woman looked at her daughter and thought of everything at once. That does not make too much sense to me that you could ask a question like that and expect an answer. I, my dear, will take that as a rhetorical question." Why did she feel so uneasy today? It was like any other day. She was a hostage and she was in the room with a pyschopathic killer. That made sense! The pyscopath was her daughter! That made sense to her.She was being ordered to think.How cold a person stop from thinking? It did not make sense!
No. Not at all.
She tried to call the police. She remembered that day. The day she gave up trying and just settled for surviving.
"I'll be back little girl;she heard herself say. What-ever your plans are for today I will not be here to hear them;she thought to herself.These days her thoughts were confused with her speaking. She couldn't tell whether she was speaking outloud or thinking to herself.
She looked at the goat on the floor and decided that she would not stay for dinner. In spite of the fact that when she was a little girl herself a goat was a sign of extremely good luck and fortune. Something to be shared with the whole village,- she demurred at the thought.
The room she was in was completely white. The drapes hung from the windows which were shuttered. There was the distict smell of mint and clove leaves burning. In small piles along the carpet there were what looked to be chicken bones or maybe worse pigeons. Yes that was it she thought to herself as the crumpled bodies of one of the bloodied birds caught her attention. It's wings pathetically mangled it's neck turned completely around. It's lifeless form was somehow propped up and tied to some sticks. Streaks of animal blood could be seen in spatters against the stark white walls of the room. The carpet soaked and reaked around the area of a freshly slain goat. A few fly's buzzed around the body the hum of their wings like tiny electric engines. The door to the bathroom was ajar and tools could be seen scattered against the tile floor. A workmans belt, some nails, a hammer. Odds and ends. Along with workboots that were heavily worn and pronated on the insoles.
The stomach of the goat had been removed and was set on the stove."Look mommy!;she said, weilding a large Marine Corps blade in the air. Look what I found!"The girl reaked with body odor. There was a mixture of grim and animal blood on her forehead. Large sweat rings stained her garments and cascaded from her armpits in ovals that reached her waist. The stove was covered with dirt and it formed a mound that stood above the level of the jet burners.The color of the stove was completely occluded.Her fingernails were thick with dirt and the palms of her hands were covered with soil. The woman leaned over the dirty stove and lit a cigarette against the flames from one of the jet burners. The gas was turned up so high that when it ignited a large muffeled sound could be heard as the flame burst on.
She wore a camaflage jacket and a chain with a pair of dog tags on them.
The woman scribbled something on a piece of paper and swallowed it.
"Wrong move mom. That would not be wise!"
The girl wrote another note. It read, HELP ME!
She stuffed it into the goats stomach and then cut it and the stomach to pieces.Dumping the remains into a large frying pan."Dinners almost served mother.Are you staying for dinner?"

There have been times when a victim left detailed notations and messages in their stomachs indicating the size and weight of their attacker, along with all kinds of threats indicating that they will never get away with it!But to serve dinner with a goats stomach indicates a dedication to follow through with the homicide until it's done!
What kind of ruthless behavior is this for a young lady to exhibit? Where could such diabolical techniques be learned? Even if there were a course one could take they would never teach such practices!
A nut, however, is a nut.
Where would a person get a live goat from in the first place?
Maybe someone in the woman's obviously disasociated family
gave her one to practice on!
Why would you not take the woman into a treatment facility where they could start drug therapy along with some rather extensive pychotherapy? Obviously the woman came from a background of distinct weatlth. No matter. Her idealogy was backwards. The obvious in this case is not the answer to the riddle. Maybe you were hoping to blame the Armed Forces. They do not have any programs designed for you to overthrow the governement and terrize the local communities. No Armed Forces trains you to jump out of a commercial jet airliner with taxpayers on board headed to vacation and business destinations.
Is it true that the woman fantasized about being the ultimate warrior?
The pavement steamed and shimmered heat waves rose in the air as the small dented pickup truck drove along the Pali highway.The mountains in the background were filled with a dark green and there were mounds of earth on the side of the road. This heat had left many engines finished already.
For some reason this little pickup was spunky. It moved along the Pali at a respectable clip, easing on the brakes the driver pulled over and slowed down in front of a pedistrain. "Hop in I'll give you a lift, where you going?
The rider was dressed in light clothing the rubber on the bottom of his shoes was sticky from the heat on the asphalt.
"I'm running for KPOI its a stunt for the Racer X show".
The sound of the engine could be heard as the Unfocused One contined to rant. The mysterious hangings were begining to show up in the local papers.