What happens to people who lose touch with themselves to the point where they are suffering from multiple-personality complexes? This drama is about two people and the path that they took while randomly coming in and out of altered states of conciousness which would leave them in the present or the past. These two people continued to dissociate until words;pictures,sounds,costumes,ordors- prompted them. More specifically they were engramed by their enviornment. The sanguininity the duo shared was in fact nepetistic in character further adhering various pyschological disorders and manifestations. These two people were in fact sisters. What happens to people who become overly competitive. Competitive to the point where they are exhibiting a psychosis, which manifests itself verbally and in action and thought? The need to win is thought to be an asset in some peoples minds. To be competitive is thought to be a virtue. Nevertheless, when we are discussing psychoses, we are talking about a part of the thought process that is not functioning properly. The decision making part of speech and thought has been damaged for one reason or another. Thereby rendering the patient unable to reach a clear conclusion. How powerful are simple emotions? What is the power of Greed?................Jealousy?..................Anger?! How much of the human brain is controlled by audio-vibrations,- sound? What percentage of the human bran responds to visual things? This drama is not for the faint of heart. It covers a full range of abnormal psychological dysfunctions'. What part of the brain thinks that it can, get away with it? There are directions: East, North, South , West, There is left. There are variables. There is right All these things;even temperature, lead us in a direction up or down. Hot or cold. These things can be thought of as choices. What would make a person choose to do something wrong? There is enough available information in todays'society for the average person to read enough information and come up with a logical conclusion based upon past experiences of other people who have tried and either failed or succeded. How long would it take before one human being could dominate or control, another and another, untill they were leading masses of people astray? There have been instances in History werhe people have fallen prey to hypnosis and their worlds have been turned upside down in the process. These techniques were used in WW1-WW2. Many leaders used these unfair and unconstitutional practices to mass hypnotize the population. However, that was so long ago. Surely,we have learned from our mistakes. The history books clearly point out come of such unconstitutional behavior? Other great writings including the Bible point out a personal level? To become self- aware? Fortunately we live in a Democracy where everything is clearly spelled out. But, is a country only as good as the people who run it? Is it true that as long as you follow a guide line or a format that the country could virtually run itself? Would that mean that people would have to get more involved with their government? Will there ever be time for apathy? Just sit back and let someone else worry about all these things. Or is it the power in the hands of the people, as stated in the United States Constitution. This drama is about two young women who were related to each other as sisters. It weaves a tale of deception and fraud against the United States government. It's denizens and it's appointed officials. It is a tale of absolute power, corrupting absolutely. The venom which is embodied in greed; power, and the need to be recognized on a constant basis. This is a tale of corruption; graft, larceny, homicide, genocide and an attempt to overthrow the very government of which we pledge our allegiance to. E.T: There now you can open your eyes! Your warning is over, -for now. If anymore episodes come up that I think you can't handle....... I'll leave you a note!

Unfocused 1
"The police will alway's find us here;she said, as she adjusted her uniform. Carefully placing the front of one of her previous victims over her own, she began to change her voiceprints to match those in the police computer voice file. "I'll need transportation!" There comes a time in everyone's mind where they just give up and do as they are told. A flood of memories filled her mind as she struggled to give a fuck. "Executive privileges!";she exclaimed, as she watched yet another victim die. The terrorist combed the isles of the most expensive boutiques in the world. Up and down the promenades and Boulevards of Paris;Italy, South Africa,Austrailia,New Zealand, New York, Beverly Hills,Mexico, and Bogota. "Let's shop till they drop!" They resembled a mix of military clothing with a hint of Melrose. In other words they were in totally bad taste but seemed to think that they were at the height of fashion. "Temper, temper;shouted one of the terrorists, a faint odor of urine filled the small shop on Raven Ave; "Piss on!" Her eyes bore a fixed look, -as if they were contacts- her pupils never dialated. As a matter of fact, everything about her mask reminded you that she was wearing one. Completely narcissitic she checked here portable mirror, "I'm a Mega-Star!";she said. A delusional schizophrenic with multiple homicidal tendencies. A manic, completely drug dependent on a chemical stolen from the mind of a senator/scientist. Every one of here victims tried to think of some way to mark her so that our government would destroy her. Everybody concentrated on the only thing that would stop her one day."but that day is not today";she told everyone. "Today, I rule!" I guess the scariest thing that a person can experience is thinking that help is on the way. A sense of relief passes through you and you even sigh the anticipation of being saved.

*elbould is double spelled backward the letters however should be reversed. This is considered a visual effect and may not always be there. Double Egyptian dog by itself will still be the original elboud I consider to be creative enough to keep as well.
So it's a hostage situation, is that it?
Think! Think-tank. Look everyone was sent back to their childhood like it was a family outing or something.
Right,they were attacked with enough hypnosis to stop a train. Or a country from running properly.
How much government property was stolen in the mean time?
You won't like it. The Chief personally replaces all the desk employees that you would normally see if the building
were running properly with his two daughters and his wife plus any relatives on his wifes side plus any of his daughters' husbands or their kids even.
Husbands? Those two married people? They're overly empressed for the wrong reason.
More than likely they are hanging out waiting for the good life to hit them at the bank! From what it seems the Unfocused One handed out government jobs as a sort of bribe to keep her plan going.
She must be the most amazing person in her class.
The unstable one in her class I'm afraid. She suffers from an extreme form of multiple personalities.
She does not know why but she can't tell when she is one person before she things she's another!
You mean like a play?
A movie.
A nightmare on our street!
So what's the solution? All the players in this game are suffering form the same dysfunction.
You mean to tell me that the relatives are the same way?
They range in occupations such as entertainment newsreporters.
That's not sane. That's the same industry we have to go to.
Then that's where we will meet them.
No thanks! With spiffs from the Chief I'm almost sure that they can impress you with their jobs.
When has life ever been easy? I don't believe I voted for this kind of assignment.
The country's next you nut! If we don't get in there and expose their scheme to the FBI or the CIA or the Pentagon,-
well it's over! The country will be lost to a bunch of nuts that only want to take world economiess and turn them into United States currency. Then you met to tell me that the White House is in danger?
Our way of life is in danger, don't you get it?
Maybe they'll get tired and pass out.
Well those are the grim facts, they have a team.
And we have one!;the group chorused.
Is it really we -against them?
They work for the government.
What is it about perfection that we as Americans strive to be like? Should we run to the plastic surgeon because we don't have a face that has been covered in wax? Should we call up the dermatologist simply becasue we did not cover hourselves in seal by-products that have not only been inhumanely obtained but have been tested on animals?
How afraid are we as a culture to admit that the way we came into this world is not the way it is ever going to be protrayed on the cover of a magazine.
Is it healthy for Americans not to know that this is what they are looking at.
Astro-turf. Silicone.Plastic.
Who would pay to see you as you were in High School? Is that the reason that you wear a face plate full of make-up these days?
Not a problem.
It's always been fake. Yes, it's true! Entertainment photo's have always been contrived! The non-reality of it is supposed to suspend the brain in euphoria.
Nevertheless, as Americans are we not mislead by the faces that we see on television?
"I want to be a blonde! exclaimed the younger sister. A blonde valkery warrior goddess with everybody kissing my swe-e-e-e-t ass! Without make-up, they resembled aliens from a science fiction movie. Their heads were hairless. Not a trace of hair could be seen,- not even eyebrows!
Of course, they had their teeth removed for cosmetic purposes. "Alapicia; the younger woman said. My agent will believe it when it appears in my next contract!"
"Too much is never enough;she sighed as she chose a busty pair of prosthectic silicone breasts to fit over her own.
She continued to cover her own skin until the brown tint of her own skin was replaced by a pale white. She continued to wardrobe herself until she looked exactly like the picture on the cover of Weird Magazine Bid.
The picture on the cover of Weird Magazine Bid revealed a young white woman about thirty with a pale complexion and blood red lipstick! Her hair was heavily tinted and revealed hue's of highlighter.
On the adjacent wall there were various body moldings of torso's;breasts,hips,shapely leg's, suntanned thighs, thong undies,silk brassiers, everthing!
Everything that you could imagine and more! It still held a clinical almost morbid feel to room,however, this stopped the younger sister not one bit! In fact, she seemed actually euphoric. "These magazine pictures are perfect!"
Let's Kiss and Make-Up! "It's time sister dear to hit the sets.I'm through killing time here!"
The telephone at Weird Magazine Bid rang enough times to set off the AP wire photo service. "It is I the one and only journalist with a secondary career, calling in to let you know that I need camera's and press passes. I've got the hottest story you fella's have ever seen!"
"It's my town!"
There are only a few times in a person's life when they can actually say that they spent the whole day looking at Billboards and propaganda newleafs hearlding show business extravanganza's. When can we say that we spent hours digging through trash looking for clues? There are only a few times if any in a person's life when they can say that they looked at building that you could walk into but not out of.
How many times can we say thay just by watching television we can actually trace a pychopathic killer? How could every news story be connected? It's not possiable! People go to mental institutions, take medication from little white paper cups, and wear gowns that let the cool breeze hit your right against your naked back.
With life-like reproductions and carrying sound bite cards with recieprocating voice chips for accurate reproduction, where were the real performers?
Did they give their consent out of fear ordid something even more sinister happen?
What about the few working stars that appeared to be really on the set. Were they going along out of fear? Everyone knew or heard about the grizzely execution style slaying at the Homestyles. A novae-riche eatery/amusementpark/gallery/ that brought it's customers in because it resembled someone's actual home right down to the electronic dog barking in the back yard. Not everyone realized in enough time to save him or herself that the place was owned and operated by terrorists.They had it all. Money reproduced on the computer or stolen directly from the government itself in the guise of Government funded jobs. Movies;videos,a chain of resturants aptly named Homestyles.
What with one film, after another, that the terrorist and her accoplish/so called victim sister perpertrated on the Industry for the last 3 years there was nothing left to put their pictures on except the White House bathroom walls.
It was a control freaks paradise complete with headshots from every angle;(well you know how Hollywood is. Captial of sin.)
At any rate there are few freaks in this town tha can identify themselves with pain the way these two did.
Body piercing is supposed to be an art form, is it not?
Unfocused One
"The police will always find us here;she said,as she adjusted her uniform. Carefully placing the face of one of her previous victims over her own, she began to change her voiceprints to match those in the police computer voice file."I'll need transportation!" There comes a time in everyones' mind where they just give up and do as they are told. A flood of memories filled her mind as she struggled to give a _uck. "Executive Privileges";she exclaimed as she watched yet another victim die. The terrorist combed the isles of the most expensive boutiques in the world. Up and down the promenades and Boulevards of; Paris, Italy, South Africa, Austrailia, New Zeland, New York, Beverly Hills, Mexico, and Bogota. "Let's shop till they drop!" They resembled a mix of military clothing wiht a hint of Melrose. In other words they were in bad taste but seemed to think that they were at the height of fashion. "Temper, temper; shouted on of the terrorists, a faint odor of urine filled the small shop on Raven Ave: "Piss on!"
"Help!" The woman frantically dialed the police. It is only three short digits why cannot I remember them? Her palms were sweated as the telephone slipped from her hand. The room swirled everytime the terrorist spoke. "What did your mother look like!" Her mind painted a picture that was very much like her mother was not in every detail. They terrorist yelled again. "What did your mother used to call you? What was the name bitch!" The terrorist slapped the woman hard across the face. "Look at this picture!" The picture was from the woman's house. In the background you could see a brown and white pit bull mix. The picture was black and white, the grain could be seen in the photo. There a woman knelt holding a yound female child in her arms. In the background,oddly out of place, you could see a cemetery. "Police dept. is there anything wrong?" The terrorist grabbed a small walkie-talkie device and placed it inside her mouth she continued to hold the photograph in her hand while she changed her clothing. Pallor trick,since she wore reversiable clothing constantly. The catheter slipped slightly and a trickle of urine hit the rug. "I'll have to remind the Mayor to change this",she said. In a few minutes, the illusion was complete. There standing just to the left of her feild of vision stood a police officer in every visual detail. A small styrofoam cup half filled with brown liquid sat on the floor beside a pair of highly glossed shoe size 5 1/2. The voice continued in her ear. "We'll send an officer over right away Ma'am." Just outside the front window appeared a squad car with the lights blinking. The police officer in hte passenger seat never moved. A clear plastic coating covered his face and a trace of blood could be seen beneath his plastic coated hands. Just under the finger nail there was a trace of the terrorist skin. "This , the terrorist exclaimed, is a good morning!" In an almost delusional pace the terrorist rattled off a bunch of police like commands into a walkie-talkie that cut the victims telephone lines and chances for survival. "There should be a unit right outside, just about now", said the terrorist into the microphone. A small crease ran diagonally across the mask of the terrorist. It gave the face a sunken appearance. In Las Vegas, we have lounge acts that have faired better reviews than that of the terrorist who continued onto the floor. "Opps! Does this belong to you? You know that I can put you in jail for this?" Turn around, keep your feet apart, we are going for a little joy ride!" The terrorist put the vile of crack into her mouth and swallowed hard with a sense of exhilaration. She threw her head back and laughed hysterically. She took her little mirror out and gazed into it. There appeared the face of a white male with a regualtion hair cut, each hair, perfectly in place. She placed her hand on her service revolver and caressed the hilt. She spoke into the microphone and her voice electronically lowered. "Just a minute Ma'am. Do you have any ID that I can see?" Instinctively the woman dropped the telephone from her hand and ran for one of the other rooms. There she saw another window. The terrorist turned up the volume in the microphone and yelled into the microphone; "You run for a while. I wan in the core. I'll catch you after a while.!" The terrorist reached into the uniform and pulled out a rabbit's foot. The edge was tinged and moist. "These things used to calm me down. Now they only make me more upset!" The terrorist roared and her contacts remained fixed. "Help; the woman yelled at the motionless cop, she's crazy!"
Chapter 1 Unfocused One
"Anything you can do, I can do better!" It was a cool thing to be this important. Nobody really understands you when you are important. Fear motivates most human beings. Anxiety is a form of fear to a lesser degree than actual fear. Fear is adrenaline. Most individuals do not think as clearly as Dr.Katzrin did on that overcast Japanese morning.The rain had stopped.Local fisherman stood on small rocks that jutted out from the ocean holding squid at the ends of their outstreched arms. A fine catch for the market.
No, not in all his days'as a psychariatrist had, he uncovered so much information that he could not put to use .That was the job, he thought to himself, that he understood the least. Information was only good if people followed directions. It was simple most of the time because a cure was always in the forseeable future,still distant enough, to make a person realize that they would see in their lifetime or even their childrens lifetime. The point being, in enough time there would be an answer to the question. A solution to the problem-cure for the disease. Dr. Katzrin had studied hypnotherapy at the University of ------, and had recieved a medical degree in ----------, served one tour in Vietnam and had another ten years of uninterrupted peace and quiet. Well as much peace and quiet as you could expect from a feild service unit. Ah, the military, with it's predictability and forseeable gaols both long and short range. If something is broken you fix it. It's as simple as that never! Most people would never tell themselves anything that would cause pains or discomfort. They would recoil from something hot. They would stop behavior, which would lead to a serious problem. Dr. Katzrin could tell that there was a serious problem as he unplugged the telephone out of wrote memory.This drill he had done almost as a joke.Why do patients turn against their health care workers, kill thier Doctors'? Never had he done it this fast while he talked before. "Don't you think;said Dr. Katzrin, that we could have a more private conversation than the one that we are having now? Would it be possiable to have conversation between the two of us with fewer people? " "She's already here;giggled the man,and I really should introduce her." The woman walked around the office oblivious to the fact that she was intruding."What's this;she exclaimed, and held out two bare wires that used to connect the phone. "No telephone,too bad, it's such a shame." For a psych patient she seemed to be aware that she was so far away from reality. Everything she said seemed to amuse her no matter how insane it was. "With no phone you can bet that you can't call out for any help!" And help is just what you will need if I makeup the right story. ."I'll ask the proper procedure from my dad and he will give it to me eventually. The rest is simple. I'll need a uniform, something that people will respond to. Something that shows everyone how important I am!" She began to hum a sing song tune to herself. "When I ask questions, I expect answers".
"There is no need to introduce me to someone who was not invited!", continued Dr Katzrin. "But she's already here";giggled the man. The mans daughter stood with a frozen smile on her face. Her teeth bore just a trace of lipstick which ran in a diagonal streak against the yellowed backdrop.She reaked of pot. She turned to the Dr. and exclaimed; "What are you worried about?" "She's my daughter the man countered, she's already here." The man seemed in a deep trance, his words seemed only to describe what was happening immediately but none of his words seemed to allude what might happen. "She's heavily armed;he giggled again. It would probably be better to hear her out. She's my security. "Yes, daddy. I'm your only security. Your only link with the outside world. Immediately the man felt safe and warm. A sense of trust filled his conversation. "Take me everywhere you go. I will protect you and keep you safe. However, I do not need you to talk right now, just think about something else for a while. Don't forget to cover your head!" "Something else?"The man inquired. He had just about figured out that he was being abducted by his own daughter. It was riduculous. There was no way she could get out of this building unless he showed her how to do it. She would be caught immediately. He also began to realize that this constant check in that she kept asking him to do was in fact making things worse day by day. "Don't you think that you should be checking in about this time to tell them that everything is just fine?;she inquired. While your at it why not send the police on a chicken run? You know, send them everywhere but here! Oh- she paused- as if she were ordering things in front of a waitress- Yes; she continued, ask for a zone 100 miles in diameter by 100 miles. In a square, the central point being where you are standing now. Be sure and tell them to back all security and police off and out of that zone at all times!" The man reached for a cell phone and began to instruct people to back off and leave him completely alone for 100 miles in a square area at a focal point from where he was standing at all times. "That's the magic of having a square of family and freinds!" The woman began to disrobe and found a pink feather boa and wrapped it around her neck. Her clothing continued to be removed unitl all that she was wearing was a bikini top and bottom. Her legs were covered in a fish net style stocking material ans she wore a ghastly pair of spiked heels that only could be appreciated in one of hte more vulgar S&M pulp hand-outs that you see on every street corner these days. "This is the outfit that makes mother jealous! Maybe I'll give her one for Christmas, she's so impressionable!" The woman picked out a sedate raincoat that was floor lenght. She clicked her spiked heels and said that she had her mission boots on. The pink feather boa still remained around her neck. "Daddy;she whinned,I want to be the only Hollywood star. Just say THE hollywood star!" It's amazing, he thought to himself. He remembered she studied carpentry, if that could be thought of as studying. How she got out of that course would be another series of disasters he thought again. There were so many things that his daughters did wrong on a daily basis that there would be no way to ever rectify the situation or ever get help of any kind, he thought. He watched her pick up the broom and begin to sweep everything under a small throw rug that was in the office. Or, were they in the office anymore. He really could'nt tell. He just saw her there sweeping things under a rug. Hidding things in front of him over and over again. A speechless pantaomine. She would pause only to call her other sister into the room where they would begin a dance of hypnotic chants and gestures all done in figure eight patterns. Lights with spinning wheels. These things would go on for days;weeks,moths. Endlessly into the night and beyond the next day. The costumes they requested became more and more colorful. Some were reflective like rally shiney silver. Others mocked official government agencies, while others resembled the kind of clothing that you got used to only on a motion picture set. Breif frocks and well tailored jackets. The other disturbing thing about his daughters was their lack of hygiene. It was always such a pungent odor that they reeked with. He remembered very clearly that day that she tried to explain that it was part of her heritage and wore dreadlock extensions in her own otherwise clean hair. Odors, she informed him were natural. Chemicals, such as deodorants were unnatural. She sported an army green jackets at those times and tried to pretend that she was a ganja smoking political activist of some kind. What ever did she learn or study in Pennsylvania at that private school that led her to believe that she was going to be teh next political guru? Poly-Sci. He could almost hear her repeating that phrase over and over in her mindless way of repeating things. So What!? What does that make you? Just because you finished a course in carpentry and took a political science course. What is that going to qualify you to do for anybody in this country? But back then it was only a stupid conversation ignited by her for conversation purposes only. Anything you can do I can do better was the theme of most of her topics back then. Well at least she's trying to do something, he thought. Maybe she'll make somehting out of her life. If only he'd realized that she was a schizophrenic in the variuos phases of a persoality crisis. Maybe he could have done something at that point!
Unfocused 1