Amulet felt a bit groggy as he sipped on a huge glass of liquid. The voice ever present guided him, directed him, instructed him. "Take a nice swallow of this warm drink, Amulet. In a little while all your troubles will be far away from you. Life is filled with a series of requests. Needs. Money can buy anything. We're so much alike you and I, I gaurantee that you just don't realize it yet! From time to time I'll need things, you know at my age things come up from time to time. Your so young and healthy it should'nt bother you at all to part with a few things. You've got two wonderful kidneys. a pair of eye's that are as sharp as a tack and lots of healthy lung tissue. All I need is a few things, from time to time. National Archives and Records Administration Web Site: |  |