Bills World. Insomuch as Who is it, the polls must be totaled. What our informal poll has Who going nowhere fast. It may not be exactly prudent however there are others out there. Year of the Who, a trend setting cultural treatise on political socialization & the current political attitude that form our public policy remains relatively unknown. BIG girls Pretty Things the forerunner to the now titled PUNSTERS' is being worked on by MTV & MUSICO concieved, produced and entitled by in my MIND a subsidary holding of ANGEL HEADQUARTERS. Robert D. lead actor of epic films like the Fan ect. has been moonlighting. It seems the talented performer has been standing in for BONO of U2 since the Zoo Tour. Robert usually filmed walking or giving his support to world issues is a multi-talented human being. BONO relatively quiet since his Red Sails at Night ended his film career with a very popular short filmed on Hollywood Boulevard. When asked for his reaction BONO replied. " I talked to Robert during the fan and never put together his puzzel like conversation. Stand in is a great job. Who have to be focused however. Its nothing more than an opportunity to be something that you are not. No matter how realistic the performance is who have to be ready to get the pink slip. I think Robert is grand, a truely tolerant human being victimized only by his nice attitude and willingless to have a laugh. I'm highly honored. I had a talk with MTV CEO and I'm going back to work. Hopefully I can fill the shoes of myself." Filming and wildtracking is still going on for inserts for MTV out and about. As of yet, the Indianapolis Colts have been secretly given equipment from non other than Michael Jackson & SONY. No information has been really available other than a tight lipped request for more line feeds from EEE I-LiNK. We did obtain information that it is in connection with a production involving the Los Angeles Times. More controversy erupted as over zealous stand ins began to audition for the tight lipped project. Although nothing has been confirmed word has it that Michael Jackson may have more than one star and is going to use all of them to celebrate The World President Tour as well as HOTTEST a project reportedly utilizing space age technology. The war still continues as the family continues to grapple with poor mental health week from two of the family members. With reports of stealing and chemical abuse the group continues to maintain family ties although working together in tact as they did in the sixties may be the reason for the unusal tarrif on older recordings. Interesting footnote Michael Jackson sang vocals for Marlon-(Never)as well as Janet. This caused some riffs when the above two tried to claim royalities. Although no offical word has been released due to the high honors bestowed on the group itself Marlon & Janet have been avoiding law enforcement agencies as well as refusing to come clean about certain confusing pictures that they were taking involving children, and look alike photos. Bob Hope recieved a happy birthday from the King of Pop. Both Bob and Michael are Guild members. | 