JGIJDOLL&THECOLD1 STRAIGHT! Man, everybody got something yesterday. Me, I had damn heart attack. I'm going nowhere faster than anybody I met yesterday. You know when you think that your getting ready to meet, the other world, your mind has the tendency to want to reflect over the last couple of days that you have been having. The people around you at the time don't understand your I dont give a fuck attitude even though like a smear of olive oil against the lense they float in and out of the pov. Damn. I read the bible in front of somebody and they still did'nt go away. People have a tendancy to believe that when they see me reading the bible that I'm going to become Christ in the flesh. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't read or believe I am very happy in the word and all. People are a little unrealistic to me. "Why are you not reading and praying I thought you were, Luke I interject, do you want me to part your hair or something?" I don't like leading people around and then taking their money. I like them to give it to me right away and then get out of my life so that I can get something serious done. I read about all these religious leaders leading people around and taking them to Africa and telling them that the comet has got God's right behind it. I can't imagine taking that many drug combinations to where I ask somebody, hey Jim think they got anyroom on the comet tale for me. Shut up and finish your jello" I thought that I was really funny after I had my heart attack. I really love my family they were so concerned. They talked to me all the way through it which oddly is what I thought gave me the thing in the first place. I can't imagine having sex I told somebody the other day. Why is that they replied? Somebody knocked the fuck out of me in a robbery and since then I have'nt had any interest in it. Somebody once told me, "hey when are you going to do something with your life, get a job. A job! I replied, requires somebody skilled in the art of giving a fuck. The part where they say desired salary is the grand part for me, because they send you to school to learn how to properly fill out a form. Desired salary alway's makes me weary. I have to look at the carpet. Check the paintings on the wall, and see if the waste paper basket is made out of plastic. If I spot any things from Piggly Wiggly then I right away know that its going to have to have a ceiling on it. A good sign is a ship yard with a yaght on the desk with one of those brass navagation systems. This is when I shift into high gear and offer to make coffee. Making coffee is a skill and it can get you a job over somebody who does not know the fine art of the paper filter. I think that everybody is sane they just take turns being unsane to liven up the day. I think that my favorite thing to do is feild offers from prospective investment firms. I have a deeply spiritual part of my show planned however you need to go to a mountain and sit for 40 days and 40 nights in order to keep your balance when your searching for inner peace. I was doing so well, I was not using any cuss words. F