Hi! What's the Buzz? People now a days are trying all kinds of alternative medical approaches towards staving off the evils of depression. Caffiene, (that mean coffee bean) has been known to lift the user out of his or her mood swing. script language=javascript src=" http://ss.webring.com/navbar?f=j;y=system;u=10063040&full=y"></script> <noscript><table bgcolor=gray cellspacing=0 border=2 bordercolor=red><tr> <td><table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td align=center> <font face=arial size=-1>This site is a member of WebRing.<br>To browse visit <a href=" http://ss.webring.com/navbar?f=l;y=system;u=10063040"> Here</a>. </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></noscript> berryweird TomTomClub! Hair in the sink.
"How can people expect me to care? I mean like most people I don't care about everything all day long. Why pretend that you care. Because people like people that care that's why. Isn't that correct?" Mr Fuddlestien continued to lie in a supine position staring upward at the ceiling fan that revolved. Airplane, Airport, prop plane, that's what that dern ceiling fan looks like from where I'm setting. Mr Fuddlestiens road trip through Middle America had left him with a decided twang.
"I want you to continue to look at these pictures. You can look at them in any postion or in any way you like. When you feel like you have made an association with an idea or a subject, a person place or thing just shout out your first feeling or thought no matter what it may be.
Is that understood? Dr Y not went through a series of ink blottings that were made on various sheets of white art paper.
Dr. Y shifted his leg position and took a deep breath. Hmm. "What is that smell, gosh that stinks!"Dr Y was visably shaken. Taking a quick look to his immediate right he stared at a brown paper bag with two dark oval markings on it.
"It smells like Tuna in here!" Mr Fuddelstien quickly left his supine position and was now sitting up looking around with large creases over his nose, his brow furrowed. Dr. Y continued to look through a series of inkblottings. "Man I'm telling you doc, this damn place stinks, I don't know how you can keep people in here... Mr Fuddlestiens' voice continued to describe in olfactory acumen every detail. "I had a couple of kitty kats once, it was during the hottest part of the summer. Man alive these little buggers could eat, I'm telling you. Anyway they kinda gave off a scent or something like that ,they were'nt fixed or nothing, but it was just the same kinda stink,... Dr Y abruptly turned on the airfreshner and went over to the window, opening it with his left hand he quickly grabbed the oil stained paper bag. Letting the fabric of his lab coat conceal the bag he deftly flippped the offending tuna on the inside his jacket. "Look; Dr Y exclaimed is'nt that a shooting star? As he said this Dr Y tossed the bag gently over the sill of the window.

Weird http://tomtomclub1.tripod.com/tomtomclub/  Bills.World | 
These day's people are complaining about being bi-polar;under weight or over weight. They either hate their hair color and change it according to the latest magazine picture or cover it with a passable wig. Some people are satisfied with their looks realizing that it's impossiable to achieve the look that the model on the box has,(weave!) At any rate what could be nicer than sitting down in a relaxed atmosphere and socializing;drinking,laughing,and leaving with a designated driver. Conversation the in therapy for the year 2000! Industrial Strength. strawberrynevermind Welcome to Industrial Strength! | 
Racer X
Tatto Shop Sunset Strip
The Barber Shop Club
Channel 13
Lightning Dubs.
"Where are you girls? girls? girls?-Vince N
"Check out Deal-of-the-Day" We'd like to thank the following;
Audiobonne Society
Buzz Cafe
Cenex Casting
Penny lane www.pennylane.com,www.astoundingcards.com
Screen Actors Union
Trader Joe's
Screen Writers Guild
Mercedes Benz
Rockwell Int.
"Tattooing on the strip"(323)6506530 A Place Where Dreams Become Realities.www.sunsetstriptatoo.com
Jacki In The Box
Lighting Union
Playstation 2
Teacher's Union
Cyber joints through out the free world!
To all our readers in Au. Get Well Soon!!
Great Britian.
Hawaii.Racer X!
"The creator has blessed us with the power to communicate let's take effective measures to end the violence and increase the peace A world without an equation 4 Peace has a recipe for disaster."
Da Hood - Flying
Last but not least those that are truly demented. | 