Join the honorable PHAT:ieisfat won't you? And Now Congested Dog Star Sirius. Stuffy head ache medicine! Deep in the galaxy of MiggZero99 way beyound those cheaper brands of galaxies the crew of Dog Star Demented congested Sirus floated, caught as it were in a sea of decongested medication capsules. Snotty! Full power;roared the Captain into the speaker system. I've got starboard time released capsules exploding on my viewfinder!" Snotty peered down the scope of the viefinder. He fumbled with some of the controls and finally unscrewed the plate over the transporter console.There he began to deftly cross and uncross a myriad of circut boards. Bright flashes of light exploded in front of his face. Perspiration dampened his brow as Snotty feverishly worked his fingers and his electomagnetic space pen that he's sent away for in the space junk mail. Snotty: What it seems to be Captain is a sirus block. Impacted,possiably an allergic reaction to download time differentials. Captain: Your paid by the minute on this one Snotty not a yearly income. Save the runny nosed explainations and fire this tanker up! Vulgar shifted in his chair. Punster music he thought was way more deft than Puff this year. Vulgar thought that Puff definately had it going on in the automobile section however. Image and presentation thought Vulgar, that must be the key to a sucessful punster attack. Vulgar: Maybe I can help Captain. Snotty? Have you tried any of the liquid decongestant that we picked up on BLS? There was a short amount of static noise, then Snotty's voice could be heard.The loud echo of the call letters could be heard sounding off. B.L.S.! Snotty: I think that worked Vulgar. Oh,goodness gracious I can't believe it! The Lithium B.L.S in conjunction with lemon-flavored Punster over the counter version did the trick.Just a little more and we ought to be able to free ourselves from the routine of this tierd hip-hop universe! All happening now!!!! echoed BLS in the background. Captain: Do we have full power yet Snotty> Snotty: Thanks to Vulgar & BLS we are as good as gone! Captain:Let's get the FUNK,FUNK outta here than.Helmsman set coordinates for any club that satisfies,gratifies,and glorifies women. Vulgar:What about exploitation? Captain:How often you get into panties is noted in the log book Vulgar. Set back and let Mack daddy Mack! Snotty:Once they've had a taste of Mack daddy they don't often come back sir! Vulgar:Groovealistic! | 