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There are things that I gotta know. I have to know whether you truly love me. Not just for my money but for me!
Look deeply into my eye's! For a brief moment only the sound of her voice ticked off in her eardrum. It spoke in that familar way.
"We're family! We should do everything together. Walk together. Talk at the same time. Think at the same time.
The respirator hissed softly. No movement in either foot could be noticed.
The voice continued. It's such a nice day. A day you'd enjoy. Why don't you get up and go for a walk?
The sleep stayed. Deeper and deeper with every breath it spirialed. Falling, tumbling like a well oiled lock.
"Why did you fall into such a deep sleep. Your so wealthy. Why would you deny me anything. I think it's your desire to see me doing well. It's a beautiful day! It's a great day to explore things. Things you don't use, well you don't!
The hiss continued to fill the room. The nurse came into the room and looked at the patient chart.
Times up.

If you truly love some one you'll do anything for them.
Is it really in your best interest to do so?
Love should be unconditional it it's true love.
There should be no requirements, no strings.
When we make demands and conditions on love we test the fates and spit into the wind.

Flesh of my Flesh

"If you truly love me you should allow me to enter.

I need to enter your mind. We must think on a linear plane.

Your thoughts, will be heard by me. I've enstalled a device.

The shadowed figure obscured by dim lighting continued to speak."

Flashes of bright colors passed.....