Wine-O clutched the railing that formed the perimeter of the small foot bridge. He braced himself as a woman in her mid-thirties walked by. She wore a thin halter that clearly gave an ample view of her clevage.Her breasts were outlined like two bowls turned upside down, the work of a surgeon, thought WINE-O. Her hair was styled but extremely stiff, weaved perfectly strand by strand. With little highlights of streaking to add the final touch to her look. She stood poised in a pair of heavily padded jeans. A small patch on her rear end read More Junk in the Trunk! Under her arm just barely peaking out from the bend in her left arm was a small white dog. His face bore an expression reserved for Scottish Terriers. He'd been shaven except for the very bottom of each leg, and of course he bore the look of an un nutured animal. His eyes were black and expressive and they bore right into you until you could see the blue glint of light from the noon day sun swirl in each eye ball. WINE-O looked at the small inventory sheet that he had taken from the main store. Being a WINE distributor had its moments of pure hell. You've got to so careful with your mathematics. Then there's the taste of each bottle. Being owner and distributor placed WINE-O in Goblet Valleys most important business citizens newsletter. WINE-O was proud of his status in the community, he always made sure that he went out personally to check on each store. Nothing could be worse than a display that was at the wrong temperature or even worse dusty or worn labels. The woman stopped and WINE-O pressed himself against the railing holding his breath leaving a small pathway for the woman and her dog to pass. "I don't think so honey, your going to have to move out of my way, I'm not gonna to give you the wild thing up against this railing! Her eye's were heavily lined in make-up and she dropped the lipstick stained cigarette filter on to the ground. WINE-O sighed. Being a perfect gentleman he straddeled the railing and tipped his worn top hat as a gesture of submission. You may pass Ma lady, WINE-O replied. As the woman began to pass by WINE-O reached into his pocket and pulled out a small hard bisquit from Anne's Bed,Breakfast & Vino. He's such a cute little fella what's his name? WINE-O inquired as the lady passed by. His name is Ceasar, but don't feed him anything he... It was too late, WINE-O waved the hard bisquit in the air and tossed it to the Ceasar, the wind caught it and sent the bisquit back toward WINE-O, it bounced against the railing and went over the side. The small dogs eyes gleamed. With a sudden burst of energy Ceasar let out an excited yelp. The small dog flew in a white streak up into the air locking its jaws onto the bisquit, the dog the bisquit streak downward towards the blue waters below. WINE-O looked sheepishly downward. Little dogs are good swimmers, he remarked.