"Our environment is at a purple level of exist vs non exist. The influences that create positions within the fabric of our nation, ie Politicians, have guided our lives with news, datum, and a 3/5 version of the world. Nature creates harmony,the feild of passion,gentle breezes moved with an unseen hand." Jet lag only occurs when I think about the fact that as of this date I'm looking back to check on the to be continued chapter of my work. Reference to the singular and not the plural, Y? Response:Duality,comprehension times intent squared. Right now lifes sixtyninetimes world square.I can dig alot of what is going on, however right now is important. Yesterday is the focus so that tommorow will be the bright future. Point? Oh,yeah my favorite expression, yadda yadda yadda, pause, intent expression, then I reply, not to be rude but what's your point? I can't comprehend my work unless I reveal it.Secrets one of my favorite albums by Confunction. Looking back I think that Rude Boy Music gave me alot of opportunities, ie: Cars, ect. Warner Bros. has been really patient. Is that what you mean by Jet Lag? Yeah,it's like a good gumbo,it takes alot of ingredients to make a great one! The seperation feels healthy,living in the shadow of anything other than god is poor mental health week. So,is this it? When I think about the fact that I got involved in so many deals, Family,Shelia-E, and wound up with a truck full of clothing and a shared housing arrangement P. Park oddly Jet photographed that one correctly.It still is not that easy to live day to day. I locked it up and went traveling so what does it all mean? I can't complain life is g-r-r-reat. I think that it is a business and a job of sorts, I think now that the grease paints of its reality square at least for me. And the Artist? Now thats a horse of a different color! What can I say. I never wanted to share how I did the early tapes or that I worked with another person. To me as I stated before when your doing vocals and playing over 12 instruments, and both parties are being properly compensated,to me thats show business. I felt and I still do that the fact that I wanted to promote it as one person was purely a sales technique. Most of the time when you play by yourself it sounds exactly the same no matter which instrument you pick up. Now, looking back I find that I can't agree to live a weird life because of some records. I gotta be free, no strings, not attachments, no hello's, just goodbyes. I can't have complications. I think the difference should be refreashing. Any fears? I thought yanking the artist out of Warner Bros was my biggest fear. Working with people is great however its bliss to work on your own, nobody to ask permission ect. I think that as always he's gifted,I think his costumes and his language is tres, but we're different and I need my sound and image to reflect that. I think I realized it finally when he did the tabloid,Ebony photo shoot which is kind of too busy for me but it does reflect the fact that you can create a life for yourself in a picture. 2 me however its just music and looking at him made me yearn for a solo gig. Jet Lag. The environment has got to be realized.Now that I've got that much space in my mind I can realize nouns,self,actualization, being there. I can't say Scientology. There I said it. Whatever road you choose in your life if that road takes you to realize that God is alive then maybe thats the road to happiness. I can't judge it. I've been in a band where two people look alike from time to time. I could never go on like that. Thats why I numbered the thing. It was meant to be. I could've lived my entire life in a studio, it would'nt have ever bothered me. Is that healthy? Seriously though God has opened my eyes again. I think that its more like a deepening of faith or understanding. Understanding the derivation of the words has helped alot. I still stumble.I think thats why I believe my faith is deeper, because I can sense stumble. Before, I would never have realized it, whatever my freind thought was cool. I have to move on with my work and I can't hang out for the artist or anyone. I have to move when I feel like it. I can't wait for people to make their artistic points. I've never had much of a sense of reality to this particular and thats another reason why I feel like its time. Oh, 2 much water to worry about sales volume. Thats the coporate bilge I listen to these days from every body. How do you feel about Black America vs White America? I feel that America is black and white in print, if your speaking about people I could'nt agree. I think anybody that wants to be black should join a club or something its like scientology isnt it? I mean it feels like that to me. I don't think that anybody wakes in the morning and calls themselves Purple Mountains but me. I think that maybe older folks 60 years old and over may feel the change due to their proximity to history itself. Anybody that I ever grew up with can't relate to anything like that. I think that anybody should be able to be anything that they want to be,there are lots of interesting cultural things that happen when you travel. Customs,foods, clothing, can be very interesting. I can't say that I have ever done more than try to create my own world within the 1 United States. It was free enough for me to create Co- Create Dirty Mind, so 2 me that says alot about it. I think I realize growth as well. I realize that my freinds from lets say 20 years ago are just people now that my faith has deepened. I always liked being by myself in a crowd,these days I like spending quality time with myself. I'm going to keep everything the way it was and have Warner Bros. reflect the split. Will you return to Warner Bros.? I don't see why I should leave them. Can you maintain your identity, because at this point I almost got lost. Seriously? Sony has been great I can't be Purple all day. What are some of the other changes in you.? Dont's first. I don't smash cameras, I really miss that. I don't have huge body guards around me to tell everybody that I'm the one with the numbers. I never drink purple tea. I do feel more grounded. Alot of people that I talked to have come out of theater wondering who they are where there are why they are.\ It's just a gig. You can't be anything more than you are no matter how much make up you have or how brilliant your character is. So, are you a character? Look I told you alot of things. I got Cars, Sting, Big Generator, did stuff for Hall & Oates,.... Vocals? Yeah, vocals plus vocoders, instruments, it depends what year we're talking about and what state.

Purple Mountains. 99purplepigeons made the sky their dome over a streched sky the sea raged below. One dove away from a Hundred YEARS OF PEACE. Tis of Thee. In the shade of a thousand Panda Bear leaves, a flock of seagulls gathered while the mist moved traces of sand into the ocean. In the distance on road far from good. Stood a raven, he cawed Enter,you really should. In my imagination I can see real good while I'm slowing frying in your neiborhood. You show me kindness in a different way. You like disease, I feel your distruction! Can't I click my heels twice and say theres no place like? Can't I take flight? In a sea of zebra, in a cobalt tree, in tall grass valley, across a lake of glass, I sense the mountains,the hills skip at last. Through the clouds, the mist is moved, the finest and the purest just like Wisdom, I need to know, If love could answer, how would I know? If you don't hate me, then you can't see, all of the distruction between you and me. I feel nothing, I understand the same thing my voyage ended when did yours begin? Purple Mountains in the distance of resistance. Under stand the sacrafice. I'd like to part with you company for now and never see you again until the last show down, You want to live forever, you want to talk to God? You want to ask God questions the ones that are real hard? You live your life Purple Mountains