Rock the House! In Rock We Trust continues to interview using the Norming Storming, Performing and Adjourning.E-mails are the future and should be regualted by Congress. We consider our web to be Congressionally created and so we continue to remain available for over 100 representatives to view as well as 12 Appellate District Regions, in addition to over 350 members of the House. | 

FORMING IN ROCK:"JEARING GI-JOE DOLL & THE COLD 1 BABY! who promote everything from health to military fashion give their initial impression of the Industry, trust, lessons learned, and risks as well as compatiblity." INROCK:Any anxiety associated with the business that you can relate to us? JGIJD&TC1B!:Anxiety belongs to society in general. Once a person accepts it personally they become too abberated to see the solution." IN ROCK: Can you identify any thing in your sound or message that we could attribute to influence. Jearing: We got to talk to Dre on a phone once. We would have been content to sit back and be entertained but everybodies sound and lyrical content just got weak. We focused our attention to detail inward and left everybody else following their own influences. We looked at the bible for structure and found that it provides an excellant forming stage. It also separated our sound and our message. INROCK:You've been accused of being prejudiced against those that follow alternative lifestyles is this true? COLD1: I'd like to take that one on. We sell music and films we don't get involved with things that are prohibited in the Bible. Storming: INROCK: Do you have any emotional issue's? JGID&TC1B!: The enviornment. We disagree with those that feel that litter and trash don't harm our subconcious minds increase C.O.P.D with secound hand smoke. We don't smoke! There are so many health issues with 26 varities of hepititus that you can't believe in people that don't give you the straight truth. It's misleading propaganda with signal words like "safe sex", and "alternative lifestyle". Their are millions of people dying and it's all part of population control. Fortunately alot of it is avoidable. It's mostly surface bacteria and viruses and sex disorders. We are a strong nation but we stole it from the American Indian. We don't have the right not to recognize other cultures and countries. We don't have the right to steal natural resources. We have the most advanced technology and research available with N.A.S.A. We're all on the verge as becoming homeless as a nation if we continue to wave the American flag and not understand that it includes a resistance to taboo's and sins as well as health rules found in the bible. We must be willing to deal with our own desires and forgo the information provided by one of our trendy freinds or even a family member in liue of current health information and practices found in the Bible. We will suffer as a nation if we don't acknowledge the hypocracy attached to attacking foreign countries with slurs and slander while we sit in a country stolen from the American Indian and built largerly by African and Asian servitude. The structure of our transportation system and many of our inventions were stolen from other cultures. How can we fail to recognize other cultures and people as a nation? The clear indication for Americans is to read. Learn. Study. Growth is essential relaxation manditory. Americans can direct thier energy by exercising freedom of speech and power of the press.If individuals become disgruntled or upset or even nauseated with the information provided by local's who tell you not to look things up just listen to me and these nine hundred idiots, then we fail to form a one to one relationship with our public policy. Once we are free from inaccurate information then we can hone our technique and value our responsiablity in our indivdual leadership roles as American citizens. Norming: INROCK:Have you increased the gradients on yourselves as a group? Jearing:We concentrate heavily on relaxation. We do the best that we can and then we move on. There's alot of danger in getting bogged down with somebodies else's confusion or political platform.It may sound trendy to promote unhealthy sexual propaganda for a sale now but we don't want to get bogged down with the situation later. We mention it because of who we are and what we stand for. This objective is met head on so we don't have to entertain the subject at any time during our performances or our lives. Music is a learning experience. We don't want to force people to buy our sound or listen to our message. We want a mature and productive audience. Voters. Doctor's. Health people. Educator's. Police & Fire Dept. College's. We plan on taking it easy,however we've pushed really hard in the past so theres a balance. We dig different groups of record and movie buyers and goer's. Performing & Adjourning:We are depending less and less on marketed research and forming an independent attitude formed specifically with the help of Unions like the DGA,Teachers Union, Screen Actor's Guild, Musican's Union, Carpenter's Union,As well as Congressional appointments like the United States Post Office. Not to mention media representation by radio and television. Then there's business. Who could do it with out spending it. It's give and take. With places like Sunset Tatoo Guitar Center Sam Ash, Trader Joe's how could the Punster's for instance even be availabe for us to soundtrack? The operative word is WORLD, forget about marketing opinon polls and courting special interest groups after the security camera's start rolling its up to places like the House of Blues in Chicago and affiliates like The Los Angeles Times and Disney Channel as well as Playstation 2 to pick up the action, our job is to carry the ball and score. IN ROCK: WE HOPE YOU WIN. | 

FIRE Times the Third Power In Rock recognizes various styles and adjusts it's focus on the up and comming rather than that which is readily available on the newstands. We enjoy presentations and have no problems encouraging;directing,. It's Soybean & Soybean flour, Korean and yang chow. We are a planet of diversity and creativity. We need a society of self directed independent thinkers reading and writing and performing complex literacy goals to achieve and forfill our growth potential." | 