The 3D holograph body guard alarm unit went off and two extemely gifted "guards" sprang forth in front of the entrance to the museum. Each guard stood on a pedestal, (like the ones that you see at the Academy Awards) Each figure rotated 360* and a pulse of energy could be seen flashing against the sides of the museum walls. You could make out the face of each figure, one clearly male the other female. Each figure wore tightly fitting caps over their heads and goggles over their eye's. They were encased in a cylindrical containder that had platinum rings around the bottom and the top of the cylinder. The material was purely holographic and the "glass" which surrounded the figures shimmered with the kind of static that a television station does when it signs off for the night. This effect was intermittent and followed by clarity. There were other cylinders in the deep background which held only uniforms and costumes.The floor which covered the entire front area of the museum was made of onyx and alabaster, hand lain. The highly glossed stones reflected against two golden urns,one on each side of the room. The front door was not visible. High above hung a chandelier made of Austrian crystal trimmed in gold. It had three tiers of octogon shaped crystal. The museum curator looked the television monitors and scanned each room that was open to the public to see that everyting was just right. Being the owner-operator of a wax museum/museum of natural history/historical artifacts was quite a presitgious title. The mystery behind being the museum curator was that no one really knew what he looked like. A penchant of wealth and eccentric behavior had led the museum curator to be recognized only by various costumes. For showmanship he often wore a phantom of the opera mask which covered a great deal of his face. Or, one of the many masks that had been taken from all over the world! Pearched on a golden stand sat a black raven with hints of blue depending on how the light hit it's feathers. The bird was extremely large and well preened, it's feathers gave off a sheen! The part of the house that was not open to the public was vast indeed! Each room was modeled after some club or eatery in the United States. The living room was fashioned after some famous eatery. The walls held gold and platinum records encased in glass. The floors were made of old movie matinee posters covered with thick crystal. The walls were alive with footage from silent movies of all kinds playing endlessly against a backdrop of booths. Each room had a group of cylinders placed near the entrance to the rooms. On either side of the doorway which had no door at all there was just a large opening where two indentical golden urns stood.
Monitors were scattered throughout the room and a large screen the size of a movie theater could be seen through a pair of goggles that were laying on a table in one of the booths. The gym was complete with all the latest electronic equipment, there was a huge canopied object in the middle of the room marked THINK TANK. "Good Morning,Nevermind,the curator stated. How's everything going today?The raven streched it's large wings and opened it's beak as if it were trying to say something. The curator set the holographic guided tour on automatic and viewed the outside of the lobby through one of the monitor's. The curator headed for the elevator and pushed the button marked cafe, the walls of the elevator filled with old movie shorts and music drifted from the surround speaker system. The doors opened up and the curator stepped between two golden urns.He reached into his pocket and pulled out a device which resembled a credit card and typed out a message on the keyboard. The urns flared and two golden guards appeared one female and the other male. They were standing where the urns had been. "Good Morning M98 and M99, the curator said, how about a quick breakfast and a game of billiards?" The raven flew across the room and landed on top of the center booth. The curator looked at the computer screen embedded in the table and began to scroll through a list of breakfast items. He looked curiously at the raven and then ordered some fresh fruit for the bird as well as himself. Outside the museum and several miles away there was a storm brewing. A storm of hypnosis that only the Unfocused 1 could create. In a television studio in front of a row of monitors a group of people sat furiously typing commands into a keyboard. "How many stations do we have?"asked a vinyl suited woman, she wore a wrap around pair of glasses tinted pink. "Twenty", replied the man next to her. "Good, keep monitoring them and also keep track of how many commercials they use on an hourly basis. Once we replace the commercials with spots of our own we can show them one right after the other! Take over the console Willie we've got a lot of news disasters to report on today! Today we Rule!,chanted the group. The woman got up from the monitors and walked towards an elevator. The elevator quickly recieved her and she disappeared behind it's silver metal doors.
The elevator came to a stop at the basement floor. The doors opened and the vinly clad woman strode outward into the darkened area. Rows of cages with monitors in them;experiments going 24 hours a day. One monitor continually showed apples and oranges. Over and over again the apples were peeled the way you would an orange and the oranges were sliced the way you would an apple. this metaphor continued day and night. After weeks of wathcing this the subjects were moved to another cell where they would begin to watch muscle tissue and parts of chicken filmed until they would blend visually on screen. They spoke very little english and were form a small province just outside of Norway. The rest of the people came from Nova Scotia. The Unfocused 1 had currency printed up for the N.T.P (New Terrorist Party) and had requisitioned planes filled with people from a unknown part of Nova Scotia that primarily ate meat. What could be strange about that you might ask. Well, maybe flesh is the correct word, meat does imply osmeting that is different from human flesh! The plane stood on the runway and waited while the passengers filled the plane. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen this flight is leaving for the United States, if you can pass the following examination. Oh, I almost forgot. You can of course go anywhere that you can afford to fly today. You must however, be able to pass a small examination." The co-pilot turned towards the pilot and began speaking. "You know that we should wait until they are really hungry and start asking for food service before we start the exam." In the passenger part of the cabin a small amount of tension began to build. One man sat in a long raincoat with a baseball bat in his left hand. The rest of the people sat and conversed with themselves or looked around curiously without saying anything. The Captain came out of the cockpit and asked if anyone was hungry. "Listen, ladies and gentlemen is there anyone of you that is hungry? Please raise your hands those of you that are. One of the passengers leapt towards the pilot with a club in his hand.The pilot looked; moved back in a practiced way, and threw a balanced knife at the on rushing man. The man luched forward; implanting the knife ,slamming hard against the hilt of the blade. The man's diaphragm and viscera were peirced. The blade lodged against the aorta briefly and then severed it. The man's body twitched as it bled internally, the tissue began to swell. "Anybody eles, the co-pilot asked, hungry? We won't leave until everybody has had a chance to eat, so please be patient." Both the co-pilot and the Captain went back into the cockpit and began to wait again. Cannibalism is a primative form of surival practiced by insects and animals. Quite often in nature you will see it occur that one species will eat the dead remains of the other to survive. This small tribe in Nova Scotia was basically the same way. Somehow time had forgotten them and the advent of news did'nt reach them. Odd. It was the same way in New Zealand. The further out you went the more primitive it became. Well, this is the sort of environment that the Unfocused 1 learned to co-habitat with when she first observed this ancient ritual. It was practiced only on the dead corpulent flesh of the deceased. It is not even known if all the flesh was eaten,- or only certain parts. In the ritual one had to become deceased. Either due to lack of data or some form of time, date, and place disorientation these tribes would eventually eat the flesh of the dead. At least they were dead before the Unfocused 1 got there. It had been that long ago since she witnessed things the government reserved only for the few, the proud, the ones with common sense. It had been hundreds of hits of acid ago, liters of sodium-methane Quaalude, gallons of alcohol ago to her brain cells. If the dendrites were firing correctly across the synapses it was probably only due to hypnosis that she was able to do anything at all. She would always add herself on to what already was working and look like the most effecient part of it. The reality of it was that the project was already running correctly and did'nt need her at all. The only thing that she could ever do was something wrong eventually. Maybe she always was destined to be an insane person. It was so long ago in the secret training outpost in that unknown jungle. Countless brave souls had been there before, survived. Gone on with their lives. She, however, became the Unfocused 1. Leader and organizer of NTP, (nitwits-ten-per!) Her idea was to provide fresh food for the tribes although it was rumored that she went crazy while practicing the ritual with the tribes herself! To survive is an admirable quality, but to kill everyone and be the only one living is a homicide! | 

The 3D holograph body guard alarm unit went off again and two extemely gifted "guards" sprang forth in front of the entrance to the museum. Each guard stood on a pedestal, (like the ones that you see at the Academy Awards) Each figure rotated 360* and a pulse of energy could be seen flashing against the sides of the museum walls. You could'nt make out the face of each figure, however. Each figure was completely transparent. goggles and all!
They were encased in a cylindrical containder that had platinum rings around the bottom and the top of the cylinder. A fireworks displayed within their clear images.The material was purely holographic and the "glass" which surrounded the figures was a dazzeling night sky blue!.Huge images of the American Flag waved in the background. The other cylinders in the deep background which held only uniforms and costumes were closed, their shiney brass exterior reflected the two flashing gaurds..The hand lain floor of onyx and alabaster, of which the entire front area of the museum was made, carried the exploding colors emitted by the gaurds against the highly glossed stones. reflected against two golden urns,one on each side of the room. The front door was still not visible.Even the Austrian crystal chandelier made of trimmed in gold carried multiple images of the two guards in it's three tiers of octogon shaped crystal. The opening of the Museum had commenced!. The two flashing guards appeared in the front lobby of the Museum, providing a visual display for the incomming patrons. Electronically scanning each visitor for weopons of any sort or even worse explosive devices or detonating caps one really never knew what to expect these days!. Today the curator chose a suit of armor made entirely of gold. This suit of armor was made by the Spaniards while they were taking Gold from the Inca's. It was wrought and carried festoons of sculpted gold around the head and breast plate.
The Black Raven with hints of blue depending on how the light hit it's feathers sat his forearm. The bird was extremely large and well preened., The sheen of it's feathers reflected against the golden armor the curator wore.The vast part of the house that was not open to the public flashed on and off with a red glow in the center of each room. A ball of red light suspended in mid air provided a warm red glow which blinked on and off with an urgency! Each room which was modeled after some club or eatery in the United States was on alert. Even the living room which was fashioned after some famous eatery had stand by alerts flashing against it's walls. The walls still held gold and platinum records encased in glass. The floors were made of old movie matinee posters covered with thick crystal. The walls were alive with footage from news reels of all kinds playing endlessly against a backdrop of booths. Each room still had a group of cylinders placed near the entrance to the rooms. On either side of the doorway which had no door at all there was just a large opening where two indentical golden urns stood.
Monitors were scattered throughout the room and a large screen the size of a movie theater could be seen through a pair of goggles that were laying on a table in one of the booths. The gym which was complete with all the latest electronic equipment, was rotating . The huge canopied object in the middle of the room marked THINK TANK was now flashing underneath the canopy!. "Welcome everyone;exclaimed the Musuem Curator.
Nevermind, the raven, opened it's beak as if it were trying to say something then , squawked; streched it's large wings flying high up into the air.
.The Raven flew until it reached the canopied THINK TANK where it perched.
The holographic guided tour set on automatic continued to assit the patrons with questions. The curator blended in with the automatic tour and then headed for the elevator and pushed the button marked THINK TANK, the walls of the elevator filled with news reels and instead of music drifting from the surround speaker system.a automated voice repeated over and over again "System Alert'! The doors opened up and the curator stepped between two golden urns.He reached into his pocket and pulled out a device which resembled a credit card and typed out a message on the keyboard. The urns flared and two golden guards appeared one female and the other male. They were standing where the urns had been. M98 and M99, the curator said, what seems to be the problem?The raven remained perched on the canapied THINK TANK.. The curator looked at the computer screen embedded in the table and began to scroll through a list of breakfast items. He looked curiously at the raven and then ordered some fresh fruit for the bird as well as himself. Outside the museum and several miles away there was a storm brewing. A storm of hypnosis that only the Unfocused 1 could create. In a television studio in front of a row of monitors a group of people sat furiously typing commands into a keyboard. "How many stations do we have?"asked a vinyl suited woman, she wore a wrap around pair of glasses tinted pink. "Twenty", replied the man next to her. "Good, keep monitoring them and also keep track of how many commercials they use on an hourly basis. Once we replace the commercials with spots of our own we can show them one right after the other! Take over the console Willie we've got a lot of news disasters to report on today! Today we Rule!,chanted the group. The woman got up from the monitors and walked towards an elevator. The elevator quickly recieved her and she disappeared behind it's silver metal doors.

"What's the problem this time?, the musuem curator asked the computer screen as he finished chewing a brightly colored guava slice. What problems has this fair city gotten itself into?" There seemed to be nothing unusual. Crime was experiencing a wave according to the news but there was nothing specific. Last year had really started things off; with a riot, a few burning buildings, a couple of shootings a week until the media hyped the drama and it went away seemingly as fast as it appeared. Another win for N.T.P who cleverly had been handing out government issue firearms to hypnotised youth gang members. Dozens of them a day at first were let loose upon the communites with enough gear to declare war on the city. N.T.P, however, never stepped forward to collect their ten seconds so the incidents remained clouded in news media mystery. Now, almost 3 and 1/2 years later they had consoles and were actively recruiting people from distant places like Nova Scotia and New Zealand, providing them with transportation and housing and income all from the government itself! When N.T.P was not involved, people were simply turned loose into the different cities and told to mix and mingle! Strangely they had never experienced food as we know it, or at least that it what NTP would hypnotize them into believing before they got the money and transportation. They were taught the meaning of fresh food in boot camp and turned upon the homeless population to exercise their bizzare dining habits! A strange crew of tourist's sight seeing and spending!
The mountains surrounded the desert like an oasis. The building that housed Dale and the other officers was a bright steel grey that glistened in the heat of the mid-day. Within the levels of the steel grey building a different kind of tension was brewing. The actions of NTP were now being felt on a global level. Gone were the local crime waves. The hit and miss of random violence! These attacks were being felt right in the heart of the Federal and State Government. Local Television programming was interupted in place of the Glossy plastique skin tight clothing of the Unfocused 1. Commerical after commercial rained upon the citizens, while billboard after billboard towered over the city and it's denizens. Her marketing campaign was a brilliant sucess. She had indeed tied the city into little knots and had taken over the entertainment division with her own private company Wreckless Inc.
Wreckless Inc. boasted high sales volume in a hell bent for leather world! Still her early accomplishments had not gone unnoticed. Way before she got involved with entertainment she had developed a sincere interest in City Planning. Building Codes especially those that involved Federal and local City official buildings, as well as the way cities responded to National Emergencies. This gave her access to all kinds of codes and documentation usually reserved for the Fire Dept. & the Police Dept. The prison system was the last place that anybody would have expected her to gain entrance to and yet she had built one! Well, at least she was on site when the prison system incorporated it's computer system of locks and high security floors. There was nothing secure about the city since the Unfocused One took over.Oh, on the outside it looked every bit like a futuristic city with modern applications. Ah, but the sick mind of the Unfocused One developed a high pressure fiberglass molding process that made everything from bus bodies to duplicate cars. In fact the car market was begining to feel the loss as the Unfocused One continued to scoop sales of foreign luxury vehicles by sending in her replicar shipments! Every where they were parked or would just sit in lots with For Sale signs on their windsheilds.
The braking distance on them was terriable and even the buses that were made of this high pressure fiberglass could'nt stop without skidding for at least 20 feet, yet the engines continued to brag against the speedometer at over 120 miles per hour. Even the replicars did 125 no matter what brand they were stealing. Long skid marks could be seen along the streets. No accidents had occured yet, however it had'nt rained yet, and there were still a huge amount of cyclist's in the city as well as bicyclists.
The huge steel grey building that contained Dale and the other officers was no exception. It too carried the mark of technology. All computerized locking systems with communications in bit memory. All somehow, inexplicably doctored by the Unfocused 1!
"Why can't we take her *-u-c-k-i-n name out of the y a g h t-damn computer?! The operator looked cooly at the console panel and sighed;Dementia. "It seems that uh, well every time, (silence),she was present when the computer was coded and she, well-..Coffee, lots of caffeine- thank you!" The operator reached calmly for the cup of brown liquid an thought about the Irish whiskey shot but did'nt put it in the cup. Dale leaned back in the chair."How to say it?" The doors to this magnificant palace of unmentionable tea tax dollars with everyone else in the state seemingly starving to death systematically. "How so?";quipped one officer. "I have'nt completed my sentence;Dale countered. "What do you mean about sytematic death?!;bellowed another officer. "Scara sorus Erectorsorus! "The doors open all at the same time;continued Dale. All over the building at once if you get her name or something like that. "What?!"said one officer. "D. e. m. e. n. t! Pack your bags and get the he-, What's the rest of the story Dale?asked another. Are you withholding anything?:another officer shouted. Nothing a bowel movement would'nt solve. "If coffee is good for you, then this cup should solve everything in my life! I gotta go to the bathroom watch the nuts for a while. They're not doing too badly today. Eat drink for tommorow we-,. Dale suddenly turned around and sprang at his fellow officers, growling;"I'm not food!" Then he tucked and rolled out the door and waited. Dale threw an exploding cap into the room and the sound set off the alarm. Every guard from every floor donned riot gear.Dale went back into the control room and put on his riot gear, quickly. "Caffeine- that mean coffee bean! Jok-a-sorus! It's a D a l e a t h o n of unneeded wasted tax dollars and the whole damn thing seems to revolve around the Unfocused One. Call the national guard and make sure that they are invisable, with justice for all!" Dale. "What?" Dale adjusts the visor and backs out of the room slowly."Sshshh-be very qwiet, Cannibals!" The officers responded among themselves. Sleep deprivation? Dementia? Nope, Naw. uh-uh. Caffeine! Yep, it's still his ass if this is a joke- call them. Where's the book when you need it? The Raven looked over the shoulder of the holograph as if it could see it. The museum curator called into his company to tell tehm about his new book entitled How to mind your own business. It's a new book from the mind I'm writing. I want a social security stock that way I can get all my money out of the system to count if it's there at all, then I'll replace it with one share of any company stock that I own. If it works maybe the rest of the country will do the same. You can borrow against it or invest in it and watch it grow, plus,others can bid on it. If it works maybe I'll run for clas President. The idea of pulling all his money out of the system intrigued the curator. A portfolio of stocks and holdings came up on the screen. As an inventor the curator had been very fortunate in that a lot of his ideas the corporation not only used and paid him for his input but left one for him to use which he kept most of them at his home. There seemed to be a pattern to the crime wave in the city and the curator typed in questions asking for a total in increment of months,days,years,- what-ever to establish any connection between the Unfocused Ones arrival and her time in the city. Also he asked the question,"Was there any place else that she had been before then ? What were the statistics on the crime while she was in town?
How can all this crime keep building up and nobody reports it? The interpole com line came on and Ireland, China, and Japan patched in. Looks like a lot of dirty politics. They have given jobs away to the same people. They keep changing their names. See them now. See them again later on. We had a hell of a hard time getting trade started with China because of it. They intercepted the messages an then printed articles in the newspapers that implied that there was something to fear about the trade. We are all in line for World Peace and have disarmed nuclear war when these Political people come along and start trying to sell warheads for personal gain. That's the family of the Unfocused One.She is so crazy that it's not even funny.However, it seems that her relatives are completely dishonest. They feel as though they are above the local FBI. You may have to take your chances with the CIA. They have stolen everything in the state and are involved in a mass murder investigation starting in South Africa and continuing on through Milwaukee. Now for the bad news. They have gotten involved with some rather primative cultures and have started Cannibalism! They are really pretty confused but it does not look as if they have anyone to check or regulate their authority. They have been spotted on a lot of your property. I don't know what you can do about it, however your safety is the most important thing. It's a lot of pressure, but you may have to make a decision. You can pick up your personal wealth later. Are you going to fold when they see you or continue on? The curator looked at the screen and wondered how the day had gotten so far out of hand. He typed in his response and activated the holographic bodyguards. The curator set everything on automatic and prepared for life without the creature comforts of his beloved museum. The guards flashed gold and silver until they were like moving statutes. The museum curator typed in the commands for speech and sight and the holographs came alive! "We can protect you as long as you stay inside the confines of the museum, both holograms went to the costume part of the house and donned extremely deadly outfits and assumed a martial arts pose. Each hologram went through a series of kata's. The museum curator in the middle of both of them did the same moves as they did. The last move all three let out a kiap and placed their left fists against the stone floor.
White whisps of cotton candy. The sky was clear as a bell. A complete painting, with white wisps of cotton candy. White, delicate, clean. Not a thing in the restricted airspace except a huge wooden Pinzance pirate ship,complete with aniamted;amusement park,costumed,hypnotized warriors of death. These costumes were recognizable to millions of Americans and had been in the most beloved fairy tale stories. However, they were boot-leg. Counterfiet. Look-alike. Fake 4 Reel! What an injustice visually we as Americans have been served at the hands of dishonest politicians. Politicians that allowed our precious resources to die. Politicians that allowed our sky's to be fouled by pollutants that they overlooked for stuffed envelopes of hush money. Now their dishonesty finally peaks. The cresendo of larceny and deciet! First they allowed boot-leg things to occur so that there would always be two versions of the same product or person. How unfortunate that they mislead the American taxpayer's and used government foriegn budget money in this way. Now, with absolutely no way to check the food sources for contamination! A white wash of letters A-F has been sent to all the resturants. A visual mind candy of checking the food source. How could this be the final response to such an endemic and genocidal heatlh problem? If a restaurant recieves all the letters at once what kind of joke is it? The area has been left to the Unfocused 1. A violent domino effect of things has yet to occur. How sad. When will the electric church choir sing? When will the victims of the Unfocused 1's government experiment be found? Hawaii was attacked. Then, Milwaukee. Next, Arizona. Then South Africa. Next a string of violent home invasion crimes strike the west coast! The curator realized that the inference of cannibalism lurked and peered from behind every billboard. A string of violent crimes all covered up with confusing clues that lead to the Marine Corps. Another fallacy. The Unfocused 1 left her hand dug baseball diamond clues a the scene of every crime! The Unfocused 1 levied her threat against the curator more than once telling him that the realization of his wealth would be his demise and gave him the appointed hour of his death in fudiciary increments! South Africa, were people are not allowed to walk on the grass! South Africa, where human experimentation and surgery without anesthesia is normal and meant that you are training to be a doctor! The curators life had become one of the Mafia's favorite things to speculate on since he found out that the Unfocused 1's sister had bathed in African blood! She had never been very much of a looker, although, her dark skin bore no resemblance to the pale figure that looked into the mirror. Her eye's had been done so as to resemble a cross between a Hispanic person and one of Asian decent.She had shaven herself bald and agreed to wear hair that was glued individually to her scalp. Part of her dementia, the curator found out came about when she joined the Klu Klux Klan to add realism to her personification. She accepted a plane ride to South Africa for the summer to reaffirm her racist mentality and fit in with her new "freinds." The family never balked, and thought that her acting abilities were quite entertaining. She entered the country as the "White Queen." "I must bath and refresh myself";she declared. The South African community was entertained by her requests but she made things worse when she reffered to her white complexion. "I must bath in blood to enhance the appearance of my beauty."! We have a large supply of Kafirs!, they shouted at her. "Fine, draw me a bath!" Her mind slowly left as she eased herself into a bath full of human blood! The grit from the bone meal scrapped against her artifical skin! see- White whisps of cotton candy! | 