Still Awake Man you ever have anybody come up to you and tell you that they are a genius. This girl walked up to me and convinced me that she was a natural. I said ok, because you know I don't like racism. Somebody asked me why not it's everywhere. I said you know it's too intense to laugh about but I'm not in the mood to have somebody return the favor. I did'nt know that Blonde jokes were racial. Hey women love to be blonde, Lets looky at the nookie meter. You'll regret it if you f up with a blonde. This sounds like I'm getting close to it. I'm gonna do myself a favor and stop. I'm going blonde with a wig or something just to understand trying to make money off of everybody. \Then they call you every thing but what you want them to call you. They repeat everything that they allege you said however you never said the f thing in front of the Mayor. There they are going word for word in front of people that you have not ever spoken to. Man, comedy is ruff. My biggest risky joke is Your Money, now you know that you heard that from somewhere.\ So heres the contest. Oh the girl. I said if your a genius what does IQ stand for. Well she looks at me and says In Questions. Inquiry. Idiot Quit I replied and walked away. I cant say that she got the joke, I also suggested that she buy a copy of No Brainer. The other jokes were about prostitutes. No reactions please. You know that it does happen. But not to me. That my non informed is up yours not mine. Now the problem. Where have you been hanging out? Nonya. You can't win, My suggestion say something crazy so that they know and direct them to Pryor. The police always ask if you have any of his records. Peace per square inch. Third Square World politics.