Welcome to another presentation of 1 step 2 Far Column. Welcome! This is 1 step 2 Far. I'm your host slightly cooked! As you well know summer is upon us. You can hear the twill of the tree's as they sing the beautiful songs that our winged freinds compose on the spot! It's lovely.For those us trapped on the mainland,we have to forgo the wonderful expanse of clean beach land.The beautiful clear sky's and the roar of the mighty waterfalls. Such is life. We can however make the best of it. Now, alot of you were wondering when was it going to happen? When was SPAM going to create another intoxicating flavor. For those of us who have experienced the localmocco we have to rejoice in the fact that Turkey has been added to the menu. Think of it! Instead of various pork parts and odds and ends.Those of us that enjoy a good bite of a fowl part now and again have something to look forward to. Summer brings about all the senses. Some people fall in love. Other's drink the summer in, never quenching their thirst for life. Amazing as it may seem. Those of us who are landlocked may be able to enjoy the summer with a simple blanket and a lunch in a basket. This is done in Europe. Think of the plaid table cloth. A few bottles of domestic wine. Some cheese! It's almost a complete picture with the twill of the birds singing in the tree's! Wait now, what's that odor? Yes, the park as beautiful as it is,is shared by other's. Mainly dog owners. Now, you might ask yourself. How can dog owners ruin our festive picnic. Our hairy little flea bitten freinds are not responsiable for their poop. That belongs expressly to the owners! They must brave the storm and pick up,scoop,wipe and cleanse. Not to ruin the picnic,however, you must be aware how long it takes for Dog poop to go away.It has a way of comming back and haunting you once you've entered your vehicle and started down the Polli. Well let's get into our summer lunch shall we? First, I would suggest a great wine,a few summer items that you must have on board are a corkscrew!Bottle opener.Next a big bucket with crushed ice! If you need to have a cooler go ahead and purchase one. Don't drive,now. Be safe.

Bills World known for it's articles with the people behind the music ask Street who's behind the SuperFreak? Bills World: Well it's been alot of poetic references for you Songs From the Street. Let's get down to the real question did you cash out? M.Street: Weirdly still waiting.I became the biggest teenager in my class when Songs From the Street was released howver I was nowhere near my classmates when it happened. I met Slick after a long winded conversation with a woman who was going under the name of Bohannon. Angela I think her name was. It was always such a hoot to be picked up by her in this stone cold white limo. It dwarfed everybody on the club scene. I remember we'd always be careful to park next to Volkswagons.She was always really cool about everything claimed to be an Executive secretary to CBS so I always felt like she was some sort of godsend. I would travel back and forth from the base to her house all the time. Then one day she starts selling jewelry. Man, she comes out of the crib with all these necklaces braided in gold and starts selling me on the idea of picking up extra cash that way. In those days life was not only a highway, but a party. We'd party back and forth from state to state. I met alot of interesting people in those days. She introduced me to Ron Glass who was the biggest star in the area I thought.Next, a motorcycle cafe racer, then finally she bragged that she could call Rick James up on the phone anytime she wanted to. I remember sitting there on the sofa after meeting the cast to TAXI and thinking why don't I ask for a job or something. I mean all these movie stars in the living room everytime I come over here,it really made me want to work for one of them doing something. Rick James to me at the time was the next level after Parliment, if you could'nt find one of Clintons records Rick's cuts had all the flavor of a funkster. In those day's I'd listen to music to see who was the influence behind whom. I remember believing this chick Angela after she introduced me to all these stars. Now I realize that stars are really in heaven, however I was so young that I think I was kind of star struck about the whole thing. I remember confideding in her that I written That Girl. For Stevie Wonder. Stevie has been a long time freind and has helped out through out my life. Bills World: Stevie Wonder?!So This Street name is that your birth name? Street: It's based on Remington Steele. I think that being on the road alot did this to me. Life is like poetry. At any rate I get alot of creative energy from using discriptive nouns to describe myself. Bills World: I see.So Racer X & the radio stints in Hawaii is that what you mean? Street: You, know that Racer X always wears a mask so I can't reveal his identity. At, any rate. Once Rick heard about the tracks with Stevie he wanted to work with me. Bills World: See you next time! | 