How do you feel about the fact that they used a stand in to portray you as a gay musician? Boy George: You know it never really bothered me until I read the articles. I have never been one to judge people however I adhere strictly to the bible and its not allowed in my religious beliefs. I know that it's popular to garner favors from producers, and even employers, however I think that it sends the wrong message. I could never relate to a person who thought of me on a sexual basis. I have nothing to offer other than my videos. I am one of the many acts that lives soley on MTV so if you see anything other than MTV it's fake for real! I don't adverstise drugs I've had so many riffs with so called talent that thinks that banging a needle is going to get them a hit, nonsense! As far as this gay thing is concerned I think that the bible clearly states what it is that you are supposed to do. My mother is a problem she's always dressing up as a man and she can be a riot when she goes " gay" I honestly never thought about it as anything more than something that you read about in the news papers. How anybody could turn my Culture Club look into a gay thing is something I'll never understand. You have to realize that life on MTV has it's sacrifices. I don't exist outside of the video. I think that waiting this long to speak was something that I regreted. I can't be bothered to care about what you think. Whens the last time they had a hit with their so called stand in? Its all bollocks! People are going to be people, however we don't advocate any kind of life style sexually. Boy George was intended for kids and adults, not for drug addicts and sexual perverts! I was horrified when I read the articles that women stand ins wrote and took pictures for. I served my country FSSG so I know whats its like to be in the service and even if they had a policy that looked gay I would'nt ever endorse it for myself or my fans. You can think what you want, I sell records to ears and feet and hands and maybe one day I'll reach the deaf. I don't need a cheap way like that to sell records. MTV rules! | 

Against all SAG rules we found yet another fake Boy George article. cntraveler.com Entitled Conde Nast Traveler July 2001 they advertise that you can contact them at 212-286-8349 or fax request to 212-286-8628, address changes at 800-777-0700 Once again we find Nsync on a fake page no comment. Boy George not in the picture. This article needs to be pulled! "Girl for Ipanema is not going to get either! If you want to get ripped off then you can believe anything in this garbage filled article of nonsense and lies. This guy in the picture if it is a guy looks like an add for homosexuality something that Boy George is not. Boy George is straight so cry about it and live with it. He sell millions of records a year without selling himself as a drug addict or a drag queen! Essentila Mix is hereby pulled and all proceeds go directly to Sony so you lose anyway it goes don't you? Nobody but unauthorized standins have been spinning records in Europe. There is no devilish dandy, no dash of to the perfomance, no eyeliner instead of record needles. Don't waste your money on fake fag music that is not real. Boy George although he has never condemed anybody is not into gay things sorry...... Stay tuned as the lies surface and the truth is told, only on K100, MTV, Channel 13 & Bob & Tom, WBLS, KPOI!!!!!!!! *Anything marked mixed by Boy George will go directly to sony, teachers union, wells fargo.