Where are the foals? Being a Director means knowning,seeing,and doing. So, hows everybody holding up? I think that my arm has been the focus of my affection since the accident,King had one LA a ruff place. Start thinking about your own soda machines. I don't know how everybody feels about soda brands vary from individual to individual, theres quality control, ect. Think Pepsi, stay tuned for T-shirts, hats, ect. Now,one thing about a project is that you have to maintain a line of communication with people. Why do I want to Direct the Colts? Physical training and health is an important thing for a person to maintain, plus it looks cool. Now we have the best training system in the state. The gear of course is the most important feature, its highly advanced and new technology is going to be a big asset when it comes to film time. Get used to selling yourself. It's important and its your paycheck,-my money.(Ben Stien)What do I want to do? Well, I have a segment of film I want to shoot that is going to utilize movement. Stay tuned. | 
I'm really happy that the script was recovered. Sony has been so helpful, I can't thank everybody enough. I think that symetery has alot to do with why I wanted to work with the Colts. I had it in my mind to do when I was working out for the Bad tour. I've always operated on hunches and dreams this was one that I have always had nagging me in the back of my mind. Being a Director means taking new responisiablities. It means saying goodbye in many cases yet welcoming the new things that life yet has to offer. The musuem director is a cool character. It's all about this guy who invents things and fights evil. All the inventions will be featured by Sony in a planned division called In My Mind subtitle Logical Strawberry. The series is a continuation of the missing script The Platinum African the story continues until it becomes MiggZeroZero. I think the fact that all of the inventions really do exist is the funkiest part of the project. One of the first things the character does is replace social security with a stock option. Thats one of the reasons I contacted Sony, they are arranging the very same thing to happen to me. One blue chip stock option , after that I plan to retire my earnings from the social security system. Retiring the money instead of myself may seem unconventional but you've got to consider that once you get a good job the system does not work for you as well. With a stock option you encourage americans to enter the stock option feild. If you like to gamble it's a great way to tripple your income when you reach 65 or older. The present system just sits there and you never get all of your money out of it before you die. | 
MTV | 

A bunch of west coast actors found out about my desire to work with the COLTS and immediately donned football uniforms and started throwing foot balls around me. Thats too simplistic an approach. The character will use alot of the moves in the movie,as well as a very complicated scene where there are holographic body guards. The rest of the footage is going to be used to promote the COLTS and plans are to feature the COLTS in their very own foot ball game be it DVD or whatever is available when the project is released. Hang in there, there's a magic show planned and a 52 car show, lots of things to celebrate the World President Tour. Stay Tuned for further updates!!