It was a better than average day at Nevermind.
Several "cute" tigers were supposed to be in there awaiting inspection from the zoologist at Zebra City.
They could be "played" with for a little while and photographed for the next project, before they got too big.
One half click away stood sixty-nine soldiers dressed in various costumes.
Wearing blood red on their lips!
The museum curator looked around. All seemed so quiet, so plesant. Each horse was imported form Europe, Sweden, Norway, Japan,- all around the globe!
Some were in circles at first and then they bounced horse track style in front of real gates taken from a race track long since closed.
The hoofs were made of precious stones.
The curator turned and walked towards the house. The scent of African violets filled the air. The front of the house was blank. A small opening appeared. It was hexagon in shape, like the shutter on a camera it opened up wider and wider until there was enough of an opening to walk through.
So he did,and the wall sealed up behind him!
The room had a baby grand piano in the middle of the room.
It was hand carved from Bavarian craftsman. The curator stepped inside the room and sat down next to the wall that he had designed,which ,from the floor was only about the height of a sofa armrest.
Within it was a popcorn machine that made different colored popcorn. Red, White and Blue popcorn started up and filled the armrest.
The west side of the room was an open faced pane of glass with a view of the back yard outlined by a forest of trees'.
A few deer strode across the yard and a long train of wild peacocks strutted then flew into a nearby tree to feed upon seeds and kernels.
A soft light blinked in one of the outer rooms and the museum curator walked in,stopping to feed a pond of carp all speckled and painted with vibrant black, yellow,purple,green,white,and gold, as well as silver.
The pilot reached across the console and consulted the weather making sure that it was all right to fly.
The museum curator settled into his seat and clicked the button that turned the seat into a bed of sorts.
A small screen television popped up and was visable from the supine position.
Two Mig's entered the secure peaceful airspace and locked onto a course over Nevermind!
The grounds filled with a small army of blood red lipped infantry people wrapped in blankets. The two cases of tigers marked India entered an electric conveyor belt and moved into the house itself.
For some reason the first one got in, however the secound one being too heavy fell off the conveyor and broke open, revealing a full sized man-eating Tiger!
The television monitors filled with the face of a commentator. The Unfocused 1 walked behind the puppet and adjusted it's necktie.
"This one looks like the one I'll be wearing tonight!"
"Tonight you rule!";the studio people chanted.
She let out an uncontrolled giggle.
Stepping over the used crack vials she opened the back of the puppet and adjusted the voice box. These suits never have to be dry cleaned, it's amazing!
-"I don't think that you will have to worry once you're on television." The younger sister of the Unfocused 1 strutted into the Milwaukee bar and picked up the phone.- "Get me one of the suits that looks like that famous guitar players wife, I'm in the mood to discover some hidden talent!"
The area around the bar grew crowded as men milled about looking at the team of highly made up women. "You ;she drawled, shall become a model in the most fantastic way!"
She led the man into a room where there was a simple couch and a table and a chair.
"Care for some coffee? "
She poured a cup and went into a long detailed story about how she was just traveling with movie stars and they were o the prowl looking for candidates for a new picture of an Ad Expose'.
The opportunities would be limitless and of course plastic surgery would be included.
She snapped a picture of the man and placed it in her purse.
"Sister, dear; she called over her shoulder, don't disturb us!"
The Unfocused 1 sat on the couch reading a newspaper in a hypnotic trance. In her left hand she held a cooking pot much like those used South Africa to cook monkeys in.
The man ingested the caffeine mixture of hospital anesthetic drugs and continued to make love to the Unfocused 1's sister.
"Stop! Your raping me!"
As she said this she enveloped the man in a bear hug and reached into her purse for a small surgical instrument. The effects of the dregs took its toll and the ma groggily conceded adn began to ask her questions.
"Why did you start this in the first place? he asked.
"Oh, let me see your head; she responded. You know that surgery is no problem if you don't like the way you look, why you can change it!
Imagine, you could wake up a different person with a new life. A career!"
The wall slid open and revealed a long corridor at the end of the corridor were two puppet suits and a fake security vehicle painted like a local police car.
The puppets moved back and forth from the vehicle and then back again.
The woman clutched the surgical instrument in her hand and began to remove bits of tissue from the mans skull. She got down to the bone and began to chip away at his skull.
In the next room the Unfocused 1 put the newspaper down and went through the kitchen area.
Everything seemed in order.
Kitchen, knives, spoons, forks, fingers, body parts!
The stench from the room filled the hallway and the Unfocused 1 reached for a can of room deodorant and began to spray the room in every direction!
The Unfocused 1 walked across the room tossing the can over her shoulder. "Rapist!;the Unfocused 1 bellowed and hit the man across the side of the head with the cast iron cooking pot. The man naked, and bruised ran blindly through the room feeling his way against the wall.
He ran down the long corridor when suddenly he saw the familiar sight of a squad car with two freindly looking officers inside the vehicle.
The man ran pell-mell towards them and the two puppets moved out of the vehicle to face the drugged victim.
The younger sister disrobed herself and pulled a sheet around her."Act II; she sighed and walked causually down the corridor to meet the incoherent man.
"Hon-ey, are you comming back to bed? I miss you already.
What seems to be the problem officers? I can't leave my lover alone for sixty secounds when I find him too drunk to remember where we live! You should come with me now."
The man pleaded with the two puppets. "No please, I don't want to go anywhere with this woman she is crazy and she keeps pickeing at me with some kind of weopon! Take me as I am! I'll explain everything to you if you drive me away from here! A cool breeze was felt from the overhead air-conditioning unit that brought just a hint of pollen from the arid Arizona air. A few moments later the young woman had the man back in the room again. The wall slid back to where it was and a towel ring appeared with two hotel towels hanging from it. The house moved and shifted like it was on rollers and the walls moved against each-other until the room was just a small apartment with a kitchenette and one bedroom,-which they both occupied at this time.
"You left me;she yelled at the man. Then you raped me! Both women began to beat at the drugged man and the younger woman pulled out a syringe and injected the man with a powerful pain suppressant. She then disrobed and began to have sex with the man again. "When he's dead;she said to her sister flatly,we'll have lunch." Taking a surgical blade from inside her purse she cut a long swath of tissue from the mans' thigh and continued to cut him until she reached his patella,on the lateral side.
Blood gushed everywhere at fist but the secound injection suppresed all the blood flow by constricting the arteries. Soon the Unfocused One came into the room with an electric saw and began to dismember the man into nothing but a headless torso! The Unfocused One went into the kitchenette and began to pour dirt all over the gas ranges in huge mounds. She threw a huge piece of dismembered tissue into the fryiing pan and poured butterscotch into a large bowl.
"Lunch should be ready in just a moment!"

The roar from the dinosaur theme park grew louder and echoed through the empty corridors of hte concession building. Dale reached for the phone and listened intently to the report. "You mean to tell me that there are some cops trapped in the Amusement park? Why don't they order out? There's nothing in the park that can hurt you. Just walk out." Moments later Dale was arming himself with a loaded gun and taking deep breathing exercises under a strong hypnotic command. "Dinosaurs? I'm telling you the fuckin thing is like a big lizard down here, we can't get in or out! There's more bad news.The static in the phone line hissed to replace the silence. "What?" Dale's adrenaline was peaking but he used a lot of suggestions to give himself balance, "Peaceful power, he repeated to himself. There is a huge pile of frozen bodies down here and the lizard's eating them. A robotic nightmare! Contact our families and tell them that we are all ok, will ya?!" The darkened park seemed quite pleasant except for the roar of the dinosaur exhibit. It seemed just like an animal that was alive tonight. The lizard walked back and forth from behind the ride structure staring at the monitors that took pictures of the patrons of the park rides. The lizard walked out from behind the ride structure and grabbed one of the cars biting it in half and discarding the wreckage with a toss of its head. There were thousands of gallons of warm South American seawater between the front gate and the lizard. Two uniformed police officers crouched in the darkness. A pile of freeze-dried corpses lay in a pile behind the exhibit. The lizard walked back behind the exhibit and began to eat a pile of its own excrement. Dale gave himself one more hypnotic suggestion and dove into the warm waters of the exhibit. Swimming underneath the surface of the water, he swam underneath two huge metal doors that opened the attraction to millions of people every day. Surfacing, he climbed onto the side of the walkway and spotted the Giant lizard looking into the monitors. It really did seem as though it was alive! Robotics it had to be, Dale told himself. The two police officers scrambled for one of the doorways in the labyringht of the backstage. Dale gripped his gun tightly with one hand aqnd began to slowly ascend to the beast height. The lizard roared and stared at Dale opening its huge mouth and barring a white expanse of pointed teeth. "ou hungry Godzilla?", Dale asked the lizard. The lizard seemed to understand the words hungry and stood still. Dale squeezed off two rounds and the dull thud of the contact made the lizard back up. "Hungry?" A flurry of rounds went off every time Dale asked the lizard this question. the lizard unable to do anything when the words hungry were used stood there passively and recieved round after round. Dale put another clip in the gun and unloaded it into the chest of the lizard. The lizard slowed down but never dropped to the ground. The officers made a run for the exit, hitting the elevator button and scrambling out into the park area. They immediately reached for a phone line and began to ressure their families that they were safe and that everything was ok.

White whisps of cotton candy.
"She's crazy and she keeps picking at me with some kind of a weapon!
Take me as I am and I'll explain everything if you drive me away from here!"
A cool breeze was felt from the overhead air-conditioning unit that brought just a hint of pollen from the arid Arizona weather.
A few moments later the young woman had the man back in the room again. The wall slid back to where it was and a towel
ring appeared with two hotel towels hanging from it.
The house moved and shifted like it was on rollers and the walls moved against each-other until the room was just a small apartment with a kitchenette, one bedroom, which they both occupied at this time.
"You left me; she yelled at the man, Then you raped me!"
Both women began to beat the drugged man. The younger woman pulled out a syringe and injected the man with a powerful pain suppressant. She then disrobed and began to have sex with the man again.
"When he's dead;she said to her sister flatly, we'll have lunch!"
Taking a surgical blade from inside of her purse she cut a long swath of tissue from the mans thigh and continued to cut until she reached his pattella,lateral side.
Blood gushed everywhere at first,however, the second injection suppressed all the blood flow by constricting the blood arteries.
Soon the Unfocused 1 came into the room with an electric saw and began to dismember the man into nothing more than a legless, headless torso!
The Unfocused 1 went into the kitchenette and began to pour dirt all over the gas ranges in huge mounds. She threw a huge piece of dismembered tissue into the frying pan and poured butterscotch into a large bowl.
"Lunch;she said, should be ready in just a moment!"
The sky was clear as a bell. A complete painting, with white whips of cotton candy. White. Delicate. Clean.
Not a thing in the restricted airspace except a huge wooden Pinzance Pirate Ship,replete with aniamted; amusement park,costumed, hypnotized, warriors of death!WHITE WISPS OF
The stuffed elephant wore a T-shirt. It read; "Always stand by me!"
Inside his trunk was enough napalm to wage a small war.
All of the characters were from theme parks and children's fairytales.
Their costumes were so complete, no details left undone.
The Captain; who, bore an eye patch, and a sharp hook, spoke into the microphone on board the blimp.Ordering everyone on board to don their parachute gear!
Combat style!
Each character grabbed their weopons and checked their boots. Then, even with the huge life-like heads they were wearing over their own heads, they harnessed themselves into military style paratroop gear and attached themselves to the guide wire!
One of the three little pigs assummed the lead position and began to yell out commands,informing the crew that they were approaching thier target!
It was a better than average day at Nevermind.
The Ferris wheel had not been turned on in a couple of months, however, the place still in all, with all the time I spend out of it looked like a sight for sore eyes.
-Nobody to talk to.
Calmness filled my head as I looked at the manicured flowers and neatly trimmed trees. Just to the left of the house there were several boxes marked as they had been promised. India.
Several "cute" tigers were supposed to be in there awaiting inspection from the zoologist at Zebra City.
They could be "played" with for a little while and photographed for the next project, before they got too big.Then safely returned to a wild habitat with a large range.
There was an island that was uninhabited.A deal had been arranged to leave animals there with remote cameras'in place while they were observed from an underground station.
Elaborate, nevertheless, owning a museum had it's moments!
One half click away stood sixty-nine soldiers dressed in various costumes.
Wearing blood red on their lips!
These costumes were recognizable to millions of Americans and had been in the most beloved fairy tale stories. However, they boot-leg. Counterfeit. Look-alike. Fake for real! What an injustice visually we as Americans have been served at the hands of dishonest politicians. Politicians that allowed our precious resources to die. Politician's that allowed our sky's to be fouled by pollutants that they overlooked for stuffed envelopes of hush money.
Now their dishonesty finally peaks! The cresendo of larceny and deciet. First they allowed bootleg things to occur so tha there would always be two versions of the same product or person. How unfortunate that they mislead the American taxpayers and used government foreign budget money in this way. Now with absolutely no way to check the food sources for contamination.
A white wash of letters had been sent to all the resturants. A visual mind candy of checking the food sources.How could this be the final response to such an endemic and genocidal health problem? If a resturant recieves all the Health inspection letters at once A-F what kind of joke is it?
The area has been left to the Unfocused One. Avilent domino effect of things has yet to occur.
How sad.
When will the electric church choir sing? When will the victims of the Unfocused One government experiments be found?
Hawaii was attacked and then Milwaukee,then,Arizona. Finally South Africa. Now a string of home-invasion crimes on the West Coast!
The curator realized that the inference of cannibalism lurked and peered from behind every billboard. A string of violent crimes all covered up with confusing clues that lead to the Marine Corps. Another fallacy. The Unfocused One left her hand dug baseball diamond clues at the scene of every crime! The Unfocused One levied her threat against the curator more than once telling him that the realization of his wealth would be his demise.Giving him the appointed hour of his death in increments of fiduciary madness!
South Africa where people were not allowed on walk on the grass. South Africa where human experimentation and surgery without anesthesia is normal. It means that your training to be a doctor!The curator's life had become one of the Mafia's favorite things to specualte on since he found out that the Unfocused One's sister had bathed in African blood!
The large cat snarled and looked out into the brush, for just a moment. It's sinewy movements gave it a combination of grace and stealth as it moved towards the group of infantryman. The sky was filled with little dots at first. Some small. Some big. Floating effortlessly against the clear blue sky. The two jet fighters locked onto the wooden ship and fired a warning missile.
The missile reached the ship and exploded in front of it,showering the air with red-hot balls of light.
The two jets veered off. One to the left. The other to the right.
"We've been discovered!;yelled the Duck as it ran towards where the guns were kept.
The Duck broke open a sub machine gun and began to attach an automatic feeding clip secured to an ammunition box.
The jets went upward in a straight line until thye were unseen. Only to return behind the wooden ship.
The pilot pressed the button and let out a rapid spray of red-hot bullets that pelted the vehicle igniting the ballast of helium above it and showering the air with a plume of chemical smoke and fire.
The jets veered off again.
The costumed park figures continued to drift downwards towards the roof of the house. A small light went off inside the house and a large opening appeared on the rooftop. A laser canon raised itself gently into the opening and locked. The elephant was the first to be hit, spraying napalm everywhere. As it landed the fires burned and quickly took the wooded treeline.
The infrantry moved outward only to be driven back by the snarling cat who had begun to take figures at will, lashing out with powerful strokes!
From the air it looked like a battlefeild as the Jets returned to finish what they had begun.
The Jets flew in low and covered the entire backyard with a spray of jet fuel. The ground blackened as the heat rose and wafted into the clear sky. The Jets hovered over the house and began to descend firing in 360 degree counter clockwise movements until all the characters were lifeless and lay crumpled against the charred earth.
The Tiger could be seen in the distance,-running with a figure in it's mouth!It's coat was singed and smeared with soot.
"There's nobody up here for hundreds of miles;the pilot paused,- we have large cat on the loose!"
The two pilots continued to converse with each-other as if they were on a commercial flight somewhere over Dallas.
-"It could'nt be any stranger!
Affirmative, no stranger than if it were a Bengal Tiger!
Be advised that it has tasted flesh, it must be destroyed!"
-"Tasted?, Captain that damn thing has eaten!"
White whisps of Cotton Candy
The loud clicking of her heels filled the room as the computer lights bounced off of the black polished floor.
Her body suit was an ode to S/M and she seemed bound to the point of pain by the lacing that made her flesh swell and rise out of small cut openings.
In her left hand she held a clicking device that resembled two clamshells. "When I click this your out of Hollywood!"
She grinned. "How are the ratings doing this summer?"
"As always you rule;the crew groggily replied. She half giggled;"Well, what the hell else could it be if you know what I mean?" She winked at the cameraman and stormed through the studio letting her heels reverberate against the soundboards.
"I rule! I rule!"
The elevator doors opened and she disappeared.
"Come along amigos';her white teeth stained with a small streak of blood red lipstick.Time to go shopping!"
"Time to go shopping";the people chanted.
"Now, lets see". She walked towards the cages and pressed a button releasing the people into a big main room.
"It's time to stop watching and start shopping! You'll find that I'm big on things like that,she said almost to herself.
Where was I?- You people will need money;clothing,and cars- you should thank me really you should, for rescuing you from that mundane Island where you never had enough fresh food to last."
She quickly donned a make-up suit and grabbed a baseball bat. With a swing that would have made jolting joe proud she took aim and beamed one of the people in the cage.
"Lunch time!";she cried and the group went into a stirred horror.
"Remember my hungry trippers, there's plenty of fresh food out here in this part of the world!
She turned on the video.
The screens came alive with Americans of every race huddled together underneath cardboard boxes. Sometimes the screen filled with just a few people in tattered clothing. Other time's groups of people could be seen just sitting against buildings staring defiantly out into the void.
"These people are clogging up the roadways and the avenues with their very presence. They are an eyesore and need to be removed. If you get hungry they are always there for the taking!"
She herded the people back onto the grill and turned up the flames. "Whe you find these people bring tehm into your hotel rooms and we'll help you prepare them!"
She kicked the flaming grill and it rolled behind the sliding wall.
"Get your own food!"
Several weeks later each person was individually fit with an outfit and given their measurments. Credit was issued and insurance papers created. Along with a sizeable amount of counterfeit cash that they were instructed to use in small venues and out of the way places.
"Go my minions, onward my troops! Scatter yourselves like the four winds in every direction!
Take the state!"
Planeloads of of people she continued to drop off into the unsuspecting suburban Californian night. Countless thousands. Over and over until crowds of people overflowed into the streets.
All well heeled.
All on vacation.
All looking for strangers who were alone.
The familar chicken chain recieved it's shipment of recognizable soda canisters. The driver peered into the restaurant."You only going to order 4 canisters of beverage for the whole year?"
"That's the way it goes my freind. Business is not that great."
"What about the lard for the fryers?"
"No, we'll sublease it."
"Don't get caught, Ok sign here."
The managers rotund belly squeezed between the counter and the wall next to the cash register. He eyed the product carefully and placed the name brand canisters in the back of the store. Picking up the phone he dailed out and when the other party answered he began speaking in spanish.
Later that week a delivery of lard and unmarked soda canisters were delivered to Mexico.
"What are we going to do with all these bodies";the Unfocused 1 inquired. "Fear not my minions. I have a surgeon that lives in the desert. He'll be needing a bunch of research specimens for his experiments on muscle replacement!
He's the cheif doctor and the head dishwasher for the desert basketball team! We'll send them to him labeled medical research. Keep your shirt on will ya?"
Somewhere out in the Arizona desert Dr Henri patiently looked over his condolence list of casualities." Modern medicine, he mumbled to himself, it's not exactly perfect."
He looked at the computer as the list of people ribboned and spilled onto the carpet. I have a convention to make and a lecture tour to do. I can't help but think that muscle protien is the new food source for the future!
It's so full of protien and there maybe evidence that it prolongs life-itself!" | 