The sky's were perdicted by the local weather team. They had just returned from a shopping spree followed by a hair and make-over lecture guided and presented by JavelieleeX the most promo orietated hair concious media circus pro.
JavelieleeX was doing IT!
The news;weather and sports were all being dominated by JvelieleeX this semester. The screen was filled with alot of pointless camera angles that featured important news worthy events like "sheen". The pixel value had been considered over and over again with a final decision to let it happen by computer analysis. HALDALDENVISIUALrandom//>lessthanorequalto had been chosen to make the decision based on clothing hair and make up combinations. The talking version had also been selected as well. The only glitch in the system today was that Lessthanorequal to was a virus created by HALDALDENVISIUALrandom the intelligent part of the computer.
In this self inflicted program the pixels were being used in a binary game of multiple level sythetic invasion and re-evalution. No matter the jargon would never be correct and the program was designed to go against all computer programming logic.
The glitch was happening during Droan On-and-on animated meaningless glib section of footage. In these sequences hair make up and glibness was featured while no real news information was being passed over the airways. Droan always used this segment to readjust the alcohol bottle under neath his section of the news desk. For no other reason than to add humor and for the simple fact that no camera angles were available below the waist, Droan always wore nothing more than boxer shorts. Sometimes trying to opt for the unfavorable sling type when doing the Entertainment segways. HALDALDIN has switched the camera pans from their regualar positions and started filming underneath the counter. This was becoming more and more frequent. The other problem arose when Droan onandon began to worry more about the ratings.
Fridays show was more reflective of this and Droans ablib requests were not going through the normal amount of delay.
Droan onandon was requesting live unedited footage saying that the mistakes and unrehearsed version were more interesting to the viewers. Droan's other marketing technique had also started to include siting in front of a televison while the show was in progress and asking polling questions from the stuned watchers.
Droan had tried to arrange a sports bar for his polling, however his liquor tab had begun to show up in the newsrooms billing dept, the random part of the pixel had included a search function and Droan's liquor tab was the only one of the 9 Team members that was being highlighted.
In addition to these expenses Droan was being investigated for hair and makeup requests that exceeded the worthyness part, acording to RANDOM. There were the usual padded expenses Lunch Dinner Breakfast, Fitness, Hair, again with the hair although this hair was subtitled as body hair and facial hair.The overview section included a disertation on a future probe on the feasability of laser hair removal and a graphic display footnote on hair replacement.
There was a redline through the luxuary car request because
no tab existed although somehow the liquor tab had been hyper-texted to the Foreign Car Automotive section.
This discrepency lingered and then Random continued a search mode under pixel to be sarcastic. randoms self designed personality sometimes would include humorous barbs directed at Droan.
Today was such a day.
The lights in the news room were dimming again. Nobody asked for the end sequence to be filmed but HALDALDON had decided after reviewing the entertainment segments that it wanted to practice movie camera and directing formats.
In the middle of the news cast HALDALDON took a 5 secound delay and began to practice the closing lighting technique.
Droan was in mid sentence.
"How about that we had a black out". HALDALDON who had been asked unsucessfully many times to respond with human diction during Droans one- liners had fallen silent everytime. Not today.
"I wonder what it was like during the blackout of Souix Falls no more countered the 6th team member from a dimly lit space on the news counter.Fran had cleverly turned on a flash light that she had recieved ordering gadgets from her pet delight expense account section of the news room entitled reading material.She was an honorary book of the month club Golden Buddah knowledge seeker recepient.She had faxed a personalized Team member photo shot of herself and of course the makeup artist had been selected by her specifically underlining JAV in marking pen.
Most of the newsteam had acquired status. They had attained everything that the industry had held precious and they had the best seats in the house to all events clearly marked on their press passes. None of them used press passes. The nightly show provided enough visual recognition for them to get into every event without prior notice.
No body ever explained the unorthodox amount of car shipments that were being stockpiled in the warehouse section of the news station. All kinds. Convertable as well. Not one car was under $56,000.

"What's in this?" The woman opened a small jar of solvent and began to sprinkle it liberally over the entire kitchen surface area.
"What did you call me?"
"Here, eat this and die. It's covered with Arsenic."
You know I thought I could eat here after several days of fasting, but I asure you that...
"Get him something to eat,
I'll get it?
How about something to drink?
What's in it?
Pure posion. It's filled with all kind of stuff to make it look eatable.
Yeah,- nothing in here is eatable today.
Or tomorrow.
"How's your headache?"
"Let's see how many injuries do you have in total without mentioning your headache, that is."
The television drowned out most of the conversation in the house.
Change the channel will ya?
It's batty being in here trying to relax when you've got this crap on all the time.
I need to relax, -unwind.
Let's compromise.
It's not something that we need a negotiation team for is it?
I hate it when you use all those dumb ass anger management techniques on me when you could just not do it.
What does that mean?
- A negotiation is a formal and educated way of reaching an agreement.
It's just that you make such a big deal out of everything that it makes me forget details.
Besides that you really smell offensively these days.
I don't think that a little body odor is anything but natural.
God, I can smell you from here. It's like a halo and I don't like the way your eye's look either. I really think that you should not be taking anything. I mean I thought about it why do anything? Your such an unpredictable person.
I'm unpredictable?
Let's talk about it.
I don't have the patience to talk about something mindless for as long as you seem to have the ability to do.
I just think that it would be safer. You know how crazy you are.
You mean you think that I'm unstable?
Well, if there were 5 Monkey's sitting on a five seated bicycle on a hot summer day-
What month?
Anyhoo- if these 5 Monkey's stopped to get things,- refreshments, and sightsee or whatever saw an Orangatang suddenly and felt sorry that on a hot day the Oragagtang did'nt have a lift so even though they only had 5 seats they decided to give the Organgtang a ride with them.
That's just a bigger monkey so what's the difference?
Well you would be crazier to me then 6 Monkeys on a 5 seated bicycle.
Ok, lets compromise, because I can't go through an actual meeting over a television program when the channel surfer is right over...
Where is it...
It's over on the counter underneath all those papers.
Lets watch Bills World. It's the only show that I can really deal with at this time. Theres nothing else on right now anyway?
Hummm. I can't believe you think that I would'nt let you watch a show but I still want to find out whether these people are going to kill the entire population with all this bad food. I want to watch the conclusion of ROTGUT.
That's the show where nobody ever washes their hands before they touch the food?
You saw it before?
Did you see the episode where they were preparing food in the bathroom?
That episode was called Hepetitis C.
I liked the one where they trash diving and they opened a resturant with the food they found in dumpsters and then they got into trouble when they tried to get a tax deduction for it.
The one I saw was over insurance papers. That was deep. They were insuring each-other for accidents.
Turn to the channel and watch it until you get satisfied with the ending or what-ever and then turn to Bills World.
Where you going?
To mind my business and leave yours alone. Deal?
The volume went back up on the television drowning out everything even the 4 Monkeys that were jumping back and forth in front of the bay windows.
A large Orange figure loomed in the shadows holding his hands over his eye's. With his left hand he grabbed the man and pulled him into the shadows of the hallway.
You should taste Arsenic that way you'll know it if it ever is put into anything.
You must be crazy.
It's too confusing for you in here.
I'd like to see if you can figure it out.
How do you feel?
Sick, sick to my stomach.
You have ruined food for me for all time.
I don't know if your aware of it but Arsenic comes in plants as well. So there's really no way to tell.
How long its been in your stomach and in your brain.
I never eat this. I never eat anything I serve you.
I never have. I know what it is. I can't help the fact that ever once in a while your dumb enough to trust me.
I'm hypnotising you,- yet I have told you that there is poison here.So it's really just a way for me to find out if your stupid or not.
There are so many things that I forgot to tell you about my demensia. I was in the war. I still feel like it sometimes.
Why can't you be like the others?
The others?
Yes, my patrons.
Oh yeah, as if I care - I heard about your class.
How's it going?
Oh, there are so many dead people in my class.
They are cadavers,- the chemical makeup is too strong for the living and...., I've been thinking of becoming a funurary..-
Listen I feel sick, my head hurts, why do this.
Do what.
Kill me. Not Kill me.
At first you said Kill Me.
Well if you insist.
I found a large ration of food recently. Listen to me. What is floor polish but a way to do it. People it's time to eat! You got to look at it from my perspective. Here how many loaves of bread can we get going? All you do is well it is stealing but the floor is so you know dirty. So what you do is walk around outside in your shoes and then spill the loaves of bread on the floor. You coat the floor with floor polish. Now you go back inside and say Oh, my gosh it's been a disaster, we lost alot of bread. It got thrown around it's on the floor. It happens. Nothing we can say would bring back bread. Some things do happen.
I can't eat bread I'm on a diet. So you know. It's free.
Why I smoke.
Look, why throw that away. To you it's garbage but I can feed people with garbage. Any garbage you have I want it.
Listen lets say that you just fumagated. You know sprayed for roaches. Hey, let's face it the food there is garbage.
It's filled with Nicotine and all kinds of pestisides.
Hey. Taxes.
Get going with your form, I'll show you how to feed the poor!