The doctor walked over to the wall in his den and pressed a hidden button. The stone wall slid back revealing a complete biopsy room complete with trays of muscle tissue-all refrigerated.
"This experiment is the one that I find most intriguing". The doctor looked at the muscle tissue and as it changed back and forth visually from tissue to chicken parts he realized that he might be suffering from over exposure to hypnosis. The doctor continued to stare at the chicken parts, or were they the specimens that he had for medical research. His eyes blurred and he continued to mentally take control over his mind. Apples, oranges, spiders and snakes.a doctor can make a violent mistake!This is the experiment that I find most intriguing he thought to himself again.
One drill after another coursed through his mind. Why! Why did she have to repeat things over and over again. The sanguinity, the pledge and oath of lineage that she demanded. Did her problems stem from an identity crisis?
Imagages. Memories. Why are my thoughts so hard to get a hold of. Nothing is clear. Finally, the effort gone. Each muscle, tendon, giving in. The exceptance of defeat.
Wait a minute! The soft downward spiral. The dryness. The euphoria, complete, complete yourself. End this confusion.
A giddy feeling of uncontrol, a heaviness, a leaden feeling.
Slowly the limbs give in. The feet leaden. At last, drill after drill, phrase after phrase. Her words, my thoughts, yes, yes, anything. Nothing. Everything. Nothing. At last her words replace his thoughts his concious mind now focused absolutely. The doctor looked at the tissue as it changed back and forth visually from tissue to chicken parts. Amazing! He set the table as if he were expecting company. A nice linen table cloth was thrown over the table
and dishes and silverware for one. " I mean she is my god-child and well she is working for the government.Think of the money we'll be making.
If she say's so I'll insure all the players, all the players, all the players,.... why is thinking so difficult?
For accidental death insurance! The Unfocused 1 spoke into the phone while she thought silently to herself;"If you take the bait I'm still free and clear of any wrong doing. Afterall you are a full-fledged surgeon!" Insure them Mon Cherie! and you shall be rich beyound your wildest dreams!"
The bait taken the doctors mind swoll and expanded. He felt the giddy sensation associated with riding a roller coaster. His feet felt as if they would not quite touch the ground his stomach felt jittery. Her words her urgency had now become his. The money. The insurance. The thoughts still swirled into jell as the implanted suggestions over the phone continued to take root. All at once they soaked into his subconcious mind.
"My superteam!"

What kind of design could it be to win like this! Each player designed by the experimentation of the good doctor!
Winners! At last a way to do it! Boxing, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Weight-lifting, body building, swimming,tri-athletics! Super human all of them designed to win!The doctor felt secure and warm with these thoughts. Something nagged at him,tugged at his happiness, what is it! More distance and space. Thoughts drifting floes of memories breaking, dislodging, weakness, strenghth. A warm euphoric feeling entered the lower part of his diaphram, it filled his upper body and made his limbs tingle right to the extremities of his finger tips.
Superteams! Superteams! Superteams!
By the time the feeling entered his neck, his eyes were glazed with submission.
- Silence. The cold completion of the thought replaced the happy warm feeling with one of cold finality.
Cold. Cold hard Cash!
If she say's so I'll insure all the players for accidental death insurance!
"Insure them Mon cherie- and I'm still free and clear of any wrong doing, after all you are a full fledged surgeon!
Do this my love and you shall be rich! Rich beyound your wildest dreams!"
More thoughts."The final battle.
Which direction is it hot or cold?
What direction is east?
Where is the minds internal navigation system?
What kind of journey does the mind take when it's given directions, drills, left now right?
Where is my will?
Where are my thoughts!"
Slowly like a leaf floating away from the branch of tree the doctors mind submitted.
Acknowledging defeat his own thoughts spiraled downward. -Floating.
The happiness ebbed away.
A new thought, another memory.
"Why is this happening!?"
A train pulled into Mexico late one afternood with a heavy cargo of medical research skeletons all mixed with monkey bones.
Ah, the famous T.Fubulia greeting passersby for no apparent reason.
His presense a smooth entrance for a sudden exit of a grim payload! He'd long ago stopped acting. A series of frames trapped on celiod.
No longer.
All gone.
So long ago,
Henri as the Captain Fibulia. Every doctors, doctor.
-Eons ago!
Now, back together in a most macabre way!
"Details, details; the Unfocused 1 shouted into the hallway.
Your such a little stickler for them these days. Well, what is it now? The papers are full of the disaster that took all those lives in South Africa and the Mid- West. "Did you do it? Did you really *-u-ckin blow up a building?!"
"What's a building darling when I have an ICB missle somewhere!"
The woman tossed her head and continued. I really did'nt do anything except read the paper. As usual I was a good girl.
It was baby sister that did all the damage. She insisted on learning how to wire a building. Somehow she got dear old daddy to do it for her and then she had the building gutted for spies! How's it gonna make sense to you if I don't explain my history?"
The woman stroked a replica of herself painted on a rubber bladder. The bladder expanded suddenly filling with air making her contorted grin even more maniacle."The first time I blew something up was at the Political Science College in Pennsylvania. I was the leader of a Coptic group of rebels! We blew the damn north wing up! They were going to rebuild it anyway, they let me do the demolition. It gave me such a high! I felt so much p-o-w-e-r!!!!
I mass hypnotised every one with a picture of myself on a bookmarker!
"Yep, that was my first adventure, so to speak.
Father's such a dim wit. He never realized that I was hiding behind mothers coat tails.Coat tails that provided just enough cover for me to follow him onto a military base.
Well, mistakes do happen.
However there is'nt anyone in this country with enough balls or enough rank to stop me!! You want to call the police? Go ahead. The hypnotic commands turned into a headache. The pain throbbed and ebbed. Causing waves of nausea.Take off all of your clothing and jump through the front door window! Let the glass tear your intestines out as you plummet to the ground filled with broken glass! THen you can walk to the station and report the crime yourself! Pick yourself up to speed. Imagine yourself to be the most powerful enginge on the face of the earth.
The man stayed glued in a crouching position, unable to move, seemingly pinned to the floor itself!
"Do yourself a favor;she continued, jump out the next window high enough to kill you if you feel like turning against me. Ah, the power.
The phone buzzed back into his ear. The reverb of her last sentence echoed into his ear drum. Tympanic madness! "As soon as you hang up the phone all these things will occur!
One after another, my sweet, untill you are helplessly intranced with my every beautiful word- every enounciation.
If you feel scared call them- the police, the fuzz, the coppers,... She laughed in a delirious way. She hummed a little tune to herself, stopping only to laugh again.
Call, call, you worm! Do it!
Ah. The power!"
The man hung up the phone, lept to his feet and ran through
the corridor in a panic! "Silly fool, if he turns against me. He's dead!"
The Unfocused 1 picked up the phone, smiling she turned off the phone blocking device, how can you call the police with this on?, she sighed, an audible click reaffirmed her connection.
yes this is the Chiefs daughter, I'd like to report, she smiled and looked upward as if she was straining to hear a note on a very fine violin,(there was a sudden crash of glass and the sounds of panic and commotion)- Pause.
A suicide."
E.T: There, now you can open your eyes. Your warning is over. For now if anymore scene's come up that I think you can't handle I'll leave you a note!
E.T Raven walked towards the Think Tank and stared at it for a moment. Nevermind dropped the shroud and landed on his shoulder.
"It's time E.T.Raven; Both guards said in unison.The only way you can get anymore information is if you completely clear your mind. E.T Raven said nothing and entered the opening to the Think Tank. The opening closed behind E.T Raven said nothing and entered the opening to the Think Tank.
The opening closed behind E.T. Raven and he vanished into the silver toned container. The two guards held hands together facing one another.The light from both their eyes filled up the room and they vanished!
There in the still of the room blinked a monitor with one of E.T Raven man inventions and curious ideas.
One particular idea had the local police cars outfitted wiht tracking beams that pulled the police car behind the speeding motorist bounced safely inside an indestructable ball that eventually rolled safely off the side of the road.
There were nurmerous references; the Social Security Stock Exchange , -no signs as of yet as to whether E.T Raven could remove his entire sum from the system.
There was alot of crime fighting gadgets;glass breaking horns that shattered the windsheilds and the passenger window and rear glass at once, weapon detectors.
The Raven stood on the table in front of the monitor, staring at the lit screen. Inside the Think-Tank E.T Raven continued to clear his mind. Each sinew in his body flexed as a waterfall of thoughts cascaded through his mind.