Can't feel. Might as well say, Jeron em mo, here I go! If I could'nt close my eyes, Hear the raging seas. Feel the cool winds. Listen to trees. Can't feel, Spoken:Not today. No reaction. To the play, or was this real? Can't feel. Need to appreciate, my existence. Feel the roar of the ocean. So long. To the world of sadness. Like some treasure I buried in the sand. How can I find the place of happiness. Where I used to be. Where I used to be. Underneath a cool breeze. Hot sun. Slackkeys alright with me. Gotta give it more time. "look out"!

Baby Face breaks his silence, to confront the absense of,in the presence that has been created by photo's. "I don't have any feelings about it, I got the explanation,I'm usually in the studio anyway, it's just a nickname.It's good to be working again,I think the fact that these last albums that they used are voice chips or sound alike, is weird. When I was in Indy it happened so fast that I was working with that nickname in a very short period of time. I worked so hard that year I still have not gotten a chance to listen to the originals. I only think of you on 2 occasions is the one that I remember fully. There is not very much really after that I did'nt do a whole lot, I got a huge amount of publicity working on the Jackson's album, it's funny how a nick name can settle things and make you look at things from a different perspective. I think that nicknames are cool when your working, it helps sometimes to give yourself a different point of view. "Things are getting pretty rough and when the rough get going that kind of thing. We found alot of problems with honest people, we did'nt know any. There's a problem with people like a Ross or some other Mega name that looks like its going to be the answer to everything. There's God and only God can be your freind. People lie, cheat, even kill for money. I was surprised that people thought that insurance accidental death, suicide, and natural causes was legal, it's not and its against constitution to have death certificates that are already made out to the cause of death matching the insurance claim. Man its like Vegas russian roulette,. Most mega names like Q are untouchable however Q always tells the truth in the end, the pressure that you recieve from a name like Ross or even Taylor is that the truth has to be told, but you know they tower and they release Big Picture statements tied in fact to the military. I think that our biggest problem is South Africa. We cannot trade a foreign mentality like that for the freedom that we have in the United States. These countries are freash from the killing feilds and they have no concept of what it is like to be free or practice laws according to the United States constitution. Our military advisorys cannot be under the thumb of the big picture. Women in the military is a concept however no matter how it sounds if a woman acts like a man all day shes still a woman. Judgement is something that takes training and skill we all have weaknesses however you have to have common sense". I think the fact that magazines like Ebony got ripped off with the fake pictures is why I joined. I saw the double the other day riding around in a black mercedes trying to match the web site. It's a violation of SAG. People in my home town can remember me but with a photo clowns like that get paid. However anybody crazy enough to try and get paid for being Baby Face pays this website and Sony so whats the difference?" Jet issue July 30, 2001 page 61 is not a picture of Babyface,although the model is sporting braids its still fake! | 