52. Jokers Wild! Pair of Jacks. The intensity picks up while negotiations with Hotwheels, Ferrari, GMC,Acura continue,also plans for a strech lexis. All cars will be photographed and placed on the back of playing cards! Word has it that MTV will pick up the details on the car show and that Magic used by David Copperfeild will be used by the Michael Jackson. Details are still not available however we have obtained information that there are plans for construction of the Vegas Wheel in which the guitarist will be strapped inside the spinning wheel while playing guitar.No information available as of yet as to which of the members of Strawberry Org will be performing. In sports section Michael Jordan known for his sport prowess and Magic Johnson legendary nice guy have kept in touch. Magic Johnson recent reciepient of an award also recieved a black and white basketball from Michael Jackson and the Palmdale dept. Stay tuned to MTV for further updates. Thanks to Lims. Tri_Star Pictures. "I don't why they call performers stars. I saw my name on Hollywood Boulevard the other day and I thought to myself, I wonder how that got there? | 

Magic is illusion, the belief, and wonder face each-other as they spar in the minds eye for a seat in the most special place in the universe. To float through the air is a simple gesture of what lies ahead, theres always more to come. The excitement builds and the house lights dim, theres just a faint hint of the circus wafting up through your nostrils. The completion is the win. The magic is the gradient! The story the box as well as the submission for the museum curator is a great challenge and I look forward to it. MiggZeroZero is exciting, bold,and vivid Sony has it all! I think that everybody ought to at least serve their country once, it's an excellent foundation for a healthy outlook on life and really makes you appreciate not only other cultures ,but God and country. I owe everything to a great hairstylist,God,my Gov, and Blackwell. I still think that a show is a wonderous thing, if it has music that wonder increases by gradients and the joy is ten fold. We all just stand in the shadow of Gods mountain, -David Copperfeild. | 

Indy 500 & the COLTS! Copperfields "I think a simple deck of cards is a masterful thing. I find it interesting that a standard playing card deck has 52, numbers are very important in a show. If you have a card deck consisting of 52 cards and you add 26 cards, 7 wildcards, what's missing. Making things vanish on stage and reappear is exciting. Showmanship is important no matter how masterful a previous performance was. These cards are very special. I must make 52 cars reappear from the backs of 89 special cars. The really interesting thing that I find about Michael Jacksons movie was that Michael was very specific about the deal. The placement of words and visuals was very important and I sensed that this Movie had alot of great effects. Michael has always been interested in Magic.The cars are really fantastic accomplishments. Michael insisted that every car be inspected and specifically notated. My job is very difficult some of these cars Nomads.My job is rare I must go back and forth from the past to the future finding these cars and making them appear on the backs of these cards.The magic is a secret. The next series of magical deals consist of placing Michael in a deep sleep nicknamed Sarcarphogus. In this state Michael will travel, my job is to find a way to get michael on to the front page of a La Times newspaper into a nebula and then a complicated journery where he will awaken in concert, be placed back into Sarcophogus and reappear in the Movie itself. This scene is very intricate and the Colts have been contacted to insure that every detail is relaxed and natural.I also will be part of something called the World President Tour and I'm very excited about that however my lips are sealed!" | 