Are you going to be ok? Almach looked blank, her eyes denoted a lack of ability to do anything but stare straight ahead. Almach:"I don't think that you believe me, however I came down quite a few hours ago." From around late July in Almach life until her mid life crisis Almach had been an abstract thinker. Mirach:I've never totally understood you. Its not like you have ever been clear. Now you say that you came down. I'm not the one to judge. "you don't love me, she interjected. Mirach:For the last few months you have been doing things that are a little bizare. That's not nice, you always judge me, and I only wanted to talk to you because we're family." Mirach:I realize that talking to you is an event that lasts for 17 or 18 hours at a time and goes on for weeks. During your conversation Papilio Candadensis started its flight,as a matter of fact it should be ending its journey in a few more days. Almach:Why can't you just chalk it up to space insanity? Everybody knows that I went into space alot when I was younger. Mirach:Where you live woman. Mirach looked at his shedule. I have things to do Almach. I can't go over your life and live mine we're not compatable in that way. Almach:What about my experiment? Mirach:Your not a scientist for one thing. Almach: What about my study on verbal conversation and the effect that it has on different body organs? That's an interesting study, why don't you vetr give me any credit for thinking? How do you think I should go about getting fixed of all my problems, what is the state of our present relationship.. Mirach: Halitosis, I've got to use the interior restroom, it's important. Halitosis:I'm sorry I'm not in..... | 

I can't stop it. You can! No not since you equalized the pressure in the recreation room. I can't keep the pressure in my bladder anymore. You've got a tube, use your tube use it, and stop complaining. It's worse than that. What. The hypnotist created a word association pattern in my brain.Now whenever I have to do a number one I think really hard about doing a number 2 and then I start to do it! I can't stop myself from doing both of them at the same time anymore. You've got a tube. I told you you since the pressure is equalized I can't feel any difference it's just like being on earth. Roger walked gingerly around the counter. If you could just turn off the pressure equalization unit I could return to a normal pattern. My system is doing this now and I can't travel anywhere. Palus looked ahead. We've gone to so much trouble to make everything just like earth and you come up with something like this. Why did you wait until you got way out here? I did'nt know I had to go. You'll have to ask Halitosis, the pressure is monitored through halitosis. I can't do anything Halitosis is every where reading my mail, locking doors, doing security checks bozo shit like this is not making my day any easier. Just follow the instructions. Speak into the monitor and somehow I'll get used to space again. This is Halitosis, I am of a nintey nine variety capable of a variety of functions if you have a request select the music portion. Its irregualar, however, I have been working with a few tunes that I find quite catchy. If you like music that is produced with binary foundation, you'll find that the musical scale has been reproduced to perfection. Mozart, Hemingway, and some of our new writers have been recorded for your listening pleasure, however, my music is original. I don't have a band I used the computer. I am a computer. Hurry! Whats the problem. I told you the hypnotist left me listening to the sound of voices making me have to... Use your tube! I just told you I don't have one. Use the bathroom. Its locked. Ask Halitosis. Music is one of my hobbies, I started doing it on my spare time, ah time that's an interesting subject. It ......

How old is this?
One moment.
The computer whirred and numbers flashed across an unseen screen.
This product is aproximately 300 years old.
Three hundred years old!
Give or take 100 years.
Well what would you like?
I was hungry, I wanted some fresh food.
Fresh food!
When tell me have we had any of that?
What with the condition of the water.
Did you have to say water.
Have you got any saliva in your mouth?
Yes, but the mention of it still makes me thirsty.
Well, at least the colony of people that were spitting in the food source died off.
That was a tradgedy.
Yes selective breeding.
That's the plus and minus of planned genetics.
Oh absolutely.
For instance, My breeders were concerned with the environment. They were also freaked out about the water supply.
Is that what this is all about?
Yes there is water in space.
Well of course there is.
Well that's what it's all about.
The trillions of tons of water that we have underneath the earth surface.
All polluted.
There is'nt anything really left, and the available source of food was taken in a diabolical plan by an evil mad scientist who with the use of cyrogenics wanted to live for thousands of years.
Are you serious?
So that's the reason for this mission.
I'm afraid so, to repeat it again would be repeatitive.
Man, I'm hungry don't you have anything fresh.
No I'm afraid I don't.
What about this shipment of goods. It looks like enough food to feed several civilizations.
A computerized voice came over the headsets that floated around the ears of both astronauts.
"This is Halistosis. You have been chosen to deploy and destroy a huge cargo of aerosols, contaminated food products, junk food, horse meat, cat meat, kangagroo meat, bat meat, rat meat, rancid, spoiled food, garbage, natter,
In other words fast food ."
The two astronauts looked at each-other.
Together they chimed. "Nut's, This Crazy Place." | 