MIND CANDY WWW.TRI-STAR PICTURES.COM HAS BEEN ENCOURAGED TO RELEASE THIS DRAMA.HD-1 & SONY ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS MIND CANDY The doors to the space station slid open and then closed behind Migg Zero-Zero. As the youngest pilot to command an interactive three dimenional simulator he often felt as if he was training to become the best arcade patron ton the planet. Mig walked onto the moving ramp and stopped it in front of the master console omoitor. Twelve screens came alive and each one was from a different country. Saudi Arabia had one. So did Ireland, Africa had one as well. Austrailia, South America, Great Britian, it was quite impressive he thought. Migg often wondered what to say t oall of them that would sound important yet intelligent. He began to type in a command. Question: Where are the Monarch Butterflies? Mexico's screen came alive and begant to show pictures of milweed plants. Willow tree's were shown next;the history of their flight patterns, diseases, electromagnatic properites. Amazing. An insect that used to flourish in the millions was down to a few hundreds at times. Why did Migg retreat from the outside world?-he thought to himself. Migg remembered the last time he saw his family. THey had finally gotten together,(he remembered),that only hastened his desire to get bacty to what it was that he was thinking. Imagine, being raised by hypnotists! Migg wondered how often he had been taking commands as opposed to just listening to what his parents had been saying. He laughed to himself, realizing that he loved both of them. However, hypnosis is not a realistic way to talk to people. It eventually alienates them. The whole family it seems had thoughty that hypnosis was a better form of communication than just talking to each-other and taking your chances that way. Migg remembers the day that they finally had problems with it. At first it was funny, he recalled. "Why are you doing that?;he asked his father. "Your mother and your sister told me to do it".;he replied. If it were not for the fact that he was driving the car as if it were the Spirit of St.Louis it would have been hysterial. Unfortunately, he was doing that very thing, and there are well, pedestrians for one thing! Migg would never forget his father sticking his head out of the car window and yelling airplane terminology at hte oncoming traffic. Now, he remembered why he asked for this kind of training. At least his family was safely away - someplace, he thought. Years of cmpetent service to the government only to end up being hypnotized by your wife and daughters! He laughed again,but this time, aloud. One of the monitors came on and responded to the sound of his voice. Dad's last hypnotic gift to his son, Migg thought. When it wears off, my life will return to what it was before I agreed to talk to him. It seemed complicated, however the old man delighted in wacky suggestions and post hypnotic commands. He could hear a previous conversation in great detail, long after the conversation took place. It added "lights", he often thought, to his already unnerving ability to remember things photographically. At least here he could get something done. He could'nt solve his families problems anyway, they were hypnotizing each-other. Wacky. The computer began to break the butterfly into color's and hues. Migg intensified them with a touch sensative keyboard. The colors glowed at times and then dulled depending on how Migg touched the keyboard. Genus Aslcepias of the family Asclepiadaceae perennial herbs that produce a miley juice with umbellate flowers. Migg continued to study the information. They feed on this milky substance as larva; Dannaus Plexippus. Migg requested all the information that he could on the subject when his cell phone rang. It was headquarter's and they wanted to discuss an assignment. Migg closed the file on the buterflies reluctantly. That was one of the agreements to raining in a labyrinth of technology such as this one. A quick trip to the gym would be the thing to do. That always cleared his head before he had to talk with the other agents. Migg looked at the twelve sceens and touched the sensitive screen button. He reached for a pair of platinum goggles and truned the interactive three dimensional program on. Maybe a nice bicycle ride through the scenic landscape of South America. The dense foliage and intense humidity hit Migg right through his atmospheric suit. A jump suit was really all it was. The computer would send signals to the suit and it would feel himid or ocld or even wet depending on the scenario. This was a humid feeling definitely Migg thought. He unfolded the aluminum bike and strapped on a backpack that had a supply of water and some other stuff in case he depleted his energy level. Migg truned on the biofeedback wristwatch and watched as the led lights flickered on. Pulse: Respiration: Potassium Level: There was a complicated dial on the left side of the wrist watch which looked like the anatomy of the muscle-skeletal system. Each zone flashed if there was a chemical depletion. The watch also had a timer on it. This timer turned on for increments of minutes starting with 10 and gradually increasin until you had reached a full hour. You could go for a trip, but you had to activate the talking map. If you followed the bike trail there were all kinds of scenarios that appeared. The colors were very vibrant and that made it feel more like a video or an arcade game. If you adjusted the hue, however, it was quite realistic. The speakers turned on by riding the bicycle. You could listen to music if you wanted to,nonetheless, the natural sounds of South America were quite realistic. The bicycle tires rolled against a thick strip of rubber which sent back impulses to the tires that you could feel through the aluminum framed bicycle. If you went uphill or around a corner you could feel that because the rubger would hit the tires in the same way you would if you were biking up or down a rock filled trail. The computer controlled the thick strip of rubber and sent impulses to it when the terrain turned to mud or sand or pavement. It was complicated sounding, but when you hopped aboard you were for all the world in South America biking to your hearts delight! As Migg bicked his way thrught South America a group of simulators asat in the background. Some of them were very fast automobile simulators. There were also a group of large simulatorst that had every kind of airplane realated atmospheric and cabin pressure condition programmed into it's flight simulator. There was a military computer there as well which enabled the student pilot to land and take off from various flight decks, some in mid ocean, others during emergency conditions. There were semi-tractor trailer simulators and one marked Jet-Truck. It would take months to become proficient at just one of these but Migg had requested all of them. The grandest set of all of the series of simulators was STRAWBERRYSPACE. Here you trained and prepared to do all kinds of things in outer space. Anything from repairing a satellite to doing a space walk. There was also a room devoted to underwater exploration dubbed Zebra City. Migg's wristwatch signaled the end off his South American bike ride. The sweat felt good as he removed the glassses and placed them back in a case whcih was then placed on a small tray the size of the case. It was weight sensitive and retreated back into its housing when the case was placed on the tray. Migg pressed the button marked shower. A wall slid over to the left and revealed a space suit. In fact this was a water saving device invented for the soul purpose of limiting the use of nature's most precious resource. Stripping down Migg stepped into the suit which covered even his hands. A small bathing cap type of materail covered his head and a pair of goggles covered his eye's. Migg pulled the shower head over and fastened it to the rivets that encircled the neck opening. A hose attached to the wall was then attached to an opening on the suit. Migg hit the bath cycle and thousands of tiny jets activated soap onto his body. It was sort of like a car wash for your body! As the suit was also designed to save water, the water saving cycle started as the water rushed thru the suit over and over again. The bath was now over and the water was filtered back as rinse water. Warm air filled the suit and the drying process began.. No need for towels! | 

Co-Produced by * Why, J.A.P.A.N Co- Written by * Jeering GI Joe Doll Mind Candy Co -Written by * So, What Get Back, Get Back Get Back & Finally STOP! Don't try to fight my style of hip-hop. If, has the rhythm and knows what 2 do. And that is the entire crew. It's here to stay and won't be gone. For many a day. Don't do cid. It's the enemy and it's got all the wrong stuff so leave it alone. This is a message from Stop 2 Go no further. I can't keep silent. I must be defiant. End this violence! Come no closer! With your hate poetry of love missing in action since the first symphony. Why show off about your war, it's a bore. Like Indian self reliance I'm really Gee'd up on Doctorates of Science! Stay out of J.A.P.A.N! Don't mess around with our mind. Don't start to begin again, just stay home and grin again. Your into endings its so offending, Yeah, well the trend is changing, this is everyones world while your still in it. Let the flowers of peace grow Get busy Here we let gardens grow Your from the state of confusion We r Y Japan whats your state of MIND? The words, the words little phonographic sllyabics Like plexis crush groove custom gold plated Lexus, not 2 B rude buying,' hot steaming bowls of oragmmi make love to my woman in a sue nammi If the shoe fits Y Japan says Y don't u wear it? Do it to yourself in front of me so I can see what I'm up against faster, faster you do it the faster you can go my friend. Then the thought that I was haning out for your therapy Y Japan syas you are either a slave or a master. Playin DVD 1 HIGH DEFINATINO FUNK AGAIST THE SCREEN AND ITS LIKE THAT! know u want some trippin in ecological ergomatic satisfaction 4 the masses that used to drive custom caddallatics, its just the new place look up into hte slar ystem and its not fair itts really here Like the teliscopic coptahonic stereojackets that we wear in free flight while we jet set at supersonics Dancing house mix psychedlic gorilla against the backdrop 4 Bentley Rolls Royce perscription of a new choice. The Billionth of your smile is in Europe, the runway models dump their boyfriends like used Buicks We'll send you back with your mind playing tricks on you again. Only worse this time. Get Back Get Back & Finally stop. Gang banger ball we don't dance in your hall, at all. Stall in this & that. Was that it ? Which. Where is at? What's that which knows not. It happens not again this time not to begin at all. Look around if we want you to. Streaming creating new technology for a new sound mentality. Got a government strech Hummmer that you have'nt seen yet. Parked next to the strech Lex that I bought to perplex while I get good sex We love life itself so we don't take it away. Thou shalt not kill its the only way. As for the hoods the gangsters,and the pranksters that say your misunderstood. Get Back, Get Back There is that if not much more than that why we cannot say. We are JAPAN Stop to go no further and finally stop period. Silence!