"We got interested in titles after reading the script for TIS OF THEE & STATE OF GRACE, we figured if the titles were half as good as the stories we'd give it a shot. Alot of companies don't realize the money involved in titles.Every picture tells a thousand words, however a title gives it meaning, body, texture... -TomTomClub- | 

State of Grace. The bible says not to try and predict things by looking skyward and following the birds. It was a typical day. Great swirls of clouds grey from the rain that they held on to created a blanket over the city. The sidewalk that wrapped around Williams building was cracked and had sprouts of green poking up in between the crevices. In spite of the weather conditions people were out and about. Children played hop-scotch in the sidewalk, marking thier boxes with colored pieces of pastel chalk. Williams' window looked over the sidewalk and ended at the corner where there was a crosswalk. William walked over to his kitchen which had a half counter top that stood in the middle of the living room.The thick cut pile carpet held on to the little bits of crayon wrappers and pencil shavings that cluttered the living room floor. The walls of the kitchen were covered with drawings, sketches, and paintings. All of the figures seemed to be of the same subject. Some of the pictures had birds wings painted on them, with exagerated strokes to denote movement. Outside a flock of birds circled over the trees that lined the side of Williams building. They circled twice and then one by one disappeared into the leaves of the trees. Williams answering machine blinked indicating that there was a message, he moved aside a pile of sketches and pressed the play button.The taped whirred in reverse and then clicked. "William? When are you comming out your getting reclusive old chum! This is Davis, I've got a trip planned this week to reunite with some freinds up the coast, I'd really appreciate it if you covered my classes for me. Most of it is a breeze and I could leave you instructions in a folder, it would really help me out and you could always use the extra cash. Beep me at this extension..... William wrote the number down on a small pad and stared out the window at the intersection. Small drops of rain beaded up against the window pane, in the background a large painting of a winged figure stared over his shoulder.
State of Grace | 