Well it looks like everything is in order, my you must be happy, being famous and all. Peg looked around the room and focused his stare on the guilt bird cage that hung over the counter in the back of the real-estate office. Yes, the clerk continued you must be so happy. What's it like to be famous, I bet you get all kinds of offers, get to travel..... Peg's mind drifted into the guilt cage. The cage was hewn from gold mined in a foreign country. A country where people's rights were disrespected as often as the sun set. A country where clean water was a special favor born of the color of your skin. A country where even your body organs were not your own. Something that God gives every one a simple pair of kidneys and a beating heart. Nobody in the office ever referred to the cage as being gold. Peg,as he had been informed by the clerk was famous and had seen gold before. The clerk chatted on and on about things and finally got to something personal. In order to take possession of said property you have to have a next of kin, who are you going to leave your things to in case of a death? Peg looked at the clerk as the cage blurred in the background. He could make out her features now. Her face was covered with actor's silt. Around the edges of her hair line you could see that it was sealed with an expoxy.Her lashes were thick with a substance that darkened them. Her lips were painted very lightly, her cheeks were blushed with a brush as if to give them a healthy glow. Peg, looked at the form. "I'm too young to worry about death, I don't see any reason to find a next of kin for that right now. Peg's voice seemed strained as the pressure in his chest cavity increased and the sides of his neck filled with a rapid surge of blood. The pit of his stomach tweaked and his voice became light and wavered in pitch slightly. "I'm sorry, the clerk continued, unless you give us a name of a relative that you want to leave your things to when you die, we can't continue any further." Peg, closed his eye's . He had never really been close to any of his relatives now that fame had entered his life. Most of his memories were filled with abusive yelling and combative violence. Just the kind of thing that the Police Dept. rarely responded to. That of domestic violence. Then there were the nights when substance abuse became the excuse for more abuse. Peg remembers being battered over and over again while his relatives came down off of Herion. They always had a ready supply of it due to the fact that they had law enforcement jobs at night. What a convient bust we had this evening", Peg remembered one of his abusers saying. We had 12 kilo's of pure smack. It's all right there in the drug room.Every once in a while somebodies got to go and check that smack.Nobodies going to miss a few handfulls here and there, the rest can always be replaced with powdered sugar." Being in law enforcement is a tuff job, violence is part of the program. Peg, get your ass over here before I kick the shit out of you!"...... Peg's eye's moistened and he came back from the memory where he had just been. Traveling back and forth from the past to the present had become something that he did more often than he used to when he was younger. Man was never meant to travel faster than the spoken word of God. Mr. Assist, do you understand the rules? You must have a next of kin or we can't proceed any further." Peg looked at the woman and noticed that she smiling in an evil way. Yes, of course. Peg scribbled the name of a god child down something he could get out of easy now that he had changed his religios preference. Yes, he thought to himself. She must be like them by now. Greedy beyound your wildest imagination. With only one thought in mind to kill yes to kill for money. That's the way it felt to Peg now as he finished filling out the form. Money gotten after your dead he thought. I have'nt finished living not by a long shot. Peg felt a dreaded sensation creeping up his throat and filling his chest cavity. His breathing became labored and just for an instant he stopped breathing altogether. One of the dysfuctions that comes with a battering Peg thought. His head still carried the skull fractures from the beating he sustained when he was 7 years old. It never really bothered his relatives that he had to spend so much time in the nurses office. As soon as the temperature rose above a certain degree Peg would pass out. That inky dark world. The void. That's where he spent most of his childhood. Now he was famous as the clerk pointed out. Now, he could spend money and buy things, if he lived long enough to do it!