UP. In the wake of the all the limitations that we incurred during various periods of non compliance and recognition factors associated with the importance of whether or not we remember which one of the backstreet boys... wait a minute! Your Money. Finally, Street Productions enters the paycheck!paycheck!paycheck!paycheck! with a bold statement of financial ability made by the aforementioned. Back street is really only backboys' oddly these minstrels must be women. However they always claim street street street is the one you know we are the back street this thing is supposed to make Cenex believe that they payed already. Ah, Snoop is the other culprit,gang banging is often uncomfortable when your weave is as thick as those braids!Nobody I know on the island could believe you meant anything to me doing all that. So, MY MONEY is what the agent finally said so if your spry you can go down to melrose and check it out it's a trip. How, long can it go on? Those checks are either illegal or they did it! Stay tuned. Did what? I don't know whatever you make up next.

You ever notice that people really like you when you start to kiss their ass and pretend that you really give a fuck about some insignificant thing. Soon as you tell them that, you know, this if for a sale so it's time to make that move and pick out the one that says, you know, your not some kind of bum that comes in here and tells people all kinds of personal things that really nobody gives a damn about, including your sleeping arrangements and what kind of positions you like to do it in. Cause it's not free, no, no. The value of the present situation is mercy. Beg for it and it shall be a very odd requirment that you read books that tell you what to do. Now, those coals. You people are going to trip and laugh one day. HBo what does that mean? You've got to have a television to get into it! What? Who? hold on a minute. (THE TREATMENT) Hello:? What? I see. The, yes that's correct. hold it, where did? It is not. I don't care, which one. Oh, my well glad your off work. Don't stop by, no. Don't do it. Hey, I can't. How would that be any of my business. It's. Don't Your not. What a fan. What about the store, money, interesting, however you may be involved in, Ah, listen , I' m clean so I've got to you know so , Well no not again, I see well its you know MTV MUSIC TELEVISION EXPLETIVE DELETIVE "Due to the shocking value of the truth, some of the bands that got caught will have to live as themselves from now on. We at MJJ PRODUCTIONS advise that you turn yourselves in. Seek counsel. Abstain. CRIMEDOESNOTPAYYJAPAN:SORRYDIDNTDOITUDIDPETA. | 