As of late, Edward seemed to set things into motion. Or stop things from working completely. For instance, wristwatches were of no use to him because they simply ceased to function after a few days! No matter how many time the battery was checked it was always the same. First it would slow down, then it would speed up, then for no reason it would stop completely. Frozen. He always had a dull headache. There was nothing specific about it. Only the familar dull ache and dry thirst. Yes, that arrid dry thirst that always followed that metallic taste in the center of his mouth. He often thought about getting himself checked just to find out for certain if the problem stemmed from something internal. Maybe his metabolism was electrically charged. That was possiable he thought. There were postive and negative poles. Magnetics. Maybe that was it. Or maybe he was finally going crazy. Slowly but surely going insane. That could also be a possiablity, however, he reasoned if he could get to that part of an assessment he surely was not completely crazy. There had to be some points scored for realization.
Edward walked through the crowded mall and caught the down elevator with a group of shoppers. Jammed into the elevator cubical he began to hum to himself. A small tune passed through his head. It was kind of nice. As he began to listen to the melody that played inside his head a voice interupted his thoughts. "You don't have to pretend that you can't hear me. I want to talk to you about something very important!" Edward looked around the crowded elevator and asked aloud; "What do you want to talk to me about?"
Edwards adams apple moved up and down involuntarily. His throat was dry, parched from a lenghtly conversation that he was apparently having with himself!
The people in the elevator looked surprised, however, nobody answered Edward's question. They just continued to get off the elevator at various stops. Finally, the elevator reached Edwards floor and he dashed off rubbing the sides of his temple as he walked briskly through the mall and out into the open air.
Edward's throat burned and his vocal chords stung. Each swallow of air became increasingly more painful. His eye's and nose were dry and the inside of his mouth tasted of metal.
Edward looked and saw a person, briefly looking in his direction.
"Listen to me. I can talk to you whenever I need to. The device that I had installed within you uses your vocal chords. When I want to speak I use your voice. It's like a transmitter. It sends impulses to your brain. Don't cut me off, don't try and drown me out with your insidious music!"
Edward began to hum louder and louder, he picked up his pace and flagged a yellow taxi cab that was approaching.
Rapidly he entered the cab and after a brief exchange disappeard down the traffic ladden road.
"I want to keep in touch with you always. It's cheaper than a phone. The first device was made specifically for monkeys.
It was tested on them when they went into the stratosphere to see if they could understand commands spoken into their ear canals via the vocal chords in their throats. It's the same principal. I found these while I was doing research
for space technology. There's loads of things that they tested out on Monkeys. Monkeys are so close to human beings in everyway Edward. Think of the technology that we can afford ourselves of. It's just a matter of time before these devices replace phones. There's no fee no connection charges. You just think and the voice comes out in the other persons throat. We can converse for endless moments that will bring us together, make us closer Edward".
The headache returned, the dull famaliar ache on both sides of his temples. He massaged them and then continued to ignore the voice inside his throat. His neck convulsed rapidly and his adams apple vibrated until he was once again parched and dry!