He also began to notice that she was heavily armed. "It's for your protection daddy. I need that in case somebody tries to hurt you!" He remembered clearly now that she has stated that she was somebody. That did'nt seem to make a whole lot of sense. Of course she was somebody. She was his daughter and if she did'nt stop acting so strange he was going to have to do something. "I'm somebody, daddy. Somebody tries to hurt you!" The mans mind was a blur of thoughts. He felt almost as if he was on the verge of understanding. It was very much like having a word on the tip of your tounge."Ill need a police car;she said to him, it does'nt have to be a real one. It can be a real fake one. You should have one too daddy.That way you can be safe." I need to learn police procedures; she exclaimed, I'll use this drug I found in the laboratory to help me study, so I can concentrate";she lisped. Her speech seemed slurred and intentional. "What drug; he thought, are you on?" The day she obtained the information about a focusing durg that could make you repeat things endlessly over and over again remained fresh in her mind. "I don't think that I want to give you that kind of information";the chemist replied, it would not do you any good to use such a drug. If they had one like that . I was just thinking of that a minute ago and now your asking me more questions about it. What did this woman want to ask this many questions about? A drug that strong would surely turn your brains to mush after a while, and could only be used on rats in the mean time! Who in their right mind would take such a drug in an attempt to focus on what-for that long a period of time? It would be inane after a while. The Marine Corps that's what I want to focus on. The Corps! I'm a killing machine! The next thing the chemist saw was a beaker. He had no idea how much time had elapsed. "You mean this doc? This is the magic potionent, huh? I drink this I become a genuius is that it? I can rule the corps because I can become the most violent person they ever met doc. I assure you that I can never stop wanting to do damage to the other guys. In five years I'll rule the world. She laughed a hysterical laugh. "Don't you wish that you could remember where I got this beaker from. I got it from your mind where I get anything I need! That's where the real power lies, is'nt it mother dear? That's what made you so strong!" In the distant part of the room stood a woman in a deep trance. "Everybody repeat after me! Let's pick things up to speed shall we?" The rate of her ranting was incrediable, one insane request after another. It was Shakesphere. The vernacular that she wanted to use could eventually run a small city. That would be enough power to run a small city;he remembered, realizing only enough to be thrown further from the point until he listened mutely to her commands again. Dr. Katzrin realized that the man was lost in thought. "Well, I still think that we ought to have this conversation alone just the two of us. Three people is too many for such an important topic." Suddenly the door opened and a costumed girl walked in. "Hi, everybody, I'm somebody else for a while!" The man stared at his secound daughter and thought of nothing else but something else for a while. The trio walked out of Dr. Katrzins office passing through the metal detectors and the security agents until they were safely out of sight. | 

"What if the Chief comes back and starts making members out of the enemy again like he did last time?" They are in it for the money.We may have to make contact with them,- at any rate.You mean we are going back to talk to those people again? I do not think that is a good idea. I think we should report it to our government and take our chances that way.
Unchecked the situation could just grow and god only knows where it could end up then."
What if they scare the Chief again and he activates that part of his brain that goes up while everything is,- well..
"You bring up the last thing first all the time! Unfortunately, you may be right.Every Cheif has one.
A few jokes could lighten the situation.Why me?-,type thing.On the other hand, when did I vote for this I am trying to remember?
That could be the wrong time to do that!
The group turned and thought they saw the Cheif standing with a large axe in his hand.
"Roll out!" Everyone thought and stayed where they were.
The man held axe high over his head the blade glistened.
"Yikes!" The device had to be electrical however not even a soft purr could be heard of it's engine.
Teach nobody now or we will be up against our own students.
Students taught to fail!
Wrong. You cannot teach failure. In an emergency you will eventually do something wrong.
It's confusing!
It's so simple. You mean you would take what works from this meeting and look like that until you got back to the office?"
That would mean that I did this on a volunteer basis.
Yes, yes rats leaving a sinking ship-not at all! It means you will not need us at that time.
Quiet your minds all of you! Matahari barked out the last of his words. "run those of you that can run. I will stay here. I am a Marine. What to wear? What to drive. | 