I remember when I used to think that 25 was old. I'd tell my freinds man when I get 25 I'm going to still have a birthday cake. I was twelve at the time. I remember looking in this drawer that we used to have. We were the only family in the neighborhood that lived in a house that Hitler owned. It's a true story. Anyway. This kitchen was really old and it had tile in it. I used to walk up to this white cabinet and pull out candles. I used to count my number system to myself and I always wondered if something magical was going to happen to me when I started going into the teens. I rememeber going from single digits to eleven. Man, eleven was a big deal! A double candle with two wicks! I think to add to my strange behavior I was also a pyromanic. I remember the first time I discovered fire. I set things of fire all day, and then I waited for night fall! I found that Isyopropel alcohol makes blue flames. So I filled the bathroom sink with it and set it on fire with my Las Vegas roulette zippo! I still gamble and fire is in the bible. I remember the day that I cured myself. I went underneath a bed and started playing with matches. Matches are cool I thought although not as much fun as my Vegas zippo, however this thing melted in the sink fire, tragic. I was looking for ways to do it. I noticed the strands of the matress hanging down. I wondered to myself whether Jimmy Cricket knew about this or not. His song I'm no fool was my motto. Fire is a scary thing although I lived through it and I did'nt burn the house down. That's why I wrote that song. Burning down the House for MTV. Later I produced Deff Lep. I'm sure your familiar with my Production style naturally fire was the theme. I can't think of anything else I ever did in Hitlers house except for drowning ants. I used to like to catch flies in vaporized vasiline and watch them suffer. It's true. Other than that the house was really creepy. It settled too loudly and you could always hear yelling and screaming echoing through the halls. Well? I did'nt know that it was Hitlers house until I got much older. Stay tuned for more stories from Hitlers house. Bye Bye now.