Exclusive MJ interview Hottest!!! This being the first time that I have ever addressed you it only seems right that the subject be one that I believe in. I have never addressed you through JET Magazine and these and many other issues are being recalled and moneies obtained being refunded to the public by JET. My sincerist regrets for any undue publicity that OPRAH may have caused.-MJ God is famous. The King of Kings,Lord of Lords,Host of Hosts.I look to stand in the shadow of God Almighty's mountain. I think that the realization that God is alive is a fact that many people could easily accept these days. For instance, there are many occultist organizations that promise and promote thoughts that are strictly forbidden in the Bible. Why then, can people accept a philosophy or adhere to a group that goes against the teachings of the Bible? What is the literacy rate in this country? Could it be that more people can hear the spoken word of God than are able to effectively read and understand it? God is moving and very much alive. He is speaking to Nations of all nationalities and is overlooking the external visual things that prevent us as human beings from loving each-other by praising and rejoicing in the Lords Holy name. Another reason maybe a distressing lack of education in science. NASA has proven again and again that we were created with a purpose. There is an intentional schematic to the Universe. People are confused. They don't know where they fit in. They want to belong to a group and in some cases will do anything that a large group does. What does this mean? In life we follow a path. There are leaders and there are followers. We as human beings seek comfort in numbers. I think that if people can believe in alternative lifestyle organizations, take crack,rob,lie,steal,extort,then they most certainly can accept the very real fact that God is not only alive,he is moving and speaking now! We as soil have never really been given permission to view Gods resting place.The fabric of the Universe moves in a sequence of 7 and 40.Flood waters filled the earth and submerged Mount A. for an additional 25 feet. The message that God gives us with the Festival of the flatbreads,Trumpets,and so on is to rejoice and dance with song and praise for the Lord.To eat and gather in festive spirit. Finally,do we understand the sacrafice? Bible reading has always been left up to interpetation. One mans opinion against another. I believe that the derivation of the word from Aramic into Hebrew into English is very important. More people will follow the word of God. Entertainers,students,foreigners. We were once foreigners in the land of Tyre. Peace Be Unto You. CEO.Producer.Director Michael Jackson. | 