Here all the kitty without all the usual stink about the poop!The record Industry took a temporary moment of unsaneness with us the record buying and gossip reading public. Stay tuned for Interviews and responses from Boy George who like many other MTV acts was given a covert and mystically weird sexual identity. Tune in as the mysterious O'dowd exits stage left to reveal the real Boy George! Facts fun and excitement await your reading -Bills World  How spaced out is the record industry? With holidays and special occasions electronically sent how can artists compete when they have no new material. Fortunately MTV preserves the work of the performers and weeds out offensive tabloid look alike versions that have got just as much equipment rented for the special effect as the real thing! Tune in for a dramatic revalation from Duran Duran's Simon LeBon! Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton CandyCotton LogicCotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Cotton Candy LogicCotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy LogicCottonCandyLogicCottonCandyLogicCotton Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton CandyCotton LogicCotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic CottonCandy Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy Logic Cotton Candy LogicCottonCandyLogicCottonCandyLogic The hydro phonic garden glistened in the distance. "Duetrineum has it's moments;said Peg-assist. This is going to be the biggest crop of strawberries that I've seen ever! I hope those fella's out at N.A.S.A take a few plants with them. That would be the most fun I've had all year. Do you know what an earth suit could mean to this part of the mind? It should have a strawberry right on the suit." Hemispheres. The right side of the garden has strawberries and the left side of the garden has jams;preserves,blueberries....fill the rest of the area!";yelled Peg-assist. Since the war Peg had become taciturn, trusting only birds and flowers. Once in a while he would perk up at the thought of contacting N.A.S.A. "What did I do with those satellites papers?"; asked Peg. "There are no papers for those satellites. Just records of the actual flight; retorted The Unfocused 1." "You mean to tell me that you put my money into space; Peg asked incredulously. And now it's just floating around like space junk! "You had better start telling the truth! I've got money for no reason and you are the one that is gonna cough it up!" "I can honestly say that if a cough exists that makes me spend money I take cough suppressants. I spend money for no reason at all because my money I do not spend; continued The Unfocused 1. I steal other people's money with words and live in the lap of luxury. I don't have the vaguest idea how much money I have because I never count it." "How can you do that; yelled Peg-Assist. How can you steal other peoples money and never spend your own money?" "Because it's not all mine"; stated The Unfocused 1 flatly. "What are you doing with money that's not yours at ll that would be money for no reason." "That's the best kind of money"; drawled The Unfocused 1. The Unfocused 1 turned the words around slowly in it's head. Words make money; said Peg-Assist. "You have money all the time and it's for no reason in particular. Are you in love with money? It's only paper." "I have formed a rather three dimensional relationship with it ;said the Unfocused 1. My words have some meaning however the majority of the time I have relatively little to say. "That's the strongest theory I know and it's the smartest thing to do,said the Monkey. That way when it fails every one loses however you get to burn the candle at both ends and there is no more left for anybody,-nothing left! That's the strongest theory and the smartest one!" The Unfocused 1 put the Monkey back near the box and it came back with pretty things to wear;brightly colored things. "I've never been able to control the Monkey it's too smart and too strong";said The Unfocused 1. "Pretty things to wear";said the Monkey and it clapped it's hands. The Monkey never caught it's reflection. Platinum African all rights reserved.
The operative word is World-MTV |