The Platinum African The monkey waited for his prompt, this sign was the one he waited for after an exhausting day of entertaining countless tourists in the midday sun. The costume the monkey was given was as usual something that was cute,(pretty face-pretty hair thought the monkey), as he grabbed another dollar form a mesmerized person. Hypnosis thought the monkey has it's moments indeed. The world would have to wait if the monkey had anything to do with it. The fact that just for a bit of fruit the days wages had almost been paid had nothing to do with it. It was the power over people hte monkey enjoyed to no end. "Dance!"That request came from somewhere in the crowd of faces;legs,arms,hands clutching bags movie-goers,patrons,movie-goers,resturant employee's,(on thier break),surfers ,weight lifting,bikini clad, sunglassed,........ - the sudden flash of green money blurred in front of the monkey, stopping his train of thought. The monkey reached up and snatched the money stepping from side to side as he retreated, with his left hand he stuffed the money into his already bluging vest pocket. His tail curled just enough so that it did not touch the ground. The monkey recieved his prompt-(it was time for another break), this one would last until the next shift,(unbeknownst to the crowd). Those that had stood around for the free show would be the ones that would miss the monkey the most he thought. He waved at them and took off his vest as he entered the box. The box stood about five feet high and had wonderful colors painted on both sides of it. Like any box found in a circus it was not much different then those that you see. There was some pinstripping done by hand in gold however other than that it was just a box. A box that you might see at any circus. Nothing special. Except for the fact that it appeared out of no-where to recieve the monkey. Maybe it had just been missed as the show the monkey put on was so engrossing that no one could be expected to remember every detail- besides the shadows of the stand above the box were so eye-catching! Oh the things one could buy! Pretty things, - so many pretty things. The monkey looked at himself in the mirrored walls of the box. Some of the reflections were true, he thought. Some way too small. Others still had no reality to them at all. "The long and the short of it; the monkey thought. This is where it becomes nothing but a dream." The monkey's fur moved in so many reflected patterns that the monkey now danced only to see the shapes and colors move. | 