"I can't say enough about MTV, it really helped shape my sound and my look." Bills World: Is it true that the Roxy tried to book your name for September? Idol: I can't believe anyone would think that I was performing at the Roxy. Bills World:It seems that LA WEEKLY is carrying the advert for Sept,13,14, and 15. Idol: Impossiable, chalk it up to another sound alike band. Bills World: You mean your the subject of a Tributary? Idol: I can't say, only thing that I can tell you for sure is that I won't be playing at the ROXY. Bills World: Don't they have to pay you for that? Idol:That's a fact,. Well it seems that Ticket Master has tried a fast one, only you the public can be the subject of it. you can contact Roxy theater at www.TheRoxyTheatre.com for a refund. | 

Idol speaks: I have not been the subject of a revival have I? Idol winces as he adjusts to the fabric of the butterfly chair. I feel a little older but nothings changed. Billy recently looked at the VH1 tribute to him. I was'nt even asked to perform, they just got a look alike and went on to selling the album. It kinda hurts you'd think, however I did use one before when I was in Japan. There was a motorcycle rally of some sort and everybody wanted to ride without helmets. I could'nt make up my mind so I borrowed a service member that was stationed over seas. Guy was a real genuis at foreign languages. They assured me that no rock and roller would ever wear a helmet. The only footage that is real is the old MTV footage, I looked at the bio and laughed a little. I don't have a family or anything. It would be hard to get one dancing with yourself Billy. -Weird- Remembering B.W: Do you think it's necessary to respond to every thing you hear. "You can't. Some of it is purely created by those that have been near you during past productions. A sort of free form of publicity. It never ends up being anything that you can use. B.W: Any thing you don't like? "I don't think that music is something that is a platform for anything more than performing. People don't want somebody standing up on a platform creating some kind of image that says look at me, I'm perfect. That's why I'm so happy that MTV exists, Film is a way of remembering. IN ROCK WE TRUST In addition to incomplete messages and truncated signals IN ROCK WE TRUST continues to talk to the performers and musicans that helped shape MTV. In this segment we interviewed Billy Idol and asked some definitive questions about his new found home at NEVERMIND. In Rock: Why did you join the ranks of Nevermind MJJproductions newest brain child? Billy: I had to do alot of personal things and when I saw what was going on in the papers I realized that I needed to get new rep's. I'm lazy. I like to sit around with alot of gear attached to my head, endless cords streaming from my monitor's. I don't like to argue. I detest fighting. I like to relax. After wards it's sort of the opposite of what it's like to be on stage. I think I've broadened my scope and my feild of vision. I left alot of things undone and just traveled around. There were all kinds of head aches and body aches associated with bad blood, bad advice and poor judgement on who you can trust and who you cannot. I looked in the paper one day and that's when I realized that people might be interested in hearing my music again. I saw alot of artwork one day and I thought hey maybe they want to hear it again. I honestly don't have a problem with my silence. Eye's without faces and Rebel Yell pretty much say it all. That's what's nice about MTV you do it right once and leave. I'm not saying that it's not a real concert however it is really a different thing to me and to be honest I don't think that I would do alot of the gig's that I saw being done in town, or alot of the magazine articles that I saw being written. INROCK:Alot of people got robbed with those fake articles is that what your referring to? Billy: I guess so. It kinda mystified me. I mean I served my country and I really don't think very highly of the people that did it. They could'nt think of a song like White Wedding in a million years yet they had.... (Billy trails off) Anyway I don't have any children really. Rock the cradle of love is all about that.I don't understand the kind of journalism that we had during the time these things came out but I will be voicing my complaints with Congress and my state representatives. I think that it was the competition. IN ROCK: Competition? Billy;Yeah I reckon. I realize that I did'nt get to where I am in the Industry by myself. I still did however write all my own music and of course there were people guitar makers and such. That still does not give them the right to take off with people's work. Congress is charge of copyrights and published works so it's really a matter of putting your foot down and saying NO. I could've let those things happen for a while longer. I'm much happier now. I've adjourned on alot of associates. IN ROCK: Sounds complicated. Billy: This new project is easier for me to understand u Understand? IN ROCK: In what way? Billy: I can relax, that's important. I talked to Elton about alot of the things that I did'nt like however he was involved with the Lion King and we walked and talked about alot of things. Elton's crazy and a great person all at the same time, he explained alot of things to me about these crazy magazine's. I don't need alot of pretty pictures to realize my audience or understand my music. Anyway Elton grabbed me mail and sent it off to Washington somewhere where by the way it still remains. I finally got ahold of a government office and they claimed he sent it himself! IN ROCK: Elton for President? Billy: I don't know he's got alot of connections, I can't speak for his family or anything just for the times I've needed advice from him. IN ROCK: Is it hard being a blond? Billy: Extremely. In Rock: What's the most difficult part associated with it? Billy: Availability. Weather, and concern in that order. IN ROCK: This new project places you in slightly different role. You play the part of Air! Can you give us any insight about the role? Billy: I'd like too give you nothing but the finished project, I will say that it is demanding and I have a hard time pulling it off. I saw the part at the HOB and I got together with Tripple Blues and that lead to another meeting and finally I was at the doors of Nevermind accepting it."