Man things have been nothing less than groovalistic! With more burners on things have started to cook! MTV keeps things exciting of course. Our newest idea is to launch cartoons out over the airways. We want exclusive showings of course. Our request so far include non other than Speed Racer, naturally. Who can forget the Mach 5? This cartoon is a show stopper and will entertain people for years to come. It also great intermission in between videos! Of course not to be left out are Stan Lee creations Spider Man, Marvel hero's and Fireball XL, at this point its been so long that I think there is a 5 at the end of the XL but I'm not sure. Man what could be cooler than an action series starring Green Latern! Dead Man is another cool one. Hey what about the DareDevil. Mandrake the magician. It's endless. Timeless hits that reacreate nothing but enjoyment for viewers no matter what their age is. As things progress we have asked MEGA CITY ONE, THRILLMERCHANTS to keep the above on stock for our website so look forward to us carrying our personal favorites. We also have our arachnoid senors out for any SpiderMan products. We even submitted some music to the SpiderMan project under SPY-DUEX, so we're double excited. MEGA CITY ONE has a http: www.GREENHILL.NET but look for links to our page for the above in the near future! | 