"I'll tell you an interesting story if you'll tell me one". The speaker continued to look around the audience as the baskets of offerings were being shoved into each row of people like so many hot pizza's.
"I've had a dream that you could call a reoccuring one. I know that somewhere out in this audience is somebody who can afford to complete my dreams financially. We've been blessed with so many different things over the years and it may seem wrong to continue to ask God for more blessings. But don't you see that's God's plan. That's what he wants us to do. Ask, and seek, knock and the answer will be there.
Praise, shouted the audience.
You know those Bell Helicopters, praise God? I looked out this morning and I thought to myself why can't we have one?
It would facilitate our.....
The speaker continued to speak as various audience members shifted in their seats nodded their heads in approval or looked off to the side to see what kind of offering their neighbor had made.
WINE-O drifted in and out of conciousness,fully alert now as the speaker turned his attention and focus towards him.
His glasses smudged with the residue of dark grapes and his leather jacket partially hidding his "Grapes of Wrath" T-shirt.
"How can I get you to make a commitment here today, brother?
WINE-O shifted in his seat. "Why?; he thought, does accepting a paper plate lunch always have to end in some kind of contribution". NorthShore | 