Seven Bowls of Anger NIGHTMARES! A-Freak-Canne!
I am so into you, I can't think of nothing else.
I am so into you, I can't think of nothing else.
When you walked into the room, there was voodoo in the back,
I was captured by your style, but I could not wonder why.
Now I stand here helplessly, hoping you get into me.
Bride: It's gonna be good. It's gonna be fine.
Me into you, you into me, me into you!
Coda: I'm so into you.
Reprise, fade.
Reprinted without express permission from author.
No rights to owner ship.
Platinum- African
The music finally faded and the D-Jay's jingle music now filled the otherwise quiet room. Peg-Assist reached over and spun the dial so that there was a scrambled mix of noise; news, and music so blurred that no one sound could be discerned from the other.
The War had been talked about, however, one had to read between the lines to figure out what was being done to whom for how long.
There will always be rumours of wars; stratagems, treason's";thought Peg. He closed his eye's and tried to remember a time when things were different.
The distant hum of his own sound became louder and louder until he could only hear the sound of himself.
"Air"; he thought aloud, until every until every molecule in his being hummed. Until the bones of the Kriogen began
to sing!
The Raven looked about the room. There was no one there. "Air";the Raven shreiked and flew out the front door window. Streching it's wings a full six feet in diameter.
The Raven landed somewhere after a while and thought only of it's next meal and the delight of swooping down on different things. Picking up huge rocks and seeds the size of it's head it took to flight. When it reached an appropiate height the Raven released what it had and watched it bounce against the earth.
This game lasted until it did, and was about as much fun as it ever had been. "It's always the same; sang the Raven, People, - war and such, their words are so harsh! Nevertheless, what is in their minds? What is in their minds comes out of their mouths as words. Mark what I say!
It's true! It's true! It's true!"
This continued until all that could be heard was the shrill of the Ravens song. There is still plenty of time to play!,-the Raven thought about this alot, after all it was concerned with the politics of the whole thing-.
"Maybe";thought the Raven.
"The Earth;said the Angel, is the only thing that we have left. The War has left us little choice. We must have clean Air! Clean water! It's so simple."
The wind moved the grasses againstthe wild lillies of the field. The sweet smell of perfume glistened against the flowers in the form of dew.
The clouds blushed in tones of white.
In the middle of the field, there was a lake with smooth black stones all along the bottom. Each stone was smooth and oblong. Fitted one against the other.
The clear water streched against the stones like glass. It was a good thing that the water was so clear. The amber sky began it's somber dance as it faded into dusty rose. The water mirrored pastels against the stones.
"Listen";said the Angel, and the distant hum of the waterfall became louder and louder until that sound was the only sound that could be heard.
"Water"!;cried the Angel.
The mist from the water fall filled the air as a rainbow streaked across the sky.
A flock of birds burst into formation and flew against the mist.
The roar of the water filled every ear drum.
Each tympanum vibrated.
The Angel snapped it's fingers. "Water!" The Angel tilted it's head back and it's eye's filled with water. The tears streamed down it's cheeks and it closed it's eye's.
"Faz Dio; said the Angel in a deep timber that filled the air like an Oboe. "Seperatos Inferminante agua es seperatos ciello. The time grows close; said the Angel.
How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin in the City of the Angels? It's time to seperate the wheat from the chafe. It is time to weigh souls. How much does your soule weigh? The Angel laughed and it's voice floated against the air. All the birds sang their weight to the Angeland the air filled with music.
The Angel filled with Baptism waters.
"Much Joy!
"We are very pleased."