With false articles and look alike pictures floating around companies hope to garner your hard earned dollars. In the midst of all this confusion false reports concerning Michael Jackson loom to the surface! With a tribute show planned in New Yorks Madison Square Garden how can things get any weirder? Bow Wow Wow sings a version of ABC, while NSNC walks around back stage in look alike make up! They finally backed out of the hoax, although they stood to make some bucks if you believe everything you see these days! Enter Rodney Jerkins, this guy has a ton of things that he wants you to believe including a ficticious relationship with the King of PoP! People will believe anything these days including sightings in places like Florida. There is no album called Invinciable. With titles that look like they were borrowed from Off the Wall this hoax of an attempt hopes to claim your dollars. "There is not now, nor has there been any agreement made with Jerkins, Sony or VH1 to carry or promote anything called Invinciable,nor has there been any agreement to appear at Madison Square Garden," -Michael Jackson- So it looks like you can save your money with weirded out ticket prices like 2500 dollars you can save your hard earned dollars! Although Teddy Riley name gets alot of use these days he has not been authorized to let any information leak about the Michael Jackson album Hottest. Hottest, is the only album that Jackson is working on. Red Giant is one of the cuts that has leaked out however. JET P.O BOX 538, CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60690, MAY 30 2001 PG14, BACK PAGE INFO #714075 #4 #23 #64060- Stamped#12 <script language="javascript" src="http://video.lycos.com/myvideocenter/PasteVideoControls.asp?u=289295&m=10330065"></script> <div align="center" style="font-family:arial;font-weight:bold" name="mediaspace"> <a href="http://video.lycos.com/" target="_new"> <img src="http://video.lycos.com/images/lycos_vs329x32.gif" width="329" height="32" alt="lycos videocenter" border="0" /> </a> <br /> <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer" classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=6,4,5,715" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" WIDTH="329" HEIGHT="329"> <PARAM NAME="DisplaySize" VALUE="0" /> <PARAM NAME="AllowChangeDisplaySize" VALUE="TRUE" /> <PARAM NAME="AllowScan" VALUE="TRUE" /> <PARAM NAME="AutoRewind" VALUE="False" /> <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="0" /> <PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="1" /> <PARAM NAME="CursorType" VALUE="32516" /> <PARAM NAME="DisplayForeColor" VALUE="0" /> <PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="FALSE" /> <PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="FALSE" /> <PARAM NAME="ShowPositionControls" VALUE="TRUE" /> <PARAM NAME="TransparentAtStart" VALUE="FALSE" /> <PARAM NAME="VideoBorderColor" VALUE="10053171" /> <PARAM NAME="VideoBorderWidth" VALUE="3" /> <PARAM NAME="Volume" VALUE="0" /> <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.microsoft.com/windows95/downloads/contents/wurecommended/s_wufeatured/mediaplayer/default.asp" ShowControls="0" NAME="WMP" WIDTH="329" HEIGHT="329" DisplaySize="0" AllowChangeDisplaySize="1" AllowScan="1" AutoSize="0" AutoRewind="1" AutoStart="1" CursorType="32516" DisplayForeColor="0" ShowDisplay="0" ShowPositionControls="1" TransparentAtStart="0" VideoBorderColor="10053171" VideoBorderWidth="3" Volume="0"> </EMBED> </OBJECT> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <A HREF="javascript:setdefaultimage('speed28');onPlay(28);" OnMouseOver="replaceme('speed28');" OnMouseOut="putmeback('speed28');"><IMG SRC="http://www.videoshare.com/partner_info/common/images/28-off.gif" NAME="speed28" BORDER="0" /></A><A HREF="javascript:setdefaultimage('speed56');onPlay(56);" OnMouseOver="replaceme('speed56');" OnMouseOut="putmeback('speed56');"><IMG SRC="http://www.videoshare.com/partner_info/common/images/56-off.gif" NAME="speed56" BORDER="0" /></A><A HREF="javascript:setdefaultimage('speed300');onPlay(100);" OnMouseOver="replaceme('speed100');" OnMouseOut="putmeback('speed100');"><IMG SRC="http://www.videoshare.com/partner_info/common/images/100-off.gif" NAME="speed100" BORDER="0" /></A><A HREF="javascript:setdefaultimage('speed300');onPlay(300);" OnMouseOver="replaceme('speed300');" OnMouseOut="putmeback('speed300');"><IMG SRC="http://www.videoshare.com/partner_info/common/images/300-off.gif" NAME="speed300" BORDER="0" /></A><br /> <img name="connect" src="http://www.videoshare.com/partner_info/common/images/clickspeed.gif" /> </td> </tr> </table> </div> | 

SOS! Dear Publisher, Chairman and CEO John W Johnson, President and Cheif of Operating Officer Linda Johnson Rice, Secretary-Treasure and Director of Ebony Fashion Fair Eunice W Johnson Photo Librian Basil something or other! Stop it now before it's too late! Seek some kind of guidance-John Cougar Mellencamp. | 

My life has been threatened. I have been kidnapped. I have been accused wrongly. I have been defamed. I have been attacked with pictures like the one of page 14. This looks like where have you gone my face thing? Please only God is famous but I do have my pride. I believe that this person is Janet, however she has more faces than anybody I've ever met. Violent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many people have asked to look like some of the albums I've always had the chore of looking like my own double. It's not healthy to live in a world where you are constantly being asked to look like another version of yourself. I've asked the Colts to do a movie Spencer your out of the movie, don't ever talk to a Director that way. MTV will feature Colts. Indy 500 race suit will be computer generated onto me by Sony. The car show 52 cards featuring a different car on each card will be made available. Jokers Wild! You know I still think that her younger sister is snoop! It's hard to deal with these terriorst. Especially if the family keeps going along with them. It's Chicago as you know. Eisner did one that was so cold I wonder if I should ask Disney for make-up. In conclusion I feel that she is on the back page of this JET. JET what happened? I used to do the covers or what? The leather jacket with the metal on it is fake as well pass it on to the FBI but I'm having my time with God so don't toy with me(smile) I've been injured several times still living so it can't be that bad. It's just makeup. All charges were not real so I figure you guys owe me a JetTruck. I saw the artist and I feel that she's doing that too. I have my own life. So without sounding tragic. IN ROCK WE TRUST. Wisdom Kindness, Peace Be unto you. Parting Comment, signed The Michael Jackson The King of Pop, MIkee, how many times do you guy's change my name? I feel that this Queen in the Phillipines is next! Full PoP We have requested a recall Michael hang in there! JET reaction? The following magazines have to be refunded to the public. A picture is worth a thousand words.-Morris Day- April 9 2001 stamped #12 April 7 2001 Pg 34 640600714075 Pg 41 Pg 57 Bill Jones Pg 65 Heathrow Airport-Scarecrow done for a joke see USC for real details! PG36 Collection of Greatest Hits 071407504 Dec 18, 2000 Pg 41 Phoenix AZ Nov 20,2000 Pg41 07140754-64090 Pg18 National Headlines PG44 Celebrity Couple NAACP Image Awards Universal Ampitheater JamesSmeal/Galella ltd.See WellsFargo/SonyPictures for payment. PG 30 Generation 0 The Hard driving Joe article. This much nonsense we don't understand.How can you Michael speak? I mean you sacastically pitch all kinds of lines like these;What I really wanted was a Dad, I wanted a father to show me love,He seemed so intent-consumed with sucess,a managerial genuis-this is a laugh, Joe scribbles his liner notes against the photo is how he manages things,don't get mixed up thats the only handwriting of Joe's,Now we busted his dweeb sister Janet who unbelievable as it may seem tried to work as a body double for Presely,and later registered a company called Debbie Rowe inc. Debbie felt that Michael needed a fan who could provide PR that bilked viewers and stole camera time! Now they have never been married so what the heck is 1999 couple? Heal the Kids- This is nonsense that sounds like your doing some kind of substance abuse. Heal your creative writing. We have been waiting for it to end, however the creative writing never did! Rabbi Shumuley Boteach- We have no idea who you are. You might be a pretty fair character actor.-A.Rose- N-Sync-please phone home! It's pinkie where's your brain photo's while Michael was at USC that make us wonder if your pictures are real!The honor is high however the photo is fake! -Rod Temperton- In rock we trust. "There's no telling what they'll try next!' So comments Michael Jackson on the appalling amount of fake footage promoted by websites. There are so many stills that are not real. Pictures with jogging suits, the latest scam fired off a distress e-mail to affiliates in Austrailia. "I'm aware that they are taking photographs, I still have'nt posed for any of them as of yet. The much ballyhooed Rock my world was the only footage that I shot, and I still used an obscuring amount of makeup to create that effect." There's no connection between myself and Spears;NSYNC,PDIDDY.These artists keep taking me along for the ride. I have never appeared with any of these guys! I realize that Janet's emotional disorder creates alot of confusion, however the people around her are not guiding her at all, she just takes photo's randomly and sells them to who ever will pay for them."
BillsWorld. Madonna! | 