What is going on today? I mean in Los Angeles it's maddness. The place is undergoing some changes, lets face it. You know when I first started studying comedy somebody told me to be nice to the audience. Make friends with them so they don't turn on you, heckle you, call you names. Ok, I did'nt give it that much importance in my life. I used it as a sort of anti-bad mood thing. You know if you need a lift tell yourself a funny story or something like that. In order to be funny for somebody like HBO or comedy central you have to pick a topic. This topic has got to get peoples attention. How do you think all the people that were working for the President felt when he got fired? That's got to be a good job , working for a President. Can you imagine telling all your freinds, "Oh yeah, I got a good job working for the President. I can imagine that all your neighbors want to know what the Presidents really like. You, know interesting stories about the President, behind the scene type of thing. When the guy loses his job, however it must be kind of a shock to his employees. Does he call them into his office? Does he wait until they see it in the news paper? Or does he send them Peach Brandy and tell them to save those quarters the ones with the peaches on them. What kind of employement can you look forward to after you have worked for a President that gets fired? Right on the application there's a part that asks for your former employment. Its right there. What are you going to say? It must be uncomfortable. What do you wear after you have worked for the President? Do you stay in a shirt and a tie? Do you mix it up, with pants and shirt combinations? How many T-shirts and underwear do you own after working with the President? There are alot of things that have to change if you work for a guy like that don't think? How do you go out on a date? I mean most jobs are so involved that you have to talk about what you do for a living at some point unless she's really special you know she's going to ask? Questions like: Do you have a job? Do you have a credit card if so which ones, and what is your credit limit. Is this credit limit fixed and can you withdraw cash from any ATM machine. What kind of car do you drive? Do you lease your auto or do you own the vehicle or do you live in the vehicle? Where do you live? Is it in a huge mansion with hot and cold running everything? What kind of neighborhood do you live in? By this time the waiter who she has been showing alot of skirt shots to should be comming over to the table with a special menu. She, (no matter how petite she is) is hungry enough to order things only by price. She'll get you to get excited about her choices. The waiter will egg her own encourage her to order anything she wants to. What do you do. You work for the President. It's not like you can create a scandal. Its not like a very expensive meal means that there is going to be something sexual happening afterwards. Millions of women have eaten there way through college in this very same manner. So what do you do? You work for the President. The President is going to want to ask you alot of questions if you get into some kind of news story with this women. I mean what if she does not want you sexually. What if she really does want to eat? She likes you because your the kind of guy that she likes to eat with before she goes home to her boyfriend to make love. Whats wrong with that. You work for the President. Why should you care? Its a good job. Nobody else works for the President. You hear on the news that the President just got fired. The waiter is still selling her everything on the menu. Now you are thinking about her sexually. Your out of a job. The President just got fired. | 

They say that the Puritans were cranky. In fact one publication that I read claims that they were more than cranky.They also claim that they were into wearing drab colors. They described their facial expressions as dour. In spite of this manic depression, I'm sure that Puritans invented the term Bi-Polar, they managed to build and create Harvard University. They are the ones that claim to have burned witches at the stake. Well, maybe they were a little on the cranky side. I don't know what the qualifications were for being a witch at that time. Nobody really does. It seems that historically we have always been Puritans at heart. We had the trials for communism at one point in our history. That's pretty much the same thing as the Salem thing is it not? How do the American Indians feel about the whole thing? I mean heres a perfectly rational group of people who have been avoiding not evading their taxes for years. They pile into a boat and go sailing convinced the whole time that the earth is in fact flat so that they may never come back once they fall off the edge. Is this tax avoidence? They land, well almost. They sit in the boat and they make a pact, they call it the Mayflower Pact. Fancy words aside lets face it. Right then and there they agree to wipe out all living beings and take realestate. | 