100 Years of Peace Symposium."A world without an equation 4 Peace has a recipe for disaster." Revlon & K100! Breast Cancer & Ovarian Cancer is serious please Join 100 years of Peace Symposium in supporting awareness and health information to people who have either or both! The American Medical Women's Association,www.amwa-doc.org/healthtopics/healthlist.html The American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org The National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service,www.nci.nih.gov Mother's Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer,www.mothersdaughthers.org e-mail:msdc@dmv.com | 
More maddness! 99purplepigeons@excite.com www.Controversy-Dirty Mind.com | 
Flesh for Fantasy. Eye's without faces. "Hi, this is Billy I. missing you all is definately like a White Wedding,however I'm just dancing with my self if your not there." This much nonsense is under construction. | 