Although no offical world wide reaction has been noted to MTV's Orientated Times Three we again recognize those men and women who represented their country both here and on a world wide basis. Going with flow MTV has been the subject of bootleggings and there still is only one MTV. Interesting footnote to the long list of attempts Assassins with Hypnosis releases no press dates however they did enter the rap music cateogary with their reaction to the present players. Player DelRay is one of the "cuts". Assassins with Hypnosis based in Hong Kong has maintained that their interpetation of music is peaceful. Song titles recieved so far include.HeyYouChum,PlainStainYourgurt,Jones,GrandJury-Inviteindictment. Tef-lon,The5th,HangmanHarry,Eliot, and Is rap music violent? Profanity.The claim is that they are interested in world wide peace. Controversy for Assassins has increased and there is no further word on the Popes reaction to their Christmas album greatest list of hits. Public reactions remain dormant however it is expected to cause alot of problems probably due to the depiction of Santa Claus. The Album wierdly has nothing to do with Christmas and is filmed in non winter months. Assassins has opened several offices over seas and is currently at work on film. MTV congrationlates background. Further news indicated that Xtra's movies unseen background workers have commanded saleries as high as 1 million dollars and above, | 

Whats the difference between Serious Moonlight and Diamond Dogs? Quite alot. Although no offical word has been released there are indications that the secret behind some of MTV's with permission granted video's will be released.
These lively vinettes may surprise you as to who's actually doing the vocals and doing the lead work. Songs include All Night Long, Bruce Springsteen,Serious Moonlight,My little china girl,. Why. The producer obtained permission from the artists. Stay tuned.
Dr Y Not reportedly was robbed of his lab garments. The "demented" character who can sometimes be seen at Trader Joe's as well as HBO & Comedy Central claims that it was a product manufactured by American Linen. The "Dr" used American Linen clothing for their style and easy cleaning.
Dr Y Not asks only that the garments be returned to American Linen. Dr Y Not is one of the many characters played in W.I.N.E.O Productions.
Ray Parker Jr. who last worked on Ghostbusters also was the producer and creator of Mama Used to Say. Ray Parker Jr. who also recently registered with Nevermind joins the ranks of Billy Idol and Vince Neil. Neil of Motely Crue fame was asked about the spelling of his last name. He reportedly spells it differently from time to time due to his dyslexic
condition. Neil sometimes puts i before e and visa versa.
Neil says the condition only worries him when considering heart surgery. Vince Niel is currently hard at work on the Steel Twist project. This project coincides with the World President Tour. Vince will be allowed to use the technology of the World President Tour and be seen via Screen 2 Screen.
The search still continues for the missing verses to Steel Twist. When found the selection will double in size.
Vince has submitted and been accepted to Nevermind with W.I.N.E.O.
Brett Michaels also joined the company and collaborated with Vince.
Michael Jackson reportedly is still working on remix and editing touches for his grammy video. Jackson decided that Marlon Brando was such a big name that he could'nt share the screen with him for long. Plans include for seperated pov's to be added so that Brando alone peers at the audience. A seperate effect will carry Jackson to the audience.Although no word on when this remixed version will be ready Sony has been chosen to handle the special effects and screen technology. The newest version is slated to contain Director's choice editing and additions.The new version is said to include a sleeping bag.
Playa Del Ray's creator Morris Day has added more submissions to his famed pilot The Punster's. No word on whether Morris intends to make a series out of it or a movie. The Punsters is being filmed in and around the Los Angeles area. Morris brings to the table new concepts and submissions including 45 Pyschedelic Ducks & 98 Purple Pigeons.99 Purple Pigeons & 100 Doves of Peace.
MJJ Productions ala Nevermind decided to utilize the greatest minds. Although nothing official has been said Nevermind has a project which will include the Future.In it will be students projects and hopes for the future.
Nevermind & MTV will join to produce a radio program. The bandwidth will include internet as well as HD-TV1 technology. No word on whether you can reach the station by cell phone. The marketing strategy is said to include college radio and hit issues such as WORLD HEALTH, education and enviromental ecology.
MTV's moonwalker played by Jearing GI Joe Doll & The Cold 1 Baby is still filming.The moonwalker plays the part of a MTV award that comes to life. Guitar Center, Sam Ash, & Valdez have been used for their equipment space and interior.
-21 Guns is working on tracks for their upcoming submission This Place, Produced by 1/2 Crazy. No word yet on the first cut, however THISCRAZYPLACE is one of the title songs.
Crazy, This Place.
This Place- Crazy.
This Place,1/2 Crazy.
Indiana has been picked as the subject of a new show entitled Strawberry Jam. The state was picked out of 52 states.
Although the show is not filmed in Indiana and work has not started on it SONY PICTURES has recieved submissions for the format. When completed plans are for MTV to carry the dance show.
MTV is also working on projects that include vibration.
MTV primarily aimed at the sighted will begin to encorporate technology to reach millions of challenged
people. SONY technology will be used either through keypad or a special playstation. SONY declined to respond on whether it would be playstation that handled the project.
It's just something that we threw in. | 