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A Brief Family History
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A Brief Family History
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A stitch in time saves nine!

Amulet lay down on a narrow cot. The floor obscured with objects from the past. A chortling sound could be heard over head as a quite elderly individual continued to arrange the room with things. Lots of things. A tank to hold a snake. A ground squirrel. Things living things!

A wonderous amount of mirrors filled the rest of the room, Mirrors that obscured reality with a series of reflections.

Sample family crest; Actual size=135 pixels wide

When I was in the war I used to take lots of experimental drugs. In those days monkeys were given drugs with their food. Some of them were tested until they were ready to fly.
I volunteered to fly with the monkeys! It keeps me from sleeping these days. Its like a strong cup of coffee.
I don't mind talking to you now that I'm good and high!

I made it this far, and I'll bet you don't realize how old I am. It's safe to say that I'm quite a bit over the age of twenty one. 1921!
Life goes on for alot longer than you might imagine. Just look in the Bible and you'll see that people lived for 700 years or more!
I discovered a way to live for along time. I've experimented with a lot of drugs to keep my insides going.
Special foods, drugs you name it and I've tried it.
Now I need something from you. Something that money can't buy. Monies got to last your whole life. Lifes alot longer than people imagine.
It can go further than money can. How much money do you think it takes to live for a 1000 years!"

I may also include a map of the location of our family's origin