Turn Table. Reading is a wonderful alternative.To what you might ask yourself of such an incomplete sentence. Well, there are a number of things that a person could be doing that are shall we say ill advised. For instance, name anything that is bad for your health and your off to a great start. We here at Turn Table find that we like to get the tracks down and the party started. Reading supplies an individual with information that can be used to create thoughts. Imagination is unlocked throught visual and audible senstations. Information that is half correct or is still incorrect. Pictures that are used to supply the reader with a visual account of a drama or a person are supposed to add to the reading experience. Although, reading incorrect datum is something that in these days of mass production seems unavoidable. We here at TurnTable will lend a hand now and then to guide your reading experience. | 
Black Heroes of 20th Century. It's wonderful that Jessie Carney Smith & Nikki Giovanni have teamed up to give readers a chance to read about some of the "heroes" in our electronic culture of sound,and digital movement. We highly recommend thier work and we are very proud of both of thier accomplishments. The only problem we have with some of thier work is that although it is informative the information is still half correct. In a way it proves that there is a right to privacy, because after all how could you write something that was totally accurate. Their journalism is complimentary and the reading is swift, it does however border on tabloid information sometimes and the photo's in the case of baby face, MJ's have been taken from a bin and the secound wax relief it looks like.TurnTables advice in these cases remember Thriller photographs were taken as a hedge against the duplicate photographs which in MJ's case there will always be a vauge reference or a disclaimer. This happens so often that if you ask the culprits will usually admit who they are as they have recieved instant fame from the exposure. Great reading however low points for personal information on both of these perfomers. People Magazine. We at Turn Table have always been avid supporters of people,however they over the years have been the victim of photo bin selling. There's nothing to say about todays makeup. Its three D,and looks like the march of the wooden soldiers. Alot of the technology used to create camera ready puppet like photos is the culprit. They have their share of fake photo's however they did at one time have real photo's and they marked the occasion with a photo shoot that went unpaid. One photo we saw had a photo double bowing out, the thing with these photos is they could be easily done with makeup and they look in passing ok. They could never make your life difficult now could they? To people we say that some of their claims were in fact very funny including all the articles on skin creams and surgical trips! You realize that a medical fact about the human body is that surgery only lasts for seven years? As long as people don't make up things based on the crazy claims found in the tabloids! (smile)Nevermind thats show business. | 
Turn Table-Moving on. Thou protest twice as loud! There is no delicate way to discuss matters that under general conditions would be none ya,(smile) None of your business. We have to give the credit to Dear Johns' Advice column for the ever popular How 2 Mind Your Own Business. Congrats! Nuff said. The one thing about leaving tabloids on their own is who reads that malarkey anyhoo? You'd be surprised however at how many Americans read while they shop. Even the cashiers read alot of magazines, how can they help it. That much recycled paper accounts for quite alot of weight,remember to recycle paper. Don't hurt trees in your quest for information that is largely Nonya. We thought about it and we decided that the future of Michael is a whole lot more interesting than the tabloids paint. How often does one need to get mentioned in Hollywood anyhoo? Nevermind. All things considered it is important to highlight the fact that although the Lisa/Michael news was done in a timely manner, you also have to consider these facts. There was no real news at the time anyway. An agent is a person who you can consider a freind. They in turn consider you a client. What they did was totally within industry strength standards and it provided a beautiful way to escape the "Jackson compound". Folks at least know when it's time to let go. As with any family its often too delicate a situation to speak frankly on,however most people can see those that sell out and they have gotten caught every time with bozo photos that they offered for sale. Finally, the obscure people in this seem to get most of the mentioning. Debbie giving birth to a child and naming it after Michael is maddness. To add some reality to the situation we hear that Michael formed Electric Baby and to coin a phrase named it after some of his record holdings Prince Michael Jackson. Gone are the days of privacy. We at TurnTable hold our glass up to the light on the tabloids , our parting shot would be to consider the whole thing an attempt to experience everything a person has to offer and then to move on. That kind of attitude is typical, however Hollywood is a big town and the United Statesis even larger. How a demented fan like debbie gets to become part of MJ's biography is a perfect example of the kind of journalism that exists in the country at this time. With a generation being born into a society where reading and comprehension,-not to mention spelling,(thank goodness for on line editing!)is at a low point, we may have to deal with a public that is easily entertained with junk food journalism. Remember the truth is not always as interesting as a spiced up version or something that is pure nonsense! | 