Thousands of pixels filled with lumunousity passed through the dark waters lit only by the light of a burning moon!
The coldness of the water reached a depth below the surface of Amulet's skin. It went into the hollow of his femur's. The base of his marrow. The center of his soul!
Gone were the frantic almost hysterical gestures and undulations from his weary limbs. The impercievable sea floor; which only so many hours or had it been days?,- was now presenting itself against his battered body like the hard wood floor of an NBA basketball championship against a rubber ball wound tight! First one side of the court, passed, rebounded, no soft net, only the hard stone like backboard of the sea floor!
His body recoiled against the sea floor his shoulders and the backs of his numb hands crashing against the stones!
Amulet resisted the temptation in the back of his mind to inhale. The sereneness of the violent tossing and battering became a rythmic dance to him. The loud thunder of the punishing force of the sea gave him serene thoughts at times. Amulet pressed his lips tightly together in an unseen grin as the urge to inhale the dark cold waters became more intense, more urgent.
Amulet's upper body tensed and then relaxed as the sensation of millions of air bubbles against his dehydrated skin were felt. Each bubble rising from an unseen depth.
Amulet could not tell light from dark; shadow from form,heat from cold. There was nothing except a dance-like motion of inoxia. All kinds of giddy thoughts entered his mind. His chest buckled again and a small gasp of air left his lungs. He breathed in through his pressed lips. To Amulets astonishment he recieved a blast of ocean mixed in with actual air from the rising bubbles!
Amulet became the fetus, the surrounding sea became the sac of fluid that surrounded him. His weary body bounced along the bottom of the floor and spun furiously in mid-ocean until it reached a cul-de-sac of calmness.
The surface of the Ocean now was a distant platform. A ceiling of madness and roaring Ocean. The above waves had gone into complete revolt. Each rising wall of sea bigger than the last! Like a mighty building towering above the city each wave crashed into the Ocean and furled flinging the sea bottom, shifting the floor sands, uprooting plant-life and sending it flying backwards at 40 or 50 Knots! Nothing remained the same as the Ocean floor rolled like a carpet shaken from both ends.
Back. Further. Deeper. Amulets mind now a thing. A vacant thing. His body a cold hollow mass floating, weaving, turning sometimes in three hundred degree rotations. Sometimes end over end.
Nothing remained except to float. Breathing was being done by exhalation. It had become an involuntary thing. The giddiness, the prompting, the insistant urging of his subconcious to laugh, joyfully and inhale, buckled his chest cavity and forced him to allow gasps of air out of his body and into the night sea!
Fear had subsided. Like silt against the slope of a muddy bank it had dissolved. Pooled now doubt at the very bottom of his feet, the numb extremities of his fingers which could readily be called phalanges by now. The bones glistened underneath his skin. It was as if they were adhering to him! Gone was the softness of his body. The bones were there angulating and planking. Their surfaces could be seen right through his skin! Each moment of submursion made his skin deflate against the prominances of his boney frame. The sides of his face caved in and sunk as his cheek bones rose to the surface!
He was transformed.
Once a being of flesh and blood that walked upright and responded to the gravitational pull of the moon against the earth, its rotation, it's axis pitted against the laws of gravity held no meaning to him.
He felt more like a fish he thought to himself than anything. His thoughts seemed louder, more direct. Talking, speech seemed like something from another life, another time.
As Amulet thought the words in his mind the sea filled with millions of shapes and billions of eyes!
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"What are you?"; a voice demanded in the center of his brain. Amulet broke the tight grip that held his knees to his chest and peered out as his arms relaxed and fell to their respective sides. They had no feeling no purpose. He was just a spectator a fetus with no seen cord attaching him to a nurturing womb. Nothing but the placenta of the distant surface of the Ocean. Not even a small boat could survive the Ocean this night without getting swamped and sent to the depths of the sea! The mutted sounds of the Ocean against Amulet's eardrum filled his eustatian tube. The sides of his neck pulsed and flexed as gills appeared on both sides of his jugulars! Everything was different now. The sound, the texture, the passage of time. Nothing filled his mind except to sit and spectate his eyes opened and closed slowly gone was the intense almost concious blinking that he did when he walked the land. "What are you!"; demanded the voice inside his head as he continued to stare outward blinking ever so slowly, surenely hanging like a fetus. Amulet contined to blink, as if blinking were a new form of communication. He still could'nt adjust to the recent changes in his appearence. The battering of the sea no doubt had rattled his brain. Jostled his spine against his menengies, shaken his great Atlas in it's hollow fenestra. 'Food'; he thought as a dark bodied form streaked by him. The beach he thought to cook, food. Amulets thoughts interfered with the words in his head as thoughts of cooking and eating became more prevalient more urgent. He again began to realize that he had two hands, two arms. "Don't do it!"; an insistant voice rang loudly in his head startling him and causing him to pull his arm towards his body. The waters frothed and churned as something large, something great and massive sent billions of air bubbles upward. The calm cul-de-sac pitched violently as the area became dense with the movement of fins. Thousands of fins of various sizes moving back and forth! "Don't do it! Shark! Shark will call. Will call shark if you eat!" What are you!Again the voice demanded to be answered. Amulet's heart raced against his pulse both ticking madly now as the fear which had gone,- grew. Like glass spiders filled with glowing moonlight thousands of transparent crabs appeared waving their tenticals in curiosity. They seemed fearless. Their colors were amazing! Like tubes of optic fiber lighting they shimmered in purples and greens. They glowed in violet, they blushed in hues of blue! Back and forth they scampered their many projectile legs moving them up the cusp of the now visable sea trench.
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