Bills World gives you the stories that you don't get to hear! What's it like to be a CEO? Bills World got an exclusive look at the papers that Michael worked on privately we believe it gives depth of feild to the headaches and concerns of being called KING OF POP!
Monarch:Seal of the Butterfly
With regards to the project DEAL
The dance moves will reflect Ceillo and Assenstion.
Furthermore, Channel 13 and the FBI will remain alias throughout this project hopefully along with Central Casting and Sony.
The video game will consist of ballet moves from the Butterflies Flight.
Dance moves will be choreographed by the following directors:
Playa Del Ray
Jearing GI Joe Doll & The Cold 1 Baby!
Blue Egyptian Kata:OHP
Project: Barking Double Egyptian Dog
With regards to peoples fanasy's Michael firmly forgives because it it written in the bible. Michael is not giving away any money.There have been no reciepts recieved in a speedy way and there is no reason to believe that they have been done correctly. As for people who have asked for gifts;ranches Arabian Horses, and other such items that are just finacially unbelievabel Michael for his own protection has established a hotline whereby you can make your requests.
These lines will be recorded,monitored and taped.
There are no donations.
As far as payment for tape, personnal wages, and reschedualing of duty rosters all said fees will be garnisheed. In addition to these fees any applicable taxes shall be attached to callers property and assets.
Sony and Michael have been asked and the answer still remains no. Michael will not recieve any physical contact on a personal basis about financial matters. At this time a tape was made in Burbank California. Some of the callers may be a little eurphoric, however it is a major concern of
Michael to keep track of callers who behind his back maybe planning to undermine him financially, or jeapordize his health, welfare, liberty and or prevent him from enjoying the Twenty Six Amendments, The Preamble and the Bill of Rights.
Michael in no way encourages people to ask for luxury items and lives a modest lifestyle rarely enjoying the fruits of his labor. It seems unfair that while no real health benefits have been provided for him during these 7 years some people feel that it is their right to live off of him. Maybe one day somebody will see the light and understand that Wisdom and Kindness is more precious than the purest gold or the finest silver folded 7 times.
Michael assumes no liability for taxes, compensation, emotinal satisfaction, mental health, just due, or that you will even be connected. With all the crimes that have been committed in Calfornia and all the attacks it may be relevant later on in cases of stalking or bilking or mismanagement of funds or so called freindships or even emotional claims of love,like,freindship,faithfulness,trustworthyness,or payment of any claimed depts in the future or in the past.
Callers must provide Police with full identification and specific fantasy's. No sexual comments or desires will be tolorated or acknowledged.
Blue Egyptian
Birth Records Indiana
Deptment of Interior
With respecto to the following companies, holdings Land Rover, Exxon, Deberres, and any other related holdings traced to Deberres are hereby represented by a bond.
Hereby let this bond be documented by the Deptment of Interior and reflected by TRW.
Wells Fargo;notation at Social Security, TransAmerica which has held documentation on holdings in the past and signatures also have been subject to creative mathematics and infiltration due to leaks in their filing system.
Although this leak was nepatanistic the use of stage characters may have overwhelmed their judgement.
With reference to Janet Jackson the shoplifting auto theft of various Land Rovers for identification purposes has been supposedly billet to Michael Jackson owner of 1/3 of recorded works concerned with said performer. This 1/3 includes Miss U Much, Pleasure Principal, Black Cat, the voice is produced and provided by Michael Jackson and is not property of Janet Jackson. All original masters for unreleased Janet Jackson Demo's are also produced and performed by Michael Jackson.
Wotj reference to Bond, referred to as Blue Egypt, the bond covers all of the Cartiers and Debeers holdings properties, assets and full ownership of all holdings.
These figures are sealed and available only to above metioned banking institutions and social security as well as the Vet administration HI, B of H, TRW. This bond is also a secure "seat" on the New York Stock exchange.
The Federal Government as well as the IRS must be notified through Social Security that Land Rover recall is in effect.
Land Rovers in addition to this have been found to not meet side impact front impact. Roof and pillar also fail to meet current standards.
All of Africa is rich in natural resources and there is no reason why South Africa has to hord all of the food and wealth or even represent it.
Let any of Janet's bills and or depts represent her identity and let it represent only Good Times and the Nutty Proffessor. Any other works or shows that Janet Jackson wants will have to be settled with the other woener Jermaine Depree spelling unknown.
Other aka's Sisqo,Dandridge, or Sharpton spelling unknown for these as well. At any rate what ever the woner wants to call his or her self is completely up to that owner.
This in no way has anything to do with Michael Jackson
and as of this writing Michael Jackson retains full owner-ship for all vocals taken in the form of voice chips.
Thus full owner ship is still retained when the voice chip is engineered up or down in frequency to any other recorded work. The full amount of royality will be retained plus a fair price for not contacting the owner ever financially.
Let this bond be ratified by the Dept of Interior, given FBI approval. Let the full sum amount be held in seperate accounts. THe bound amount in full is to be represented by TRW as credit. Corporate Credit Cards must be approved by MJJ Productions MTV/ATV with respect to A TV this must be included so that there is no confusion, althought it means nothing.Owner operator is Michael Jackson along with NASA.
Although MTV is privately owned the maintainence of the satilite has been through NASA and the United States Government.
At this present time plans to shoot camera's up will be done by SONY and plans for a MTV sattilite over Asia are acceptable to MJ as long as Sony is in agreement.
This project is hereby known as Hemispheres.
World President Tour MigZeroZero
These newer sattilites should be lighter and faster and if possiable self propelled.
If the sattilite itself could be the primary rocket that would save on space.
As always we will remain in complete contact with Austrailia.
Let all Opec purchases be reflected by existing credit.

Bills World: So, what are some of the benifiets attached to working Chaplin style productions? Eddie: Oh, so many. I'm still gumby damn it! Bills World: For instance? Eddie: Well, it's a great way to get into show business if you have your own capital. I did. It also helps if you work with people that are well known in the business. For instance, when I did 48 hours I was still working on music. I told Q that I wanted to do a real film, like enter the dragon. No bullshit. The opening scene to me tells that kind of a story. I played two parts in that movie and layed down in a gutter to try out my makeover with Kathrine. I think the other thing that helps alot is of course the makeup. I don't think that I could have gone as far with my real face as I did with the one that they gave me. I did RAW, alot of clubs Beverly Hills cop 1 & 2, Live SNL, and I worked with Richard Pryor. Richards really a great person although I think that the photo shoot that we did in New Rochelle was an good example of working too long with the Chaplin method. By the time I got to Golden Child I was so famous that I did'nt even acknowledge my family in print anymore. I ordered two Rolls Royces which to this day the family still thinks belongs to them. I felt like a POW in westchester. I realized that Eddie was not my real name. Although I created the character and made millions of dollars, I was unknown to anybody with out the face. I saw Walter's and I was just spinning my wheels trying anything I could to tie in my real life with the ficticious character I created that had now become larger than my real life! I ordered things and they showed up, although I never recieved a dime in royalities or even an honorable mention at the screen actors guild. Walter's to this day remembers our interview word for word, Bills World: What about the new Eddie's, how do you feel about them? Eddie: Well, I think that they could stay out of trouble. The one that got caught on Santa Monica Blvd was a joke. She could'nt be real to me doing things like that to people. She's a prime example of the kind of low life performances that have taken front seat these days. When I created the character everything was based on the honor system. My last picture was taken at an Army base I think. I was so famous that I could'nt have cared less, and besides there was no union protecting me so I worked endlessly anyway. I remember I stuck my tounge out at the camera, I had leather clothing on all the time and I stayed in character all day and all night. I was so tired. I remember somebody complaining about my attitude. I had just finished a really nice set of PG pictures holding Teddy Bears. I saw that poster the other day and remembered everything,even the side comments that were made to me that day. The thing with the Chaplin method is that you have to get off a private set and go union. Our unions are our strength. Even if a person has to live under a name that is not real to work they should have representation not just a bunch of photos in JET or some other throw away! Bills World: They are calling it Eddie INC. these days does that mean anything to you? Eddie: It's weird, the makeup makes everyone look identical. I think about it and the more I do I think about the fact that I'm glad I joined MJJ Productions. At least now SAG will reward me for all my work. Bills World: | 