"The right side of the garden has strawberries. Left side of the garden has jams, perserves, and blueberries.
Fill the rest of the area; yelled Peg-Assist. Since the war Peg had become taciturn,trusting only birds and flowers. Once in a great while he would perk up at the thought of contacting NASA.
"What did I do with those satelite papers?";Peg questioned out loud.
"There are no papers for those satelites. Just records of the actual flight;replied the Unfocused 1.
You mean to tell me taht you put my money into space and now it's just floating around like space junk!"
You had better start telling me the truth! I have money for no reason and you're the one that's gonna cough it up!
"I can honestly say that if a cough exists that makes me spend money I take cough supressants. I spend money for no reason at all because my money I do not spend. I steal other peoples money with words and live in the lap of luxuary!"
The Unfocused 1 continued to sermonize:
I don't have the vaguest idea how much money I have because I never count it!"
"How can you honestly do that!;yelled Peg-Assist. How can you steal other peoples money and never spend your own money!?"
"Because it's not all mine."
"What are you doing with money that's not yours at all? That would be money for no reason."
"That's the best kind of money."
The Unfocused 1 turned the words around slowly in it's head.
"Words make money;said Peg-Assist. You have money all the time, and it's for no particular reason! Are you in love with money? It's only paper!"
"I have formed a rather three-dimensional relationship with it; said the Unfocused 1.
My words have some meaning but the majority of the time I have relatively little to say. How could I? I barely know what the conversation is about. It would be wrong to pay anyone without a full experiment,. "And thourough testing!";said the Monkey.
"Don't forget to test everything! Test it until it fails! That's the way to gain power!;yelled the Monkey. That's the strongest theory I know and it's the smartest thing to do!
That way when it fails everyone loses, but you get to burn the candle at both ends,... and there's no more left for anybody. Nothing left! That is the strongest theory and the smartest one!"
The Unfocused 1 put the moneky back near the box and it came back with pretty things to wear and brightly colored things.
"I've never been able to control the Monkey. It's too samrt and too strong; said the Unfocused 1. Pretty things to wear;said the Monkey, and it clapped it's hands.
The Monkey never caught it's reflection.
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